Dr Pastor Paul Enenche

  1. Sensitivity to Divine Destiny Connection
    Having an understanding and a sense of destiny connection.
    Understanding that God does not bring people together by chance or for fun.
    Ruth understood that the end of the boy is not the end of the relationship.
    There is still something designed by Heaven to come out of this relationship.
    Where this Relationship is going, we have not reached there.
    Pastors, many of you should understand that it’s not work but Destiny that brought you to Dunamis.
    There is work everywhere.
    Those who have the mentality of job can be paid off.
    Those who have the mentality of destiny can be raised up.
    This is my sister, same father and mother but she understands destiny.
    I was staying with her, mopped floor, I was corrected and did things.
    I am number 5, she is number 2.
    They make a decision and tell me first.
    That is the kind of understanding that make people.
    If people that are as close as blood and close as flesh…because the easiest person to despise a prophet are those that saw him grow up.
    My brother told me everything he needs from God is here with me, I don’t need to go to any prophet for and prayer.
    We must be more conscious of destiny.
    When you are destiny conscious, you are not easily offendable.
    All that Orpah saw was marriage while Ruth saw destiny.
    After that you never saw Orpah in the Bible but you will keep on hearing of Ruth.
    When I saw God’s Servant Bishop Oyedepo, I saw destiny.
    I speak to somebody here tonight, you shall not miss your destiny.
    Ruth saw sensitivity to divine destiny connection.
    You will not miss your divine destiny connection to business, mentor, father, marriage etc:
  2. Aggressive Diligence and Hardwork
    Ruth 2:2
    Don’t allow any problem render you useless
    Don’t let any challenge render you lazy.
    It is husband you don’t have yet, you have hands
    Step out and do something provided it is not sin or iniquity
    Naaman was hardworking and excelled until he became the head of the Syrian Army.
    I call it Impact despite setback
    If you have a setback and refuse to take a step back, that setback becomes a setup for a step up.
  3. Faith, Trust and Confidence in the God of Israel
    Psalm 34:5
    Ruth 2:12
    Rugged Faith in God, Trust.
    My mother’s chiefest Revelation.
    If you hang around with her long enough, you will hear that they that trust in God don’t know shame.
    Look at Ruth
    Ruth 2:12-13
    My Mother was on the verge of stroke one day, I saw her face change. She said ‘I told God, I can’t have a thing like this. What will people say? How will they view my walk with you?
    I had whitlow on my foot and I had been stooling through the night. After 4 times she came up and asked me-Lie down there, let me see the devil that will come up. The sickness disappeared.
    When my wife was pregnant for our second child, she was going to toilet several times in the night, I said with this tummy? . Lie down, let me see the devil that will take you there again.
    She didn’t go to toilet again for 3 days and we had to almost pray for toilet to return.
    I want us to become more rugged. Don’t apologize on behalf of God.
    Don’t be used to the scriptures that say-By his stripes we are healed.
    Some of us, friends, community, loved ones thought we ran mad when we went very far with God. I like you to hold God more ruggedly. I’m here to announce to you-You will not be ashamed.
  4. Character of Love and kindness
    Different from the loyalty and friendship
    Ruth 3:10,
    You are love personified.
    Ruth 4:15
    Women to Naomi…
    Ruth lost 2 sons and a husband and God gave her a daughter in law equal to 7 sons.
    Don’t let your femininity affect your productivity, impactability.
    Please walk in Love.
    My wife asks me and I say you don’t need to ask for.
    What is the aim of husband?
    She says sometimes when I see your face…
    I said ‘let me sign a Cheque, keep it and handle it prudently, she said no need for that. Now that I have assurance.
    Let the people around you feel loved and No devil can shut your destiny!
  5. Dogged Submission to Mentoral Instruction
    How many of you have ever wondered why Ruth approached Boaz?
    Boaz did not go to Ruth.
    It was the subject of instruction.
    Ruth 3:1-3
    Dogged submission to mentoral instruction.
    When she uncovered the feet of Boaz, he said I understand what you have done.
    You can never receive instruction from anyone you suspect,
    Suspicion is the enemy of instruction.
    Maybe you are thinking your mentor stands to gain from your obedience.
  6. Integrity and Quality Character
    Ruth 3:10-11
    What do people say of you?
    Integrity is the sustainer of destiny.
    Do all that Ruth did and you will see the results of Ruth.
    There are 2 dimensions of restoration.
  7. Return of what the devil took from you.
  8. The release of what you aren’t even aware of.
    I announce to someone tonight, Restoration is your portion!
    What was the outcome of Ruth’s Dedication?
    This night is a restoration and release night.

By Matex

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