Happy Monday beloved friends,

As a minister’s wife, be sure to locate your life’s calling; Identify where you have a strong passion, special gifts, special graces and express/maximize them.

If you’re called to fully support your husband in ministry, you still have a unique call in a specific area. Seek God earnestly so you can find your unique place.

Here are 6 C’s to help on this journey:

1. Don’t COMPARE yourself to anyone. Your husband, that minister’s wife, that other individual is not you and you’re not them. Be inspired by others but if your focus on them dampens your spirit, it’s time to take your attention off them.

2. Don’t COMPETE with anyone. This stirs up jealousy. Stay in your lane and face your calling. Even if you’re doing what someone else is also doing, it’s not a competition. God will only judge you based on what He called YOU to do.

3. Don’t COMPLAIN. Complaints will steal your joy and your ability to be creative. In each season of your life (some harder than others), don’t complain. Anything you’re tempted to complain about should be turned into a point of prayer or praise.

4. Don’t be COVETOUS. Covetousness is deadly. No wonder Jesus said BEWARE… (Luke 12:15). Enjoy your level per time. Even if you can afford something, don’t be drawn by the lust of the eyes. I’ll say it forever… you cannot be truly spiritual and deeply enamored by material things at the same time.

5. Be CONTENT. This is the cure for 1-4. If you’re content, you won’t COMPARE yourself to others, you won’t COMPETE with others on the journey of life, you won’t COMPLAIN and you certainly won’t be COVETOUS. Godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Timothy 6:6

6. CELEBRATE yourself. Yes! You’re doing well. Nobody may acknowledge you, celebrate yourself. I also pray you have a husband that affirms and appreciates you. Either way, celebrate yourself, receive grace to do better and God will honor you!

Of course, this applies to ALL of us but I wanted to share this specifically for you as minister’s wife who desires to be fulfilled and effective where God has placed YOU. Wishing you God’s best! Cheers to a productive week! #kemioyedepo #ministerswife #light #wisdom

By Matex

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