• Bishop David Oyedepo at CHoP

Someone engaged at 74 and got 74 converts, saw them through to engage in Believers Foundation Class and Service Unit and everything began to work in his favour. God never lies, refuse to be a spectator in this move of the Spirit that we have here by His grace.

  • No one here shall lose the beauty of this season. No one shall forfeit his birthright for a morsel of bread.

Ask the Lord to speak to you this morning. They were all gathered early in the morning for ‘to hear Him’, Speak to me Lord this morning, in Jesus Precious name we have prayed.

Lord Jesus we thank you for confirming your Word over and over again in our midst. Another working week is here, let this week work for every one favourably.

Let destiny striking testimonies be the portion of everyone here in Jesus precious name we pray.

We serve a covenant keeping God not a Father Christmas God. We don’t belong to a beggarly kingdom, we belong to a covenant driven kingdom. If you do what He says you should do, you won’t beg Him to confirm His word. If you repent of your sin, you won’t beg him to save you.

If you are a committed giver, you won’t beg him to prosper you, He is a covenant keeping God. You go winning souls, you won’t beg him for favour, it follows you. You are a tither you won’t need to pray and fast for him to open the heaven over your life.

He is a covenant keeping God. Walk in the covenant and God is committed and once God is committed to a cause all demons surrender, all principalities bow.

Every provision of redemption is available to everyone that does the conditions attached (James 1:25). We discover from scriptures that serving God is a vital requirement for accessing the blessings of salvation. It’s not the dramatic nature of your salvation.

Even if your salvation is more dramatic than that of Saul who became Paul, it won’t matter. Salvation positions us for blessings while serving God is what releases the blessings (Exodus 23:25).

Psalm 34:10
This week we are looking at : ‘WE DON’T BEG FOR A TURNAROUND IN THE KINGDOM’ as our exhortation line.

They don’t pray for a turnaround in the kingdom, you serve your way into it. In the kingdom that we belong, we don’t beg to be blessed, you serve to be blessed.

“Thou shall serve and He shall bless thee” not thou shall pray. Most of the prayers we pray are beggarly prayers “Oh God please, Oh God please!”. Yes! We serve God on the altar of prayer but not by praying what will I eat, what will I wear.

We don’t beg to be promoted, we serve our way into promotion. Luke 19:16-20. You don’t wear a title to be promoted, you serve and you are promoted.

You don’t use experience for promotion, you use productive service. A man at 74, 74 converts and from that point his promotion came.

Stop waiting for promotion, serve your way to promotion (Psalms 75:7). God is therefore not looking for who to enslave, but who to enthrone, serving God is our way to ascending our throne.

Luke 22:25-30
Jesus is saying “I will give you a throne as you serve like I served”. We have been redeemed as kings and priests but we never taste the throne until we engage in productive service to advance the kingdom of God.

We are not redeemed to be enslaved, we are redeemed to be enthroned. Enthronement is our birthright in redemption in every place of our endeavor but it is productive stewardship in kingdom service that leads the way to our enthronement.

Everything about our advancement in this kingdom is tied to our productive stewardship.

Speak To The Week.

Decree that this week be a fruitful week for you, your job, your business, your health, your family, your children, your grandchildren and all that pertains to you.
This is a most fulfilling, most productive week as you engage on the prayer altar and reach out to your converts that they be present for the Covenant Day Of Vengeance this Sunday that the bondages of their lives may be broken.

By Matex

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