Bishop David Oyedepo

Epistle of the Month                            Office of the President | LFCW


From President, LFCW
To All Mission Stations
Subject Prophetic Focus for November 2023
Date October 31, 2023



Covenant highway greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Without any doubt, I believe every Winner must have had some unique encounter with the person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit all through the month of October. May help each one’s encounter continue to speak in our lives all through our days on earth, in the name of Jesus Christ


But what is the Holy Ghost saying for the great month of November 2023?


We recognize that every prophetic scripture is a sworn verdict – Isa. 14:24/ Isa. 55:11


In addition, every God-sent prophetic word is ordained for fulfilment – Deut. 18:25/Jer. 23:21


Every prophetic scripture is a spiritual treasure ordained to create a future for us – Mat.13:44/                         Isa.46: 9-10


Remember, God’s word is described as the “incorruptible seed”, that is, indestructible seeds                                – Luk. 8:11/15/ 1 Pet. 1:23

The Bible is also defined as the more sure word of prophecy – 2 Pet. 1:19 


When we receive and believe any prophetic word and align with what to do, we are bound to experience fulfilment of same – 2 Chr. 20:20/ Mat. 10:41


But every Word of scriptures received and believed requires praise for delivery – Isa. 34:16/ Jhn 1:12/ Luk. 1:45


This is because when we receive and believe the Word in our hearts and proceed to put it to work, the seed is sown, but Praise is the way to water the seed so as to secure our desired harvest                                Pro. 13:2/ Pro. 12:14/ Heb. 13:15


This is what makes praise a covenant platform for the continuous flow of blessings in response to our obedience of faith to the instructions of scriptures –Psa. 67:5-7/Rom. 4:17-21


For example, Abraham was said to be strong in faith, giving glory to God to see prophecies fulfilled and we understand from scriptures that every child of God is a seed of Abraham – Rom. 4:17-20/                  Gal. 3:29


But we must do the works of Abraham, to experience the blessings of Abraham – Isa. 51:1-3/ Jhn 8:39

This is why among others; we must engage in high praises as a lifestyle to continue to see prophecies fulfilled – 2 Chr. 20:22-24/ Psa. 149:1-9/ Act. 16:25-30


Furthermore, we shall be setting the stage for the greatest manifestation of divine presence till date at Shiloh 2023 through high praises among others.


Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of November 2023 is:                                       



Recommended books of the month authored by Bishop David O. Oyedepo include:


* Understanding the Power of Praise    * Wonders of praise


Remain ever blessed.

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo


Note that this Epistle is to be read today and in our services on Sunday.

By Matex

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