Covenant Day of Marital Settlement
- Marriage is a good thing, and every good thing is our entitlement in Christ, including a timely, peaceful, joyful, fruitful and a settled married life – Gen. 2:17-18/ Mat. 7:11/ Psa. 34:10
- Every child of God, that so desires, has the God-given right to be settled in marriage, because it is our God that settles people in families – Psa. 68:6/ Pro. 18:22
But to actualize our glorious Marital Destiny:
- One must be saved and remain in love with God – Jhn 3:3/ Rom. 8:28/ Jhn 14:21
- Everyone going through marital challenges should seek for light from the Word for their desired breakthrough – Isa. 60:1-3/ 2 Tim. 2:15/
- Rebellion against the covenant of marriage can keep any marriage under tension for life – Psa. 68:6/ Eph. 5:23-25.
- We must remain committed to kingdom advancement endeavours – Mat. 6:33/ Exo. 23:25-26
- We must beware of pride; it shatters marital destiny – Jam. 4:6-7/Pro. 16:18/ Psa. 68:6
- Engage the wisdom of God to secure your glorious marital destiny – Pro. 3:13-17/ Pro. 24:13-15
- We must engage the power of faith to keep the devil at bay – 1 Jhn 5:4/ Eph. 6:16/ 1 Pet. 5:8-9
Jesus is Lord!
Special Announcement
- Good News! Next Sunday October 29, 2023 shall be the 1st in the series of our Five Pre-Shiloh Encounter Services, where God shall be manifesting Himself in signs, wonders and diverse miracle as He confirms His Words in our midst. Everyone should be expectant as God is set to give every worshipper a foretaste of what is to come at Shiloh 2023.
- Shiloh 2023 Intercessory prayer guideline is available on the Church Website for download. We are required to engage this in intensive prayer in preparation for Shiloh 2023, because behind every great manifestation is the great preparation – 2 Chr. 27:4