Dance with your mantle: it is a beginning of a new phase in your life.
-40 years of your life, you will never lack access to the right way to go.
-You will never lack an experience with the strange acts and the strange works of God.
-That God who has been paving the way for this Commission these 40 years will start paving the way for you from now.
-No more wasted labour.
-No more wasted energy.
-No more wasted resources.
-In your career, in your business, over your children, over your health, over your Ministry: no more wasted labour.
Go in peace.
-Safe arrival for all travelers.
-Safe arrival for all those going to their various homes in the name of Jesus.
-Your road trip is safe.
-Your air trip is safe.
-Your trip on the water is safe.
-From now, you will hearing only good news.
-Between now and the end of the year, no week will pass without a congratulatory call to you.
-Before you recover from one, the next one will come after in the name of Jesus Christ.

For all sons and daughters of the prophet who have spent their time to be part of this feast, expect the hand of God that is backing this Commission to keep backing you where you operate.
-Revival will never wane in your Ministry.
-Growth will never cease in your Ministry.
For all the Pastors in this Commission: new fire on the altar, new grace upon your lives.
-May everyone be an example to all of us, of what he preaches.
-May God make every Minister under the sound of my voice, Ministers in house, all sons of the prophet that are connected, may God make each one of us a bona fide example of the things we preach.
“Be ye examples to the flock”: that is the hardest part of our calling. To be an example of the things we preach and of the things we represent.
-Grace to be that kind of example, receive it now in the name of Jesus.

For members of the Church, God does not reward membership, He rewards stewardship. 50 years of membership will not be equal to one month of stewardship. Membership is not rewarded in scriptures, it is stewardship.
-Grace to be not just a member but a steward of the Church where you are, receive that now in the name of Jesus.
-My God will fast forward your destiny.
If you tell them to pray: lead them how to pray.
If you tell them to win souls: lead them how to win souls.
Just be thou an example of the flock, not as being lords over them. You will God lifting and lifting.
-No member will be grounded anymore in any Church.
God does not reward membership, He rewards stewardship.
God does not reward titles or callings, He rewards stewardship. Some are celebrating their callings, but it is not showing. It is not the calling, it is stewardship.
-That grace is upon everyone’s life today.


By Matex

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