-Pastor Paul Enenche at the International Music Ministers’ Conference tagged ‘The Sound of Victory’

Day One


  1. Praying in the Spirit (Ephesians 6:18, Romans 8:26, 1 Corinthians 14:1-2).
  • I frustrate the agenda of the enemy against the life of your children, of your sons and daughters. Every satanic orchestration is hereby paralyzed in the name of Jesus.
    What is the Impact of Praying in the Spirit.
    a). Praying in the Spirit is praying the will of God effortlessly. In our understanding, we are limited to; what we know to pray about, but in the Holy Spirit, we are limitless.

You see, the Holy Spirit will cause you to pray about what you need to pray about.

Most of the times, what we think is the problem is not the problem. Most of the times, God wants you to pray about this and you are praying about that.

The will of God for Job was to pray for his friends so his life will experience a change. But Job kept on praying and talking against God about himself and nothing changed until Job prayed what he was meant to pray.

This is the advantage of the Holy Ghost; you don’t need to wait for as long as Job waited to pray in the will of God.

You can pray in the will of God now, by praying in the Holy Ghost. Am I speaking to somebody here?
b). Praying in the Spirit is praying in the realm of hidden secrets, secrets that are exposed.

Secrets that are covered get exposed at the place of praying in the Spirit. Beloveth brothers and sisters, pray abundantly in the Spirit.

Thirty minutes is too small daily, 1-hour minimum, baseline. Then you can take it from there, one and a half hours, two hours and then just pray on the go in tongues.

I told you last week that in the University days, if I was reading for six hours, it means I will pray for six hours, the same duration. You can pray on the go, you can pray as you run. That is what John G. Lake said. ‘I pray as I run, I run as I pray. Everything is prayer, prayer is everything’. Is God speaking to somebody here at all?

  1. Praying with fasting (Isaiah 58:6-8, Matthew 17:21, Isaiah 40:31)
    I am not talking about when the Church declares a fast, then you are fasting.

That is good, correct. I am talking about a regular fasting life, I am talking about a regular schedule.

You are not fasting because there is a need. You are fasting for life, you are fasting to live, you are fasting normally, just regularly as part of your life schedule and what does that do for you?

a). Praying with fasting is accessing supernatural strength and power for exploits and impacts.

There is a kind that will not answer you except you pray and except you fast.
It was a demon that they were casting out and in the process of casting out that devil, they couldn’t cast the demon out and they asked Jesus, why couldn’t we cast this demon out? He said because of your unbelieve, but this type does not leave except with prayer and fasting and what did Jesus mean; that is, if you see a devil, go and fast before you come.

Is that what He is telling them? As I saw that man yesterday, I should leave him there and say, wait for me here. Give me two days, I will return back. No, no, no.

You fasted before you came, that is, the fasting of yesterday generated the power for today. Am I communicating?

In all probability, when I saw them that day, I haven’t eaten yet, in all probability and without bragging or boasting, just like I haven’t eaten yet, I haven’t eaten breakfast yet today, oh yes. It is not for show, she (my wife) is complaining to me now, but you let me to go and eat. Yes, I left you to go and eat without eating.
That’s right.
One day, my driver said, ‘please beg daddy for us’. Mummy said, what happened? He said, this is breakfast, this is lunch, this is dinner. None has been touched and the person supplying them didn’t know all were available. If he knew, he wouldn’t have supplied the second one until the last has been handled.
He didn’t say, go and fast before you come. You came fasted. You are loaded ready. You loaded the gun before you saw the criminals.
In all your fasting, please use discretion. Once, twice, weekly schedule. Just have a schedule weekly. ‘I told her (my wife) I was going to eat around 4:00 pm today’, but when I went to eat, no appetite. I know it is time to fast when food doesn’t have taste. I know that it is time to avoid food when I am trying to almost force myself to eat. It is like prayer burden too. When you are in the midst of people and you feel abnormal, you feel like there is need to pray, so you will separate yourself and look for a quiet place to pray, that is how it is too.

There are many who forced themselves to eat to their detriments.

God was calling them into a consecretional fast because maybe, a battle was in front and He wanted them to use the fast to overcome the battle.

But they were too addicted to tradition, because tradition says 2:00 pm must be lunch. Where is written: “when thou seest food, thou must eat”?

There are some people who are pitying the food. I remembered when we had one Pastors’ love feast at Sheraton hotel sometimes ago and by the time they served us, one of our guys, he served himself, he went many times.

At the end of the day, he said; ‘so the food that we are not going to eat, what would they do to it?

We said, the food will be returned back to the kitchen. He felt very bad. He said, ‘but do we pay for all the food? Yes. He said okay, in that case, it is better they carry me from here than for them to carry the food.

He was too sentimental about the food. His attachment to the food was too much. Hallelujah!
So the fasting of today is handling the challenges of tomorrow and the fasting of yesterday is dealing with issues of today.
5b). Praying with fasting is accessing light to dissolve the force of darkness (Isaiah 58:8). Season of fasting can expose you to secrets and revelational light and insight in the Word that can help you tackle some situations.

  1. Praying in the night season (Psalm 16:7, Luke 6:12-14, Psalm 19:2).
    What does praying in the night do?
    a). Praying in the night season is praying in the season of high spiritual frequency transmission. That is the season of revelation, the season where insights abound (Isaiah 30:29-30)
    b). Praying to undo the works of darkness. The forces of darkness are very active in the night and when we stay awake at that season, we can undo them (Matthew 13:24-25, Job 38:12-13). This prayer in the night season cuts across to the early morning season, from 12 midnight – 6:00am.
  2. Praying with Sacrifice (1 Samuel 1:11, 1 Samuel 7:7-12).

By Matex

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