-Pastor Paul Enenche at Dunamis International Gospel Centre on “EXISTING IN DIVINE HEALTH”

In the book of Proverbs 15:15, all the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. Merriment provokes a chain reaction. When you decide to be happy, happy things will continue to happen.

When you sow the seed of excitement, you begin to reap the harvest of fulfillment, something good will continue to happen for the one who has decided to feel good. I am not making it up, it is scriptural and it is my life’s experience. If you decide to sing a song, you will never lack the song.

Proverbs 15;15;(TLB) “When a man is gloomy, everything seems to go wrong; when he is cheerful, everything seems right” Everything – he woke up from the house angry and he is coming out, he didn’t see that there was a stone on the ground, he hit it, hah! What is all this now? All the devils are against me.

He stood up from the ground, he is going, he didn’t see that there was a rope or a line on the road, he went and jam it. He’s like the man who has the smelling substance on his mustache or in the nose and he said the whole world is smelling.

He said let me change position, the whole world is smelling, not knowing that what is smelling is on his mustache, not the whole world. You cannot change position and change the smell until you remove the stuff from your mustache.

So when a man is gloomy, everything seems to go wrong but when a man decided to be cheerful, everything just begin to fall into place. Somebody look at you and say I like your smile, where do you work? I don’t have a work yet.

Somebody as beautiful as you? God forbid, you must have a work! Or they take it upon themselves something must change for this person’s life, you are to cheerful to be stranded.

I said something, I don’t want you to forget it; the seed of excitement will produce a continual harvest of fulfillment.

Give it a trial for the next one week and just wake up, write it somewhere, wake up excited, wake up blasting in tongues, sing in the Holy Ghost and just go ahead like that for seven days, great everybody with a smile. At the end of the seven days, come back with result. Are you hearing what I am saying here today?

Depression, at the extreme of it is a mental condition, it is insanity.
– It will never be your portion!

Agreement for depression is admission for oppression. When you agree to be depressed, you have accepted to be oppressed. Every time you agree to be depressed, you have signed to be oppressed!
– I take authority today over the spirit of depression in this assembly!

There is so much of suicide going on in our generation, in Africa, everywhere, it’s all a function of the spirit of gloominess, the spirit of heaviness, the spirit of depression; why don’t you kill yourself, why don’t you do this, why don’t you do that?

No you cannot kill yourself because you don’t have your life and when you kill yourself, eternity in hell is a guarantee.

Because you can’t take your life, you don’t have your life, you can only take what you have. You don’t have your life, you cannot take your life.

Am I speaking to somebody here at all?

– I take authority over the spirit of depression, over the spirit of suicide; every form of suicidal tendency both of anyone watching here and anyone connected online, I declare that tendency is destroyed right now in the name of Jesus!

Joy and excitement must be in place if health must be in place for three reasons.

What are the reasons?

a). Joy is a guarantee of strength and vitality (Nehemiah. 8:10b). You know that strength is the bedrock of health. Strength is a foundation for health, strength is a symptom of health. When a man is sick, he is weak. Joy is a supplier of strength (Habakkuk 3:18-19, 1Chronicles 16:27). Anywhere you find gladness especially in God’s presence, there you find strength and depression without any doubt is a major cause of weakness.

Depressed people are weak people, they sleep tired, wake up tired, lying on the bed still and wondering whether to get up out of the bed… Oh no, what am I going to see today? It’s just an oppression, you sleep tired, wake up tired.

b). Joy is the guarantee of Divine Presence. God lives in the climate of joy (Ps. 16:11). In the fullness of joy is His presence. (Psalm100:4) Joy, excitement, praise guarantee His presence (1Chrononicles 16:27). Where you see gladness, there you find God (Isaiah. 9:3, Jude 1:24).

Before His presence, there is exceeding joy and when your joy is excess, His presence is attracted. God is the Companion of the excited.

c). Joy is the guarantee of light or insight (Ps. 89:15). When people have joy, they have light (Esther 8:16). The Jews had light and gladness and joy and honour. Joy and light are together. You know in Nigeria where you have power situation, once they bring the light, the children start screaming; joy and light they go together and what is the essence of light?
When you are excited you see deeper things out of scripture; revelation flows in the climate of appreciation and celebration. Depressed people can’t see anything.

Depression is the enemy of inspiration, you can’t see light out of Scripture, you can’t even dream good dreams except nightmares. You can’t see useful divine visitation in the climate of depression and you need light because the light shines in darkness (John 1:5). Most sicknesses are works of darkness, agenda of witchcraft, hell, the devil. You just catch one light and that light terminates the darkness, all of a sudden, you jumped up and walk out on the devil. Say devil, you are a bastard liar, you can’t keep me down.

There are so many ways to flow in joy but that will be too much for this service and then the time but one major way to flow in joy is to flow in the Holy Ghost. They were filled in the Holy Ghost and began to speak in tongues (Romans 14:17). The kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Being filled in the Holy Ghost is synonymous to the exposure of joy (Ephesians 5:18-19).

The songs you here today, 99% of them came out of the climate of worshiping the Lord, worshiping in the Spirit, worshiping in understanding, 99% without exaggeration. There are people who struggle to write it down, okay what is the title of the song now, what will the song talk about, that is a realm, my own is another realm.

That climate is as effortless by His mercy like water. If I am to sit in that climate, I can get 5-10 songs a day. Words will be different, melody will be different. You know we have a lot of song that sounds like other songs, everybody is trying to sound the same melody. There are zillions of melody in heaven that have not been touched. There is permanent NEWs with God, He doesn’t run out of new things.
– I see something breaking for somebody here this morning.

2. Victory over bitterness and unforgiveness. Very, very important, anywhere bitterness and unforgiveness is allowed, health is arrested (James 5:16). Whoever offended you, forgive them, let them also forgive you so you can be heal.

3. Victory over fear, the fear of death. The fear of disease is an attractant of the same. We will deal with all that in the third service. Job said in Job 3:25 , the things I fear, which means he was afraid of the disease that came on him. He was afraid of the calamities he saw. That will never be your portion!

Lift your two hands and go ahead and appreciate Him. Honour Him, adore Him. Thank Him for His word to you this morning, life changing words, destiny molding words, history making words. Thank Him right now.

Father we give you the praise, the honour, the adoration, blessed be your name.

🎶🎼 Hallelujah for the Lord our God the Almighty reigns x2

When the Spirit of the Lord is upon my life, I will dance like David danced

I’ve got a feeling, everything is gonna be alright, b e alright, be alright, be alright, be alright. 🎶🎼

Where there is victory in the camp of God’s people, they clap, they rejoice and they leap for joy.


– I prophesy today in the name that is above every name, Jesus Christ the Resurrected Lord, every door that was closed before you, whatever has been the reason for your unhappiness, discouragement, depression, lack of excitement, by the declaration of the Word and the preaching today, that reason is eternally deleted, it is permanently deleted!

– God is giving you a visitation, a visitation today that will establish your excitement, receive it now!

– I prophesy upon you today in the name that is above every name, everyone that is a victim of every demonic bondage, demonic yoke or chain, I announce to you today, I decree upon you, the yoke is broken, the chain is broken! The near success syndromes are over! The spiritual husband is over!, the spirit wife is over, unclean spirit tormenting you in the dream, they are over forever!

– Everyone here today with a physical sickness in your body; need for healing, it is done now! That blood disease has just be cancelled!

The Scripture for this impartation service is the same as 3 John 1:2.
– I prophesy upon the documents in your hands, the material in your hands, I decree and declare; they shall prosper, they shall do well!

– Every embargo placed on your documents, on your certificate, on your proposal, on your application, every limit on your career, everything working against your visa, your marital settlement, marital destiny or the fruit of your womb. Every demonic agenda working against the welfare of your children, your healing and your health; I stand here by the apostolic and prophetic mandate of God on my life, I declare that agenda is over forever in the name of Jesus!

– The angels of host that minister on this altar are released on assignment on your behalf right now!

– I decree before 24 hours, what is in your hands will give you a testimony. Before 72 hours, more testimony. Under 7 days, multiplied testimonies!

– I speak to someone here, where they are holding your payment, holding your documents, holding your release, the systems are under pressure, they shall loose their peace, sleep and rest until what is yours enters your hand.

– I put pressure on the witchcrafts coven, the occultic realm, the water marine kingdom, where they have warehouse your resources, I release fire in those realms right now!

– What is yours is in your hands. Go forward and return with your testimony.

– Before the sun set tonight, somebody shall receive a goodnews in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and the grace to walk in joy and excitement is released upon you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost


By Matex

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