-Bishop David Oyedepo at CHoP
*Don’t ignore the truth and expect to triumph.
*You can’t be ashamed of God and want blessings from Him.

  • Even when they ‘mis-say’ it, I can’t fight them.
    *If I fight them and they shut down some of those places, then I will be praying for them to get jobs again.
    *I am having a good time having them market my sayings wrongly or rightly. It keeps a number of media places going.
    *People say, “we are stupid” but we are starting 12 new schools: Faith Academy (7), KHMS (5) this month, creating jobs for jobless people.
    *When your life is driving after impact and not money, it will impact positively on every aspect of your life including your financial life
    You cannot ignore truth and expect triumph. It is engaging with the truth that brings triumph, that believers command triumph. Thanks be to God who has caused us to triumph always in Christ Jesus and makes known by us the savour of his knowledge or the truth in every place. You triumph by tricks today; you will be trapped tomorrow. But every triumph engendered by the truth endures forever. For the Word of God lives and abides forever – 1 Peter 1:23
    Every result commanded by the truth abides forever.
    -therefore, your triumph as you keep engaging the truth to trigger the triumph, will be forever in the name of Jesus.
    Prayers: Grace to engage with the truth you unveil to me from time to time, in my private devotions, in my study of the Word, in the Word that we hear from this altar. Grace to engage with the truth as my lifestyle. Grace not to ignore the truth and despise the truth and still want to experience such triumph, deliver me from such self-deceit. Jesus engrace me to keep engaging with the truth of your Word so I can command lasting and enduring triumph in my life.
    Thank You Father, in Jesus precious name we have prayed.
    Joshua 1:8
    Destiny anchors on how much of the truth we engage with. Our enviable destiny in Christ, our glorious destiny in Christ anchors on how much we engage with the truth of His Word in our lives.
    -Somebody’s lasting triumph begins here today.
    “Lost 25 kg like a play. Lord, Your Word says the labourers are few and I am privileged to be one of the few labourers. If I am down, how can I reap the field. God said, ‘that is okay, that is the truth. Okay, be well.’ Then health surged back by trading the truth” (documented testimony).
    Ignoring the truth is like a man expecting to give birth, a man not a woman.
    One, he can’t be pregnant and he is expecting to give birth, he is announcing his EDD to his friends: You know something, my EDD is 21st November 2021.
    They say: How?
    He says: God told me.
    There are some things you are expecting that don’t line up, they are out of phase, they are out of line with the Word of God.
    God has said, “all these things that the gentiles are running after shall be added unto me.”
    On what condition? Seek ye first – Matthew 6:33. Otherwise, you are like a man announcing his EDD when you cannot be pregnant. That is why people wait unending for what cannot happen because the scriptures cannot be broken – John 10:35
    “Is any afflicted, let him pray” – He didn’t pray: I know this affliction will go. It won’t go – Matthew 7:8
    “I know my star will rise”: well if you know what to do to make it rise. What am I to do among other things? They that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever and ever – Daniel 12:3
    Not wishing to but working to, you work out your shining.
    “I know things will turn for me”: Yes, God has that plan but how do I plug in? “If they obey and serve Him…things will turn around for them” – Job 36:11
    “I am expecting my financial fortune this year because it is our year of Turnaround”: Yes. Go to the mountain, bring wood, build this house, I will take pleasure in it and I will open up your heavens. Get addicted to my Kingdom agenda with your resources from where you are. Otherwise the heaven over you will be stayed with dew and the earth from yielding her fruits. Why? Because of my house that lies in ruins and you running everyone to his own house – Haggai 1:9-13
    Don’t ignore the truth and expect to triumph.
    What must I do for my stewardship to remain profitable and that has been on since the week began. This morning, let’s look at this 3 interesting issues
  1. We Must Serve God Unashamedly for our Stewardship to be Profitable
    Mark 8:38
    Angels: stop the supply. He is ashamed of Me, I must be ashamed of him, stop it.
    Romans 1:16
    You can’t be ashamed of your source of help and still expect help.
    You can’t go to a man and say, “I am ashamed of you but if you can help me”
    Response: clear off my sight please.
    You can’t be ashamed of the God from whom you want a blessing.

You can’t access the blessing of the God of whom you are ashamed.

The great celebrity, David the King of Israel said, “I will speak also of thy testimonies before kings and will not be ashamed” – Psalm 119:46
You can’t be ashamed of the God who wants to cause your life to shine.
Some shine, it will soon be your turn.

We must serve God unashamedly for our stewardship to be profitable.
I stand on my duty post doing his bidding, how they feel is irrelevant.

I am privileged to be one of those who sustain Media industry in Nigeria because when they say what I say, people buy it, even when they ‘mis-say’ it and I can’t fight them. If I fight them and they shut down some of those places, then I will be praying for them to get jobs again.

So I am having a good time having them market my sayings wrongly or rightly. It keeps a number of media places going. And herein, I rejoice.
Serving God unashamedly:
“He is stupid” – yet you are rising.
“He is crazy” – Impact is growing.
“They are all mad people”: Thank You, we are making it. You think, we are mad, we are making it and only fools doubt proofs. We are starting 12 new schools: Faith Academy (7), KHMS (5) this month, ‘but we are very stupid.’
Many jobless people will find a job in it: “we are crazy”, but we are increasing in impact.
The way they came on us when we said, “at Covenant (University), you can’t use telephone, you can’t do this”: What do they think? Who are they? Now you know who we are now. You want new wave University development techniques, come to Covenant (University). We have it on our finger tips. Some of the things we found, they found it much later in America, they found it much later in Asia but ‘we are stupid.’

  1. We must serve God sacrificially
    There is no star without a scar and the scar of every star is sacrifice. There is nothing extra-ordinary on its own, it is man’s extra-ordinary input that makes it so. Your life and my life cannot be anything more than ordinary with our ordinary input. It will become extra-ordinary when we choose to make extra-ordinary input.
    Psalm 126
    We became the talk of the town, the Lord has done great things for us.
    He that goeth forth and weepeth but bearing precious seed: He becomes the talk of the town in result. He becomes enviable by all his mockers. By going forth, weeping though but still holding to the precious seed, still doing the things he should be doing, still investing maximally in the pursuit of God and His agenda on the earth, He will soon emerge the envy of his mockers and there is nothing more fulfilling than your mockers saying, “we now know God is with you.”
    There is nothing more gratifying than your mockers to say, “we are sorry for all that we did before. We thought you didn’t know the way, we now know the way, please forgive us.”
    I met some men years ago, it was a lot of humour. They said, “we are the brothers of Joseph that hated him but when God blessed Joseph, he remembered them, please remember us.” I didn’t know they hated me, for what I stood for, not for anything else.
    “You don’t have brain”: God loves you
    Response: Did we say he didn’t love us before.
    “Get saved”: Did we say we are lost
    They were chanting, they were making mockery around me. I kept going, trekking from place to place, “Jesus loves you” – sacrifice.
    Hebrews 13:13 – you must be able to receive those scars before your star can rise. Serving God sacrificially, going beyond the normal call for duty, burning the extra midnight oil. No star has a normal lifestyle. No star runs a normal schedule.
    You want to work with God? The harder you follow Him, the higher you fly – Psalm 63:8
    “Woe unto them that are at ease in Zion” – You have to come out of your comfort zone for your star to rise. We must be committed to serving God sacrificially to maximize the profiting of stewardship.
    Luke 12:49-50
    Jesus said, “I have come to set fire on the earth, what will I, if it be already kindled?” It is not there, that is why He came, to ignite, to set the world on fire for God.
    ”But I have a baptism to be baptized with, for that global impact mission and how am I straightened or stretched out until it be accomplished.”
    Global impact will make global demand on anybody’s life, no short cut. Let’s stop designing short cuts. Make straight paths for your feet.

There is no short cut in the Kingdom: straight path.
We are redeemed to make global impact: in us shall all the families of the earth be blessed. That is the covenant of God with God – Genesis 22:18
Every child of God, because if you are Christ’, you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise, has the gene of global impact within him but he has to be stretched out to accomplish it – Galatians 3:29

When your life is not driving after money, but after impact, it will impact positively on every aspect of your life including your financial life. You cannot serve God and mammon. People are just too dangerously driven after money.
I am among you as One that serves, yet He had no lack: That is what Jesus said.
You obey and serve Him, you spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure, not under pressure –Job 36:11
You go after God in truth and in deed, gold will come after you: it is the order.
You go after gold, you miss God and most times, it leads to the grave.
Prayers: Grace to maximize the riches of redemption in my life, I receive this morning.
I am redeemed for global impact, I am a seed of Abraham. I am redeemed to be the light of my world and the salt of the earth. I am redeemed to be a house set upon the hill that cannot be hidden.
Grace not to be caged in my comfort zone but to go all out for your instructions in my life. I receive that grace. In Jesus precious name we have prayed.

You are financially lame, so don’t wait to be carried to Church. Yes, Church carries everybody, to give everybody the same feeling of being sons and daughters of God. Make it a seed. You can carry more than yourself, double the seed for the Zone where you are coming from when you give your seed in Church.

That is how to grow. Nothing grows without engagement sir.

Nobody is crying for it, but take responsibility for it. You will be okay.
You can’t build a rural Church today but you can buy a plastic chair: get involved.
That I am buying one plastic chair as God blessed me every month, if you have up to that. Or one plastic chair every 2 months, God I want to be a part of this. That is how to serve God Sir. Not sitting down and calculating when to get a job, you can’t serve Him in truth and the doors will be closed at you.
Don’t hear anything that the truth is saying and pretend not to hear.

One can hang around the Church like that for 50 years without a change of story.
If they obey and serve Him, they shall live their days in prosperity: that is serving Him with their resources.

There is no way to prosper without serving God with your resources, there is no way Sir – Genesis 8:22

It means serving God, not just running around, serving God with your resources from where you are, at your 2 Naira transportation seed per month.

Not, “I know I must prosper.”
“Look the Lord just spoke to me, let everybody bring all that he has”: it was a team of young people. I put down all that I had, not knowing where the next food will come, yet I never prayed for the next food, yet it was announced at the Fellowship. Live.
These are not just rules, they are rules of life.
My prayer is that you and me will escape the pressure of the season, by going after God with all our hearts and all that we have. Nothing will ever be enough until you give His part. Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and give unto God what is God.
-You are going places.
Somebody is giving 10 Naira transportation seed today, he will soon own his own car.
Somebody is giving 500 (Naira) today, he will soon buy a bus for his Zone.
You serve God to rise, you don’t sit down to rise. You serve God standing and then He causes your rise.
We have 2 days: today and tomorrow in preparation for Sunday. You will not miss it, the family blessings reserved for us on Sunday, no one here will miss it.
Speak to the 2 days: For God’s unusual grace to flow down. To make the most of these 2 days ahead of you in preparation for Sunday.
Grace to serve Him acceptably with reverence and godly fear. Receive it now, thank You Jesus. Blessed be Your name. Give Him praise.

By Matex

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