*We are studying the book of Ruth, very soon your generation will study you.
*In a short while, the work of your hand shall be under studied.
*We’ve had many Architectural students from front line Universities under studying the Glory Dome structure.
*Recently someone in Music Department from one of the foremost Universities in Nigeria was given a project to understudy ‘Pastor Paul Enenche’s Music.’
*I am not a full time Music Minister. I receive the tunes from Heaven and the words flow with it.

  • Very soon, your name will be found in the list of greatness in your field.
    This night is a Restoration and Release Night. Don’t move one inch until the Grace is shared. Make up your mind not move one inch.
  1. Ruth married a mighty man of wealth called Boaz.
    From a poor woman to the wife of a mighty man of wealth.
  2. Ruth became the owner of the field she was once begging from.
    Can you imagine becoming the owner of a house where you were once a tenant, in Maitama, in Asokoro, Victoria Island, in Lekki Phase 2, Phase 1?
    -Somebody today, after this Conference, my God will shock you.
    -Where you were once a beggar, there you shall become a giver!
  3. Ruth became the master of those who once pitied her. All those servants, that Boaz said, “throw some handfuls for her, let her pick”, they became her servants.
    Hear me beloved, this may not be to everybody but it is to somebody: People you have once served will soon become your servants.
    -People you have once looked up to shall soon begin to look up to you.
  4. Ruth became the first woman to have a chapter of the Bible named after her. First out of two women: the next one is who you know her, Esther.
    Ruth entered eternal archives. Did you see where she came from: a cursed tribe that God cursed.
    A prophetic centre is prophetic.
    -There are people here, very soon they will look for you, to interview you on CNN! Amen
    -I am speaking to somebody here, very soon, in the highest quarters in the world, your name shall come up over and over!
    -We are studying the Book of Ruth now, very soon, your generation shall study you. They shall study you!
    The Music department of a University gave one of their good key students a project, one of the foremost Universities, a project. They gave him a project, Music Department of a front line University. The foremost Universities in the country; I’m sure you know Ibadan, Lagos, Ife, ABU, one of those. They said, “go and do a research on Dr Paul Enenche’s Music: the manner of writing, the lyrical contents, the melody lines.
    I don’t know how they got to know. I’m not a full time Music Minister, I’m just on my own and receive tunes from above. Then the tunes receive the flow of the words…and then they said, “go and study and research on it. Understudy it.” He is to write the musical notes and bring the research. He didn’t choose it, they gave it to him from the department.
    Many Architecture faculties in Nigerian Universities have come here to understudy this structure (Glory Dome). Not one, not two, to my knowledge. Some met me. “We are from Architecture Department”, also one of the front line University in the country.
    This is tiny, we haven’t started yet and you are here: that is what is your portion.
    -I announce to you today, in the name that is above every name, in a short time to come, the work of your hand shall be under studied.
  5. Ruth became the third woman in history to be found on the genealogy of Jesus. There were 3 women: Ruth was there. Tamar, the mother of Pharez was there and Rahab was there. Ruth was the third to be found on that line. That is a tribe that was so cursed, “they should not mix with the people of God.” Somebody from that tribe became the mother, physical of the One who made the law.
    -In the name that is above every name, Jesus Christ, the resurrected Lord, there is someone seated here, very shortly your name will be found in the list of greatness, whatever be field.
  6. Ruth finally escaped the trap of barrenness – Ruth 4:13
    The Lord gave her conception, particularly: not that she conceived, not that she became pregnant. That is, the devil was determined to have her barren. That is you married before, no child. You are married again and God gave her!
    There may be somebody here, ‘I was married before. Maybe lost husband or whatever and couldn’t have a child, what is my hope in the future?’
    Listen, your future is in the hands of God. Your history cannot define your destiny. I’ve just spoken to somebody.
    Whatever that history is, your history cannot define your destiny.
    Say after me,’ My history cannot define my destiny!!’
    The Lord gave her: against medical verdict, against every ancestral curse, against every generational curse, the Lord said, ‘the devil doesn’t want you to have it. I give you.’
    The natural processes will not make you have it: I give you.
    … This one is a specific giving.
    Do you know the meaning of that to you:
    -Anything you are struggling, you couldn’t get, you have tried by your power, you have tried with your wisdom, you have tried medical. You have tried IVF, you have tried everything. I am anointed to announce my God and your God shall Give it to you. Amen.
    -Between now and the next conference in August, next International Ministers Conference and the Anniversary in November, someone here today, what you have been struggling to get either by fasting, prayers or by intelligence, medical whatever, Jehovah shall Give it to you. Amen.
    Prayer: Stretch your two hands in front of you. “Lord, give it to me. I have tried by myself, Give It to me.”
    Whatever is that ‘IT’: whether it’s a healing or a deliverance or a miracle. Lord, I have tried, give it to me.
  7. Ruth became an Israelite by the force of choice.
    A tribe that must not mix with Israel, somebody from that tribe became an indigene by force: ‘Your people shall be my people.’ You people don’t have an option, I must become! Can anybody be more Israelite than somebody whose name is in the Book of Matthew as the great grandmother of Jesus? How many Israelites are there (in the Book of Matthew).
    How many Israelites would smell being there? For the records, no other tribe is there apart from the tribe of Judah. And in this tribe of Judah, a Moabite who became a Judahite is there.
    That is to say, there is nothing you cannot become if you align with God. Nothing is against you, if God is not against you and you are not against yourself.
    We are going to do something abnormal right now and that is the celebration of Release, the celebration of Restoration.
    “What you did for Ruth, Lord you are doing for me” – a celebration.
    How many of you are trusting God to give you something? Give Jesus a thirty seconds shout of victory.

By Matex

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