Scripture :Revelation 4: 11. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Beloved, I welcome you to another Moment of Daily Encounter with the word. Today, we seek to explore the purpose of our design.

The Bible speaking in

Matthew 19: 4. And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,

So, according to the scripture we were design a male and female. This designed also affect our body parts, hence there are aspect of our bodies refers to as private parts!

This parts reveals further that we were design as sexual being! Hence we feel attracted towards the opposite sex.

Beloved, if God created us with emotions, and created us a sexual being, there must be a purpose for it.

Why did God ever bother to create sex? To what purpose is sex for mankind?

1. It is for glorifying God (Rev.4:11): All things were created for God’s pleasure including our life and sex is part of our life. We are sexual being!So, when it is express within the bond of matrimony God is glorified and our lives give God pleasure!

2. For the purpose of creating New lives: (Gen.1:28,Mal.2:15), The ground upon which sex was design to be express is marriage(1Cor.7:2,3)! Any sexual affairs outside the bond of matrimony violates God intention. So, one of the purpose of creating sex is for procreation. God is seeking godly seed out of the union of man and woman! So for two people coming together to indulge in sex without being married negate God’s order!

Besides, if you are not prepared to carry baby why initiating the process? To those that rely on abortion, listen abortion is a sacrifice to devil and your future is gradually wasting away. And HIV is still around the corner.

3. For the purpose of intimacy (Song.1:3, 2:6, 4:5): The purpose of sex is for one flesh relationship where couples could be intimately knit together into one. It is not meant for two casual friends who are just trying to proof their love! It is not meant for homosexual or Lesbians because He that made them in the beginning made them male and female.

4. For companionship (Song,.3:1): Sex when express within the bond of matrimony is meant to give companion to the couple involved (Ecc. 4:9-11).It is this companion that has made many singles abuse their lives in a bit to get cure for their loneliness, they subjected themselves to all kinds of emotional torture in the hands of men, beloved if you can not handle your loneliness being single, marriage will not cure it 100%. There are so many married person yet lonely.

5. For pleasure (Song. 1:2):This is the aspect most people want to exploit without considering the consequences of their action.

Listen to this sir and ma, every pleasure you are trying to get outside the bond of matrimony leaves you with a covenant with whoever you are trying to have such pleasure with because sex is a medium of entering into a covenant.

That is why sex is a tool for initiation into occult! So many soul-tie are being created in the name of pleasure, some inherit the demons they never bargain for and this have called for endless deliverance in most churches.

Beloved, don’t get carried away in the euphoria of Valentine’s day celebration and violate your sexual boundaries in the name of love. Understand God’s purpose for sex and deploy it accordingly.

Today, all over the word men/women will be celebrating Valentine’s day!

A day that men set apart to honour a saint who labour and died for love! Don’t celebrate this day with sexual sin that has damaging consequences such as pains, regret, emotional injury etc.

Beloved, understand that, every acts of illegal sex leave a minus to your DESTINY. Whether married or not every acts of illicit sex is capable of bringing;

A. Sexually transmitted Demons
B. unwanted pregnancy, and of course un-prepare family life.
C. Abortion,
D. Sexually Transmitted Infection(STI),
E. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)etc.

Assignment : Check your life are you celebrating Valentine’s day/ love to violate your sexual boundaries?

Remember this: Heaven is real and hell is real. Don’t gamble with your eternal soul! Give your heart to Jesus today.

Prayer points :
– Father thank you for your word to me today, I receive grace to maintain sexual purity in a polluted world in Jesus name.

Prophetic Declaration :
– I prophesy your glory will not be exchange on the altar of temporary pleasure. You shall not be victims of sexually transmitted Demons in the name of Jesus.
– You will not be victims of rape and ritualist in the name of Jesus.

From your brother Alex
God bless you!

By Matex

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