Scripture: Galatians 5: 22. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23. Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Beloved, I welcome you to another Moment of Daily Encounter! Previously, we established that the Holy Spirit at the well dimension produces a new life and that life develops a character that is called the fruit of the Spirit.
The fruit of the Spirit is one single fruit manifesting in divers characters that are Christ- like characters. Hence, the formation of these characters define the level of maturity of a Christian.
So you can do a check of how mature you are in the light of the word of God by the kinds of fruit of the Spirit you are exhibiting per time! Please understand that your character per time glorifies God if it is Christ-like.
John 15: 8. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.
What are the Christ like characters?
1. Love 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Longsuffering(forbearance) ( check our previous edition)
5. Gentleness (kindness) and 6. Goodness (check yesterday’s meditation)
7. Faith (faithfulness) (Gal. 5;22): It means fidelity, punctuality in performing promises, conscientious carefulness in preserving what is committed to our trust in restoring back to proper owner what is not yours. Fidelity in transacting the business confided to us, neither betraying the secret of our friends nor disappointing the confidence of our employer.
Many of us are guilty in this regards, as we betray confidence imposed on us! Imagine a friend is dying and transfer his wealth and business to a partner who claims to be born again.
Then this dying friend plead with him to please take good care of his wife and children while he gave up the ghost. These same person ended up dispossessing the children of his friend’s of their father’s properties and take over all of them.
This children were thrown out of school as no one is there to pay their school fees. The wife of the late friend died out of frustration!
Meanwhile a friend made a promised and never kept to to his words. This is how many places themselves under a curse and yet they are expecting the blessing of God upon their lives.
I had some one betrayed my trust in 2016. I trusted him as a pastor who came with fabulous promises and made me go and get a loan for him, which I don’t usually do with the promise of paying back within a week! This pastor betrayed the trust imposed on him and never paid back the money.
Beloved. I have several lists of terrible experiences of believers, including men with eccliastical titles whom you will think at least they should keep their words because of their titles, yet did not!
This why the assertion that you are not truly born again until you are born again with money matters. Most believers lack financial integrity and a little trust with money they cannot account for it. This is not revealing the character of Christ.
Jesus said:
Matthew 5: 37. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
Beloved, can you see what Jesus is teaching us from the above scripture? It means if you tell the truth the first time, you will not be looking for what to say the second time. It takes a lie to cover up another lie! But say the truth and be delivered from secrets sin. Why on earth, should a believer receive goods, money etc and promise to pay back but never pay back?
This kind of character hurts deeply! Beloved if that has been your practice, the Holy Ghost is saying it is time to repent and stop it. And if you have been hurt by others, I bring you a word of healing, the Lord that heals me from every emotional injury is bringing healing to your heart right now in the name of Jesus.
Perhaps, we make a promises and never keep to our words!
We break hearts that ever tried to trust us without remorse! Infact we are so used to it that our conscience is now dead to the voice of the Holy Spirit! It is high time we repent and do away with such character that is devilish.
The Bible said:
1 Corinthians 4: 2. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
This implies that even in our services to God, we must be faithful! Faithful in soul wining, faithful prayer, faithful in giving etc.
There are those who pay their tithe once in a while and then stopped paying. If you are not faithful in your tithing how can you experience an open door financially? There are those who promised to support this vision at the beginning of the year but now, they have stopped!
Beloved, whatever capacity you are serving the Lord be faithful because you are a steward here on earth. If you are privileged to serve in another man’s business please be faithful. How faithful you are to God in managing another man’s business determine how fast your own will come;
Luke 16: 12. And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?
Remember this: Heaven is real and hell is real. The end point of every one that rejects Jesus is hell.
Prayer points;
– Father thank you for your word to me today.
– Lord I receive grace to be faithful in all I do in Jesus name.
Prophetic Declaration:
– I declare mercy for every one that has landed themselves into trouble because of unfaithfulness in the name of Jesus.
– I prophesy restoration for marriage that is almost tearing apart because of marital infidelity in Jesus’s name
Assignment : Check every area you have not been faithful and ask God for mercy now, while you trust God for grace to be faithful.
From your brother Alex
God bless you.