-Bishop David Oyedepo at CHoP

  • It is about the ‘How’ of the engagement.
  • We are to enjoy our engagement for it to speak at the end.
  • Enduring your walk with God robs you of your result.
  • Stretch out your faith, God is up to whatever He says.
    Every change of story in the Kingdom is rooted in obedience of faith.
    “We have no wine”, we are faced with shame and reproach: whatever He tells you to do, do it.
    Every change of story all through scriptures is rooted in obedience of faith. Obedience is better than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of rams (1 Samuel 15:22).
    Change of story does not answer to waiting:
    “I know it will happen”
    My response: I know it will not happen except this Book is no longer true. If you diligently hearken to My voice and observe to do what I tell you to do, I will change your story. If you won’t hearken, keep waiting. I will so change your story that I will set you on high above all nations of the earth; little by little and by little (Deuteronomy 28:1). All these blessings will come to you and overtake you, just keep hearkening diligently to what I tell you to do and keep doing it (Deuteronomy 28:2).
    Nothing changes with time, let’s not waste our life. Nothing changes with time, otherwise I would wish to be able to fly a plane, but I can be wishing like that till the end of time. Steps of action is what culminates in change of glory. Appropriate steps of action. If I am too big to go for Flying School training, then I am too old to fly.
    “I have been wishing to fly oooo, for these number of years”: you can wish till the end of time.
    You can’t wish to become a Lawyer, because you speak very fast.
    You can’t wish to become a medical doctor, except a native doctor.
    Many have been wishing change of story for long, most people for all their lives. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
    Prayers: Lord, ‘en-fire’ my walk with you with a new order of obedience of faith.
    Every testimony you have ever heard on this altar: somebody heard something, he did something with it and then God stepped in!!! somebody heard something, he did what he should do with it and then God stepped in. God is stepping into your affairs right away in the name of Jesus Christ.
    I think you already got a charge: no change answers to waiting. No change of story answers to waiting.
    “I have been waiting”: stop waiting, you might be wasting without knowing.
    Obedience demands that you keep at it to the end. For the vision is for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and though it tarries, wait for it because it shall surely come to pass, it shall not tarry (Habakkuk 2:3).
    Roberts … said, blessed memory, popular saying, “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” It always answers at the end.
    Prophetically, revival time is ordained to clear all everlasting mountains, perpetual hills off our paths, but it clears at the end. At the end it shall speak. It shall speak the loudest.
    Everyone on the go for Christ is empowered to live above the realm of hurts.
    Luke 10:17
    Everyone on the go for Christ is empowered to tread upon serpents and over all the powers of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt him.
    At the end it shall speak, though it tarries, wait for it, it shall surely come to pass, it shall not tarry (Habakkuk 2:3).
    We are not to endure, we are to enjoy our engagement for it to speak at the end.

Enduring your walk with God robs you of your result.
Although the fig tree shall not blossom, there might not be fruit in the vine, you keep rejoicing as you engage, at the end, you will find yourself in your high places (Habakkuk 3:17-19). That is what makes revival speak the loudest at the end.

Joyful engagement in spite of maybe nothing happening. You are just joyfully engaging. At the end, it does not just happen, it happens in grand style: set upon your high places, a point of reference, everything turning.

It is not just about our engagement, it is about our joyful engagement. Our engagement with joy and rejoicing that makes the difference.
Deuteronomy 28:47-48
It is not just about just engaging, but joyful engagement. Engagement with joy and rejoicing; engagement with all smiles from within you. Engagement with rejoicing in spirit like Jesus (Luke 10:21). Joy that is rooted in the heart, not joy of religious engagement, not joy of religious activity, joy that is oozing forth from inside is what empowers our engagement to speak the loudest at the end.
-Therefore, receive a fresh oil of joy this morning, receive a fresh oil of gladness this morning, receive a brand-new garment of praise this morning.
It makes all the difference. Don’t be coerced to engage, don’t be pressurized to engage. Engage with utmost delight. That is why some get results, others don’t. Some came through with outstanding striking testimonies and others don’t. It is about the ‘How’ of the engagement.
“If I do this thing willingly, I have a reward”, if it is against my will, forget it, I am just marking religious time. Spiritual stewardship demands that we do it willingly, we do it joyfully, before it will speak (1 Corinthians 9:17). We must keep doing it willingly and keep doing it joyfully, before it will speak.
1 Corinthians 9:17
-May this few days remaining be your greatest moments of encounter with God!
-May every step you take these few days remaining produce maximum results.
Thank You Jesus.
We are not waiting to see what will happen at the end, we are engaging to the end. Therefore, be careful for nothing, I have spoken to you it will happen at the end, but in everything, by prayers and supplication with thanksgiving, you make your request known unto God (Philippians 4:6).
We are not waiting to see what will happen at the end, we are engaging to the end, to make things happen. Remember we serve a God of strange works and strange acts (Isaiah 28:21-22). The people exclaimed, “we have never seen it in this fashion”, concerning Christ (Mark 2:12).
Luke 5:26 – we have seen strange things today.
3 days is too much for God to gather more than minimum twice the highest average Sunday attendance since Wonder Double Agenda began.
There was famine in the land, the place was choking and he came up and said, “this time tomorrow”, 24 hours (2 Kings 7:1).
The Minister in charge of food, even if God, stop talking nonsense, we are not religious bigots: “Even if God opens the windows of heaven, can that thing be?” (2 Kings 7:2). Nothing has left any country coming to us, you are talking this time tomorrow. Some of these prophets, they have lost their mind.
The prophet reacted, “you will see it with your eyes. This time tomorrow is this time tomorrow.”
Humorous God, you know what He did: He used ordinary noise to open the gates and He used ordinary lepers to lead the City to where the answer was. Within 24 hours, there was surplus food on the streets of Samaria.
2 Kings 7:1-2.
(2 Kings 7) verses 6-7: the noise came.
Verse 8: surplus food was discovered and it was exactly as the Prophet said.
-The God of this time tomorrow will manifest Himself this week.
-This coming Sunday, there shall be no room in the inn.
That is why it takes faith to deliver any divine task. God speaks according to what He can do. He speaks according to what He will do if we believe.
We saw this drama in Numbers (chapter) 11 verses 18 to 23. The people cried unto God, they were crying unto Moses, “if we were Egypt, we will be taking flesh now. We can’t get flesh here to eat.”
Supply food for that length of time? And Moses said, “wait a minute God. Are You sure You know the number? I have 600,000 soldiers with me, minus old men, women and children; You say: You will feed them!” (Numbers 11:21-23, 31).
He (God) said, “You will see it tomorrow.” And a wind came. The wind of the Lord.
He said, “I am the God of all flesh, there is nothing too hard for Me” (Jeremiah 32:27)
-This coming Sunday, we will see the wonder working God at work.
So, stretch out your faith, God is up to whatever He says, God is up to anything He says. Whatever God says, He creates. He is not looking for it and He is not looking for any Helper but He needs our faith.
God is up to anything He says. Put your faith on the line. Whatever God declares, only the hand of God can make happen and only your faith can make God stretch forth His hand (1 Samuel 2:9, 1 Kings 8:15).
Nobody’s hand, no hand of people joined together can deliver God’s agenda except the hand of God
Who has believed our report? Then he is qualified to see the hand of God (Isaiah 53:1)
-This coming Sunday, we shall see the hand of God provoked by our faith.
In conclusion: Master, he has been dead 4 days and by now he stinks (John 11:39)
John 11:40-41
At the instance of thanksgiving, 4-day dead body in the grave came out. God can use any weapon to accomplish His purpose.

Behind the happenings in this Church, from inception till now is God, so ‘Thank You Jesus for bringing us to where we are’ and ‘Thank You Jesus for taking us to where You will take us. Only You can do it.’

Then: Church – Double! Church – Go beyond Double the highest average Sunday attendance since the Wonder Double Agenda.
Say with me: I serve a God of all possibilities but it demands me obeying Him to the end for His Word to be accomplished.

Prayers: Receive grace for joyful engagement to the end. Not enduring it, but enjoying it. Fervent and joyful engagement to the end, receive it now.
SPEAK TO YOUR DAY: Lord, the few days remaining must be most productive, most fruitful in my own life, on my prayer altar, in my passionate connection with all my contacts. In my hard followership of all my converts.
Speak to the days remaining: we have Wednesday, Today; Thursday, Tomorrow; we have Friday, next Tomorrow and then Saturday. He blows the whistle on Sunday morning.
Ask God for grace, for joyful engagement, excited engagement. In Jesus precious name we have prayed.
Every call you make to your contacts this week will produce.
Everyone you say, ‘come to’, will come.
Every restless soul you invite will find rest.
Every unsaved soul that follows you to Church will be saved.
Every saved soul that is staggering and about to throw in the towel will find establishment.
It shall be a Service of signs and wonders in the name of Jesus Christ.
Give God thanks.
We are waiting on the Lord today, don’t ask for anything of your own: make demand on your desires, what you desire to see this coming Sunday. Don’t ask anything from the Lord of your own, He will add it to you for free.
Take grace from God to make the most of today’s time of waiting on the Lord.

By Matex

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