The Wisdom of God

Apostle Joshua Selman

Koinonia Abuja Sunday Service
24th of September 2023

◉ When a man accesses the wisdom of God, nothing about his life remains ordinary; there is always a signature of the hand of God upon him.

◉ The Rhema Word of God is not applicable to everyone; it comes specified for your situation.

◉ Behind every extraordinary manifestation expressed through the lives of the saints lies the mysterious wisdom of God.

◉ It takes divine wisdom to make progress and experience acceleration in your life. (James 3:17)

◉ Many people experience things dying continually in their lives as a result of the bankruptcy of God’s wisdom in their lives. (Daniel 2:19-23)

◉ When gifts are given, your assignment is to learn how to receive and use them.


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By Matex

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