-Bishop David Oyedepo at 1st Service, Faith Tabernacle

  • Open your mouth wide.
  • “You dare it, you die”: straight
  • You are the one who thinks they don’t know who Winners are.
  • It is depression that sets the stage for oppression.
  • A depressed environment creates room for the devil.
  • A joyful environment creates room for God. so make your choice.
    Let’s look quickly at 3 of these operations
    Romans 8:19-21

We are the hope they have, they are waiting for the sons of God to show up and rescue them from destruction through manifestation of the Spirit in the sons of God to provide for them a succor, a covering against the wickedness of the wicked in these last days. Remember the Bible says, “and saviours shall come up from Mount Zion” (Obadiah 1:21). It is the operation of the Spirit that turns believers into saviours on a rescue mission to a dying world.

We read 2 testimonies last Wednesday from our outreach endeavours: two souls were rescued from suicide and Jesus stepped in and gave them solutions, miracles the following week on what they would have killed themselves for. Miracle jobs landed for each of them, just as rescue agents went out on the field.

My friend, we are not in a Church growth craze, we are on a rescue mission for those who don’t have any more time to live, the devil is all out to kill them. To rescue them from the jaws of the lion.

Let’s look at 3 of these operations very briefly:


Jesus said in John 10:17-18, power to lay down the ‘un-layables’, power to be sold out for the rescue of others.
Dedication requires empowerment. To stay dedicated requires the empowerment of the Spirit.
Acts 1:8
The Holy Ghost is the Source of all powers in the Kingdom. To stay dedicated, one can be dedicated for a while and then disconnect and just begin to live a casual Christian life.

To stay on, stay dedicated, not just marking register. To stay dedicated to God and to the cause of His Kingdom for life requires empowerment. Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit and we saw traits of dedication all through (Luke 4:14). No more time to even eat (John 4:34). He just stayed on by the empowerment of the Spirit.

It takes the empowerment to stay dedicated to God and to the cause of His Kingdom on the earth.
John 12:23-26
To hate your life for His cause takes power, it takes empowerment.
We saw the parable of the Mustard seed, the tiniest of all seeds
Mark 4:30-33
Great branches, providing shelter, providing succor, when it is sown. So we cannot fully manifest our sonship without genuine dedication to God.
-Now this morning, I decree a fresh enduement with the spirit of dedication upon your life.
-Many people shall find succor under your shelter.

  1. THE SPIRIT OF BOLDNESS: The Holy Ghost is the spirit of boldness.

Acts 4:13
When the Holy Ghost came on the day of Pentecost, we saw boldness erupted in Peter. Boldness, supernatural boldness erupted in him and I can tell you what that resulted to. That is the platform for commanding signs and wonders. They abode there, speaking boldly in the Lord (Acts 14:3).
Spiritual boldness is what put believers in command of signs and wonders.
Spiritual boldness is what gives you your place in the Kingdom.

Not vegetable like spirit. The heart of a lion and that comes by the operation of the Spirit of God.
“Stand upright on thy feet” – and then he stood up (Acts 14:10)
Not bold face, not straight outside and start shaking inside: but making declarations with a fixed heart, immovable, unshakable, restfully confident. That is an operation of the Spirit of God.
-You will not lose any more ground to the enemy.
-You shall not lose any more ground to the enemy!
Psalm 81:10-14
“You know I have to respect myself. If I say it and it doesn’t happen, what happens?” We are the one who gave place to the enemy with closed mouth. No matter how anointed (you are), without boldness, you’ll lose ground to the devil.

When the Master came in Isaiah chapter 53 verses 7 and 8, He opened not His mouth.
He was sent to die for us and to surrender to that will.

But when He opened His mouth in John chapter 18, they fell back (John 18:6-7). He just opened His mouth once. You want to see your enemies subdued, open your mouth wide. The bolder you declare it, the more openly He confirms it.

Open your mouth wide!
You can see how much we have tormented the devil in this country: the Fulani herdsmen, the boko harams. Open your mouth wide.
“You dare it, you die”: straight
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it
“Okay, come here. You are a Winner, you are a danger to us.”
You are the one who thinks they don’t know who are Winners.
Open your mouth wide.
You are hearing a message and they say, “we can’t operate here anymore. Let’s go. Please allow them to go.”
In a luxurious bus, somebody was playing, armed robbers stopped them, he put the cassette on and they said, “turn it louder.” They were hearing. Who is speaking?
They said: No, just go. Carry your trouble go.
Power. You speak it boldly, He confirms it openly. All this corner, corner speaking is not the thing.
“How is your business?”
Response: Well, well, well
That is why it is well, well, well
People that call me and say, “how are you Sir?”
I say, “great.” I have never had a bad day. So I keep enjoying my life.
“How is everything going?” My God, great, unusually awesome, so it keeps answering as you declare it.
You know what came upon that young man who was playing the tape in the luxurious bus: boldness.
What is it? boldness. He told the driver, turn it louder. The driver was already sweating. Boldness!
-Receive that right now and by it, I decree your command of every unwanted issues in your life.
-As soon as they hear you, they will submit themselves to you. The strangers shall fade away from their hiding places (Psalm 18:45).
-Everything your life in one way or another, I decree that they surrender right now.

    The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Joy, the Bible calls Him the Oil of gladness, calls Him the Garment of praise.
    Isaiah 61:3
    There is no other way to operate in the realm of the joy unspeakable except by the Holy Ghost. He is the Oil of Joy, He is the garment of praise.
    Psalm 45:6-7
    He is called the Oil of gladness (Psalm 45:7). Sir, you don’t know real joy until you have the Holy Spirit actively at work in your system. Real joy.
    Somebody asked me, “Brother David, do you ever have problems?”
    I said: maybe it came. I didn’t know. You ever have problems? Maybe it came I didn’t know
    Joy unspeakable, you can’t define it with any term, with any scientific term. No.
    My wife was dying, I was jumping up and down and enjoying myself: shouting Amen, Hallelujah. Not in the public only, in the room, in my heart as I went about. Nobody had the opportunity to say, “how far Sir?” There is nothing far, everything is in order. Not even in my office.
    Did anybody have opportunity to say, “sir, what is the development?” Positive every day, every time, every night. Amen.
    I am concerned about the others than I am concerned about myself. Joy unspeakable.
    1 Peter 1:8
    Joy unspeakable, full of glory: it is the operation of the Spirit that makes it happen.
    All this frowning your face every time:
    “How is everything?”
    Response: Well, it is there.
    And he is just leaving Church! Now what happens on Wednesday if Sunday is this horrible? You are just coming from a company of a laughing people and then they say, “how are you?”…they should take your picture and post it round.
    -Well, that has ended today.
    Let me tell you what happens:
    You can never suffer the plague of depression with the Holy Ghost actively at work in you.
    You don’t even see problems in problems. You see beyond the problems to the triumph. You see the triumph at the end of the problem (Hebrews 12:2).

That is what joy does, it makes you to see ahead of the problem into the triumph. Praise God.
We didn’t just become big when our number increased, we were very big when we were very small. I was seeing it, I was seeing the greatness of Jesus, the gathering of multitudes, I was seeing people being saved, being rescued when we were still small. My wife never knew what the size of the Church was when she first came to Kaduna. But there is nothing in me that showed that the Church was this number.
“who for the joy…” – that is what joy does. It makes you see beyond the problems, beyond the challenges into the solutions.
-From now your face will never be cast down anymore.
Let me tell you this: great people are depressed. The rich are depressed. The poor are depressed, so it’s not a respecter of anybody. Kings are depressed.
There are depressed Presidents who are using depressant drugs to keep alive and they are supposed to be Number 1 in their country, but they are depressed. There are labourers in that same country who are excited every day.
Before you can be oppressed, you must first be depressed. It is depression that sets the stage for oppression, because there is nothing joyful about the devil: he finds solace in that kind of environment.
A depressed environment creates room for the devil.
A joyful environment creates room for God. so make your choice.
-I curse the plague of depression in every one’s life in the name of Jesus Christ.
Prayer: Receive those 3-fold graces upon your life; the spirit of dedication, the spirit of boldness and the spirit of joy. Catch it now, catch it quickly.
In Jesus precious name we have prayed.

By Matex

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