Scripture :Romans 16: 13. Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine.

Beloved, I welcome you to another Moment of Daily Encounter! It is well know fact that salutations is not love but a key to maintaining relationship. And today we shall be considering salutations a show of praise and appreciation

What is salutation?
According to Merriam Webster dictionary: It is the act of greetings someone!

Our anchor (Rom.16:13 reveals how Paul the Apostle demonstrated salutations to men. Infact from verse one to sixteen of Roman chapter, was a list of men and women he was saluting.

That is a good way of showing appreciation. Salutation is to salute, to paise or shower encomium on someone.

Let us briefly examine the two dimensions of salutations:

1. Salutation to mortal man: Salutations is a show of the worth and appreciation of that man to you! Many at times, this is neglected which ought not to. Salutation to a man is a show of appreciation not just greetings of hello/hi! If there’s anything I have seen that nobody reject is appreciation.

So, today do a critical check on your life, is there any one that deserves your thanks? He could be your spouse, your friends or neighbour! Show him or her appreciation by saying thank you. If there is man/woman who has assisted you in pursuing your life goals, achieving your dreams for life or supported you in one way or the other. It is time to say thank you.

Why do we need to salute mortal men?

1. They are the midwives to our breakthrough: We are aware that God use men. Yet these men that allow God to use them at one point or the other deserves our thanks. The reason is because if God says yes to your prayers and man says No, your prayers will remain in the realm of the spirit.

There are are several answered prayers that the man who is to made it happen in our world refuse. There are several answers in the realm of the spirit that is looking for a man to bring it to manifestation. That’s why we need to say thank you to those who have accepted to be the hands of God to us at any point in time.

2. It is necessary to keep the door open. If a man who helped you to open your door, then turn back and say thank you. Many have lost valuable opportunities because they failed to show appreciation to those who deserves it.

Biblical examples of those that show appreciation:

A. David:
He was so grateful for the role of Jonathan in his life that he kept on thinking of how to appreciate him even when Jonathan is no more:

2 Samuel 9: 1. And David said, Is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I may shew him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?

There are some of us, the men and women that touch our lives are still alive we could not say thank you!. Is it when they are dead we will remember them?

I know in Africa we love to contribute towards the burial of a colleague rather than give him a plate of food when he is still alive! This is wrong! God wants us to change our ways.

B. Apostle Pau(Rom.16:1-16)l: He will always thank those that supported his ministry:

Romans 16: 4. Who have for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.

This is a great lesson to those of us who are in ministry. Say thank you to all those that supported the vision of God for your life.

Husband learn to say thank you to your wife, the one who took care of your children when you are not around. Wives learn to say thank you to your husband, children say thank you to your parents especially in paying your school fees and taking care of you.

Boss say thank you to your subbordinate and vice versa! Marketers say thank you to your customers etc. By all means let’s imbibe the spirit of gratitude to all.

Remember this : Heaven is real and hell is real! If you haven’t give your heart to Jesus, please do it today.

Prayer points:

– Father thank you for your word to me today.
– Lord, I obtain grace to show appreciation to men that has helped my life in Jesus name.

Prophetic Declaration:
– I prophesy every close doors is hereby declare open for you in the name of Jesus
– This year will deliver the balance package of your blessing before it ends in the name of Jesus.

From your brother Alex
God bless you.

By Matex

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