-Bishop David Oyedepo at CHoP

– Is there any nation of the earth where Nigerian Churches are not?
* From falling asleep during Hymns in Church to singing and dancing rejoicing in Church
* Revival is always a time of celebration of the manifest presence of God
* Now suddenly Churches have become the subject of envy most times, bitter envy.
* Watch out for those High Palaces across the cities and towns of Nigeria today that are products of this mighty move of God.
* Let yesterday past, rejoice today.
* Don’t pass away with the past.

Hallelujah. If you are glad to see a brand-new month, give the Lord the biggest clap of Praise. Make it louder, celebrate His faithfulness, magnify Him for who He is. Amen.

-This new month will be full of good news for you and your household.
-This new month shall be full of good news.
-Every day of this month shall be days of good news.
-Everlasting mountains will clear off your path.
-Perpetual hills shall be levelled out.
-God will make bare His raw power on all issues concerning you.
Say with me, “this brand-new month shall be full of good news for me.”
In the name of Jesus Christ.

What you don’t expect, you are not permitted to experience. As far as your eyes can see, unto you will I give it. Mentality is what defines destiny: you can’t see it, you can’t get there. God has no agenda of backward movement for us, but forward ever movement. The path of the justified is ordained to be as a shining light that shines more and more and more.
-This is what this month will confirm in your life.

Revival season is a season of signs and wonders where impossible cases are sorted.
It’s a season of dramatic change of story. Nothing was working before you came into that season, as you keep on rejoicing in engaging with the demands of the season, He will make your feet like hinds feet and get you up upon your high places (Habakkuk 3:18-19).
-It’s a season of undeniable testimonies.
They saw you in the valley before, now you are on the top. It can’t be denied!!!
In that a notable miracle has been wrought by them, it is clear to all that dwell in Jerusalem and we cannot deny it.
Now what gainsayers cannot deny will be the order of events in your life this year.
-This prophetic season will make all your mockers go into hiding.
-The order of testimonies that cannot be denied shall be the order of testimonies in your life.
One more time, lift up your two hands and give God thanks for another brand-new month: a month of good news, a month of wonders, a month of dramatic change of story, a month of undeniable testimonies. Give Him thanks. These are not sweet words to get you excited, these are prophetic Words from Heaven. Get excited. We have entered the Midst of the Year today and it is ordained a season of wonders where everlasting mountains are levelled, where perpetual hills are cleared off your path, where the raw power of God is made manifest in your life.
Give Him thanks and praise and glory. Hallelujah.
Ask Him to speak to you this morning, everyone. Jesus I want to hear from You. speak to me this morning, take all the praise. In Jesus precious name we have prayed and so shall it be.
-It shall be a regret free month.
-God will be confirming His Word in your life, in your family, in your business and career, in your health, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they knew not the time of their visitation. God has times of visitations.
-May no one here miss the time of God’s visitation in his life.

Genesis 50:24
Joseph saying prophetically, “I die but God will surely visit you…”
It is Heaven’s agenda to visit His people from time to time. His visitation is to change our position.
“God will surely visit you and bring you out”:
-Of your unwanted situations into your desires.
That His visitation is to change our position.
And we know that Revival time is a time of celebration of the manifest presence of God. It’s just like the Ark of God coming down to the midst of His people. Church Gist. There is always a shout when the Ark gets down into the midst of God’s people.
Jesus came and brought redemptive revival to the earth and you will always hear, “He went about doing good, healing all of them that were oppressed of the devil because God was with Him” (Acts 10:38).
Revival is always a time of celebration of the manifest presence of God and every visited soul encounters joy unspeakable because His presence stirs fullness of joy (1 Peter 1:8). Everyone in a revival enjoys the fullness of joy of God’s manifest presence like the joy of the harvest. You can’t be moody in a revival. One of the proofs of being in a revival is joy and rejoicing.
“Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice ever more” – Philippians 4:4
Lift up your right hand and say, “Jesus, revive my soul. Revive me spirit, soul and body. Give me the evidence of revival in my life, let me experience the evidence of revival in my life.”
Now we are told, “Joy filled the city” when Philip got to Samaria. When revival broke out in the upper room, they were praising God and God was adding to the Church. He was giving them favour and God was adding to the Church daily such as to be saved (Acts 2:46-47).
Joy and rejoicing are Biblical evidences of revival.
-That shall be solidly established in your life.
Every revived soul rejoices again and again and again and again.
In that prophetic scripture, Habakkuk chapter 3 verses 17 to 19:
Although the fig tree may not blossom: I might not be seeing anything, yet I will rejoice in the Lord. I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord will step in and make my feet like hinds feet, get me upon my high places.
Joy and rejoicing.
Help me ask your neighbour, “are you in a revival?”
Rejoice and again I say rejoice (Philippians 4:4).
There is no biblical demand that does not have proofs: You are in a revival, joy and rejoicing becomes your companion.
-Therefore, not only during these 2 months, but all the days of your life, beginning from today, joy and rejoicing will become your new way of life. Joy and rejoicing shall become your new way of life.

A revival is a season of divine visitation amongst God’s people which translates into supernatural turnaround testimonies. When God visits His people, He provokes turnaround.
Zephaniah 3:17
That is what happens when a revival takes place: He saves, He delivers, He rescues.
Zephaniah 3:19
When I visit you, I will undo all that afflict thee…My God, give the Lord a big hand please.
Those are proofs of God’s manifest presence in the midst of His people.
Revival broke out in Nigeria in the very early 80s, preparations were on and intensely so in the 70s; it changed the face of Christianity globally.
Is there any nation of the earth where Nigerian Churches are not? No Sir. In the Arctic, everywhere. In the snow, under the snow. My God. It changed the face…we were called Mushroom Churches, the ones that rise today and you can’t find them tomorrow. But your own little one here is now 40 years plus. What ‘Mushroom’ is that?
Revival changes the face of God’s people on the earth.
Now suddenly Churches have become the subject of envy most times, bitter envy.
Watch out for those High Palaces across the cities and towns of Nigeria today that are products of this mighty move of God.
Watch people sing and dance and sweat from what we used to do singing Hymns and then the people leading and the ones following are all sleepy.
🎼🎹On Christ the solid rock…I…(sleepy) stand…
Something just turned loose.
-In the same vein, in this revival season of June and July, something unthinkable will be turned loose in your life.

I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame
Z ephaniah 3:20
“At that time, I will bring you again even in the time that I gather you and I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith the Lord.”
Those are practical evidences of real revival.
You come out with a change of name.
-Now between June and July, anyone who cares to engage with all his heart, all his mind and all his strength, you will come out with a new name.
-You will come out with a new name!!
That’s what happens.
A revival is a season when the Word of God comes alive among God’s people in increasing dimension.
Increasing. Let me tell you how that plays out: with joy and rejoicing, you have supernatural access to revelation.
Isaiah 12:3
Every time you operate in the realm of joy, you gain supernatural access to revelation.
Jeremiah 31:34
There is an outpouring of the Spirit when we talk about revival. It’s an outpouring of the Spirit upon all flesh: the young and the old; the male servants, the maidservants; everybody.
The Spirit of God is what unveils the secrets of God but He operates in the realm of joy. You can’t be depressed and access revelation. It’s not done!!
-So expect an outbreak of revelation like we had it in Acts chapter 2.
They even thought they were drunk. When the Holy Ghost came, joy came alive and Peter came up, my friend, when he opened his mouth, revelation was flowing like river. He summed up the whole history of the Jews in one moment and the hearts of men were pricked (Acts 2:37). That was not Peter the fisherman. Access to revelation but earlier on they said, “these people were drunk”, but joy erupted, revelation erupted.
-You won’t miss it this time.
-God will turn your smiles to broad laughter.
-Your mouth will be filled with laughter and it is starting from this time.

So mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed (Acts 19:20). As you grow in the Word, you keep prevailing where others travail. As the Word keeps increasing, “Arise shine because your light is come. The glory of the Lord is risen upon you” (Isaiah 60:1-2). That is the power of revelation.
“Who are these that fly like cloud” (Isaiah 6:8) – He gets you on a flight.
“A little one shall become a thousand” (Isaiah 60:22) – He changes your position dramatically.
Therefore we must continue to pray for the continuous manifestation of divine presence and increasing revelation among God’s people. We know that’s what happens, so we keep making demands for it.
So I come against the spirit of depression. Look away from the past, the past is past:
-The past is irreparable, why waste your energy?
Somebody slapped you yesterday, you are crying today. It hasn’t removed the slap. Let it go.
You put your hands on the plough, don’t look back. Don’t look back. Look back is going backwards. When you look back in a driving a car, you are reversing, you can’t be looking back and be going forward. Every time you’re looking back, you are reversing.
Do you want to reverse again?
No. Rejoice again and I say rejoice.
This is the day, not yesterday, the Lord has made. I will rejoice.

If you don’t let yesterday past, you won’t rejoice. Let yesterday past, rejoice today. Then you will keep rejoicing for life because as you rejoice today, your testimonies come today.

Rejoice tomorrow, your testimonies come tomorrow.
Look away from the past, the past is past. Don’t pass away with the past.
He said, “forgetting those things that are behind reaching out to those things that are before, I press towards the mark” (Philippians 3:13).
Winners in a race don’t look back, they look forward. You don’t look to see how many people are behind you.

You look to see how many people are in front of you. You want to win the prize, you are not competing with those that are behind, but those that are in front. That is the way forward.

Only those who are addicted to looking forward retain their joy.
Jesus who for the joy that was set before Him, He despised the present circumstances and He got there.
Those who look forward are the only ones who can retain their joy in the Lord and by retaining their joy, they fulfill their mission on earth.
-No one here shall be a back bencher again.

Say with me, “only those who look forward go forward.”
I don’t know how many ‘Midst of the Year’ seasons you have passed through but this is another one. Don’t look backward, look forward.


Speak to it and demand for the evidence of revival in your life which among other things include joy and rejoicing, looking away from the past, looking out to the things that are in front so you can make the most of your adventure on earth.
Go ahead!!! Take control. Take command of this Season!!!
Thank You Jesus. Blessed be your name in Jesus precious name.
-This season shall speak in your life.
-You will not forget the Midst of the Year 2021 in a hurry.
-It shall leave indelible marks of glory on your life.
-Every demand of this season will be fulfilled with utmost delight.
-No more looking back. You are looking forward.
-No more going backward. You are going forward.
In the name of Jesus Christ.
-It is declared a sickness free season.
-A defeat free season.
-A pain free season.
-A pressure free season.
-A season of undeniable testimonies in your life, in your family, over your children, the works of your hand, in your spiritual life, it is declared a season of undeniable testimonies in the name of Jesus Christ and so shall it be in Jesus name.
One more time, Happy, Happy New Month to every one of us.
Congratulations. You made it at last, His grace gave you your place. Come on, give Him a big hand of praise.
Don’t forget, we are kicking off with our Spiritual Week of Emphasis tomorrow. Don’t miss out of it for any reason and come rejoicing. We might tell the Ushers to just watch, if you are not rejoicing, they ask you to come back tomorrow. Praise God. You must be beaming with smiles all over you.
-Maybe you walked bare footed: keep smiling, you will ride a car.
-Maybe they just chased you out of your house: keep smiling, you will soon build a house.
-Nothing goes down in your life anymore.

Lift up your two hands and give Him praise.


CHoP is an acronym for Covenant Hour of Prayer.

By Matex

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