• Pastor Paul Enenche at Dunamis International Gospel Centre on “Release, Recovery and Replication Through Prayer” at 1st Service, Glory Dome.

Father we love You. We give you the praise and the honour. Thank You because this is the day You have made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it. Blessed be Your name, honour to Your name, adoration to Your name.

Thank You and thank You and thank You God in Jesus precious name.

Thank You for this first day, this harvest glory weeks. We shall see the harvest and we shall see the glory. Blessed be Your name in Jesus name.
Give the Lord praise as you take your seat.

Matthew 6:9-13
Release, Recovery and Replication Through Prayer.

Our objective is to understand the release power of prayer, understand the recovery power of prayer and understand the replication or enlargement power of prayer.

It is clear throughout scriptures that prayer is a very potent and necessary force for the fulfillment and realization of destiny, very potent and necessary force.

Prayer will bring about releases, will bring about recoveries and will bring about multiplications. So we are going to take them one by one and we will take release in the first service and recovery in the second service and then replication in the third service.

  1. Release – we have examples throughout scriptures where either lives or destinies got released or even expectations got released at the place of prayer.

a). The destiny of Jacob was released and realized at the altar of prayer. He was Jacob until he prayed and became Israel (Genesis 32:24-28).

The meaning of that is, prayer can release you from who you used to be into who you are meant to be. Prayer can release you from where you used to be into where you are meant to be.

Prayer can release you from what you used to be into what is meant to be and I see that release in the life of someone here today and if you are the one, shout the loudest amen.

  • From who you used to be into who you are meant to be, I see you in that realm right now!

b). The long awaited rainfall in the land of Israel, in the days of Elijah, was released at the altar of prayer. In James 5:18, Scripture speaking, …and he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

He prayed before, the Heaven was shut, he prayed again, the Heaven gave rain and you will see the story in 1 Kings 18:41-45.

Expectations turn into manifestation at the place of intercession. Expectations become manifestations at the place of supplication. Israel expected rain for three and half years but the expectation was not fulfill until somebody step into intercession.

  • I speak to someone here this morning, every expectation in your life that has been delayed so far, in this month of prayer, they shall be released!
  • Every spiritual expectation, every marital expectation, every career expectation, every destiny expectation, every expectation for yourself and expectation for children that has been delayed so far, I announce at the place of prayer, they shall be released before this month is over!
    That was the long awaited rainfall in the land of Israel, in the days of Elijah, was released at the altar of prayer.

c). The promised Holy Ghost was released for the disciples in the Upper room at the altar of prayer. We are talking about releases through prayer, the promised Holy Ghost was released for the disciples in the upper room at the place of prayer. Luke 24:49 – that was the promise. In Acts 1:8, it was repeated and this promise was fulfilled in Acts 2:1-5.

Promises translate into products at the altar of prayer. It was a promise until you prayed, it becomes the product after you have prayed.

There are things we have been holding unto from the Bible, there are many people seated here this morning, watching online and all over the world, you are watching and there are things you are holding unto God and you say, God has made this promise or that promise to me and you are trusting Him for the fulfillment of the promises, I prophesy into your life today, those promises shall manifest into the products you desire, those promises shall metamorphose into products you desire at the place of prayer.

  • There is somebody who has been holding unto God for a particular promise for yourself, a particular promise for your child, a particular promise for your family, I decree this month is not permitted to end until these promises come to pass in Jesus name.


Prayer is the flow of communication originating from a relationship between man and God. Everywhere there is a relationship, there is communication.

Another way I will say it is that, prayer is the servicing of the relationship between man and God. Prayer is what services the relationship that God and man has.

The more functional the relationship, the more vibrant the communication will be.
Also, if the relationship is functioning well, the communication is vibrant. I have said this many times, there is one way to know that a husband and wife are having a good relationship; communication is vibrant, excitement is high, there is a flow.

When you look at them, they flow together and there is one way to know that a husband and a wife or family is in disarray, the communication has hiccups, the relationship is tensed up, it is pressured, it is like under duress, it does not flow.

In the same manner, when the relationship between man and God is functional, the communication is vibrant.
Also when the relationship between man and God is functional, the communication is regular. When you see someone who does not have the time to pray or is too busy to pray or he pray just once in a while, you will know that there is something wrong with that communication. Is God speaking to somebody here.

In Matthew 6:9, the our Father means relationship, our Father means our relationship with this person I am talking to. – This morning I want to pray that someone’s relationship with God will shift to another level!


a). Pray desperately like Jacob prayed. He wrestle with the Man in desperation (Genesis 32:24).

It is desperation that determines your manifestation, that determines your possession, that determines your destination with God. You pray desperately, you don’t pray carelessly, you don’t pray casually, you pray desperately.

b) Pray revelationally, that is, you pray with light and you pray with insight. That is, you know what you are talking about, you are not just there, begging and begging at the place of prayer (John 15:7). If you are word-loaded and light-loaded, you will ask aright and no devil can stop your results.

c). Pray believingly. You pray with faith (Hebrews 11:6). If rewards must be seen, believe is a must. If results must be seen, believe is a must. You don’t negotiate the believe.

Is there somebody here who is about to see results, lift up your right hand and just go ahead and appreciate Him, honour Him, adore Him. Magnify His precious, holy, wonderful name.

Lift up your hands and just begin to worship and honour Him.

By Matex

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