THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BE PRESIDENT WHOM NOBODY IS SURE OF THEIR NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, SCHOOLS ATTENDED AND THEIR SOURCE OF MONEY WE CAN BECOME A PRINCIPLED NATION IF WE CAN BECOME A PRINCIPLED PEOPLE -Pastor Paul Enenche’s Food For Thought For The Upcoming Elections.   We became valuable to the extent to which we value values. We remain valueless for as long as we despise values. We can become a principled Nation if we can become a principled people. Today we are far from being a principal Nation in the earth, even though we have all the potentials to be one, because we are far from being a principled people. We celebrate corruption and coronate deception. We celebrate corruption as a Nation and coronate and enthrone deception. Sometime ago, there was the question about someone’s First School Leaving Certificate, WAEC result was not clear, date of birth was not clear, yet people defended such absurdity, abnormality, mediocrity, impropriety and swept it under the carpet. Today, we are in the rot we are in. Massive insecurity, poverty, everything because nothing mattered. Now, there are people who are clamoring for the highest office in the land experiencing allegations and counter allegations of corruption. There are some whose names, nobody is sure: date of birth, nobody is sure; source of money, nobody is sure; state of health, nobody is sure; level of sanity and reasoning capacity, nobody is sure; schools attended, nobody is sure. And yet, they are being marketed and advertised to lead the Nation to a destination that nobody is Sure. But who is it that will patronize questionable character, market them and fraternize with them except with questionable, dubious and fraudulent characters themselves. Lions patronize lions; dogs patronize dogs; criminals congregate in the same vicinage. Everyone is confirming their true nature and character by who they associate with, who they celebrate and who they advertise in this season. You’re just confirming who you are by who you’re following. Sometime ago, a Pastor in Lagos preached in the Church and he said, “every member of this Church, may God make your children to become like those you want to vote for”, nobody said Amen. “If they’re thieves, may God make your children become thieves”, nobody said Amen. “If they’re drug addicts and drug barons, may God make your children hook on drugs”, no Amen. Most people today are only advertising for their selfish interest – “my party should be in power so I can remain relevant” (because they’re totally irrelevant, they don’t have any productive life), not the interest of the nation. Whether their candidate has capacity or character is immaterial to them. It is, “if my party is out of Power, I would be out of money, I would be out of opportunity, etc”. There is no trace of love for the people. No concern for the suffering of the masses. No concern for the historic level of insecurity, hunger, failed education – almost failed everything, it doesn’t bother. The same people whose coalition brought the country into this terrible disaster should continue in power? God forbid! Beloved, it is time to vote values; vote principles; vote character; vote capacity; vote competence; vote proven track records (not just party, not tribe, not religion). Somebody told me the story from the Southern part of this country, went to one roadside worker and he asked him, “who will you vote?” And the man said, “for which position”. He said, “president”. The man said, “okay, if it’s President, this is my choice”. “What of senate and House of Reps?” He mentioned another party. People have come to the point now where their matter is, “who is the individual?”, not just, “this is the party”. Even roadside people understand now that it is individuals. Whether you’re a Muslim or a Christian or any religion, the suffering has not eluded anybody; insecurity is as terrible in the north, in Jigawa, in Katsina, in Maiduguri as it is in the South, in Nsukka area in Enugu, in Makurdi, in Benue State and Taraba State and nobody is exempted. Today, take that food for thought, be a valuable person, not a valueless entity. #DrPastorPaulEnenche #DrMrsBeckyEnenche #VisionEnhancers #DIGC #LightHasComeGloryIsRisen #GloryDome #SupersonicSunday #29thJanuary2023  

By Matex

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