At Signs and Wonders for the Needy, Calabar Crusade Day Four.
Praise the Lord. Calabar people are wonderful and your clapping alone can bring miracles in your life. Tonight God is coming your way. Power! The Lord be with every one in Jesus name. Now, somebody there tonight is your night.
Father we thank You and bless Your name, we ask that you will touch every life here in Jesus name. We know it is done in Jesus name we pray.
Tonight we come to Acts 2:43, Tonight I want to present to you a message titled: THE PRESENT PARTAKERS OF SIGNS AND WONDERS. This is Signs and Wonders Crusade and you will discover that all the passages we have been looking at, talks about signs and wonders and tonight you will be a partaker.
There are three things we are looking:

  1. The Penitent Partakers of Signs and Wonders
  2. The Purposeful Petitioners for Signs and Winders
  3. The Powerful Performance of Signs and Wonders
    Tonight there will performance and your life will be a partaker in Jesus name.
    1.The Penitent Partakers of Signs and Wonders

Acts 2:37-43, 1 Samuel 7:3-10, Job 22:21-28, Isaiah 33:15,24
The people asked Peter a very important question, they didn’t want to hear the word of God and then run off like that. They asked “men and brethren what shall we do to be saved”. They wanted to be partakers of the goodness and favour that God wants to give them. If that question is on your mind tonight then that is the first step you take in having the signs and the wonders. Salvation will come to you, forgiveness will come to you.

The Saviour will come very near to you and knock, as you open your heart He will become your Saviour.
Peter said to them “Repent”, The people were religious but their religion did not save them, they were the ones that crucified Jesus but now when they heard the word of God they felt sorry and ashamed. When you hear the word of God and you feel sorry for the bad things you have done, that is the first step that you take in having the forgiving redemption of Christ. They felt pricked in their heart so they asked that question.
The joy of salvation will fill your heart but there is one condition: Repent. When you repent the grace of God will wash you clean of every sin and make you like you have never sinned before. The promise of God’s redemption and righteousness, power, healing, deliverance is unto you any where you are all over the world tonight. Come out of every filthy lifestyle and be saved, The people were not offended when Peter told them that they were in darkness, they said “I am ready”. All the bad behavior they were ready to throw them away immediately without offence, they received Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Saviour and continued steadfastly. They didn’t go back to their vomit.

  • You will not go back to your vomit in the name of Jesus.
    Verse 43, is how it will happen to you today. You will be a partaker. Salvation and then Wonders will follow after that.
  1. The Purposeful Petitioners For Signs and Winders
    Acts 4:29-30, Mathew 18:18-20, John 14:12-15, 16:23-24

When thousands of people were converted, Some religious leaders called Peter and John and the other disciples and said “Didn’t we warn you not to mention the name of Jesus to anyone again”.

Anybody that takes Jesus away from you, has taken heaven away from you. Jesus is the one that provides all the supplies that we need for our life. Jesus is the one that gives the ticket to heaven. Jesus is the one that gives us strength to walk until we get to heaven.

Anyone who takes Jesus away from you has taken every good thing away from you. The apostles said “We have got Jesus and we will never allow no one to take away Jesus from us”.
In Chapter 5, they locked them up in prison and angel came from heaven.

  • Angels will come to attend to you if you are locked anywhere and they say “give up Jesus” and you refuse. You are set free from any area in your life that you are bound in Jesus name.
    Persecutors will threaten you and even lock you up but their persecution is like a broomstick. Any plan that they want to touch you with, before it touches you it would break.
    Once you put your life, soul, heart in the hands of Jesus no evil power can touch you. When you come to Christ he makes you not just a babe in Christ, but an ambassador with the Word in your mouth. When they come to you to say “won’t you go back to your vomit?”, you tell them I am born again and confront them with truth of your new life before they talk to you about their evil thing.

In Verse 30, they brought a purposeful petition before the Lord, they said “Lord anywhere we go, stretch your hand and heal the people”. He will do it tonight in Jesus name. Anywhere we go to whether Calabar or Enugu, He will stretch forth His hand and heal the people.
We had a crusade here in Nigeria, in December 2018 before the COVID came.

In London, There was this sister who was born with cerebral palsy and she had difficulty walking. Then, her friends invited her to that crusade and they wheeled her in the wheel chair because she couldn’t walk by herself. We preached and the message was transmitted to them in London, and we prayed. We had not said the final Amen, we were still praying and the people were closing their eyes and she got up.

When people saw her standing up without the wheel chair they shouted and there was joy in the house. Tonight there will be joy in the house.
There is joy here tonight because our petition is that the Lord will touch everyone here and every infirmity in your body will be taken away in Jesus name. Our petition is that signs and wonders will be done tonight through the precious child Jesus and God has granted us that petition.

The same healing will take place here tonight because Jesus the Healer is there by your side.

3.The Powerful Performers of Signs and Wonders (Acts 5:12-16, Mark 16:17-30, Acts 6:8, 8:4-8).
Somebody help me shout power. Anywhere you are the power of God will touch your life in Jesus name.
Acts 5:12-16. Every chapter signs and wonders, they keep popping up.

  • The signs and wonders shall be wrought among you tonight in the name of Jesus Christ.
    -Tonight as the power of the Lord will be connected with you, you will be bigger in everybody’s sight that has looked down on you in the name of Jesus. The Lord will pick you up and clean you up and He will magnify you tonight in Jesus name.
    The people arranged their sick ones on the road so that the shadow of Peter will overshadow them and a great number of the people were healed.
    Our brethren in DRC – Democratic Republic of Congo, they will remember we had one crusade there and as we had that crusade there, there was a woman that was in the final stage of HIV AIDS. She couldn’t sit down because she was so weak, so they put her on a stretcher and dropped her in front of the pulpit. She couldn’t stay in the midst of the people because no one wanted to touch her.

Then I preached the word of God and We prayed for the sick and mentioned that name that solves every problem: JESUS!. We prayed in that name and all of a sudden she rose up, HIV gone. The jubilation covered every where.

The ambassador of Nigeria to DRC invited me to his house and said “I am proud of you that you are a Nigerian”.

  • They will be proud of you in Jesus name.

Jesus wants to change your story and make you a brand new person tonight. Anywhere you are right now the Lord wants to take away all your sins and guilt and give you the ticket to heaven.




By Matex

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