One of God’s foremost generals in his army like God’s servant Bishop Oyedepo called him the other day, a sage. A living legion.
A man with very visible, tangible, palpable presence.
Whose ministry is a ministry of impacting, and raising men and women on every inhabited continent of the earth, literally every country on the earth.

There is someone whose life directly or indirectly was influenced by him.

I was a young medical student when I came across his book – Proof producers. I came across in a revelatory way, Acts 1:8, that is the of theme of this ministry ‘and you shall receive power- dunamis after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be proof producers,’ and it left a very deep impression, my hunger for the supernatural escalated.

I read about his crusade in the Philippines in that book and as a medical student, I wasn’t a pastor, I saw kidneys failed, healed. I saw ears deaf, open.

By Matex

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