The devil fought since morning that I won’t be here this evening. You say, “what happened?” I’ve been in my prayer room for days; I didn’t go out. So you can’t say that I went out and I ate something bad yesterday. No!

Then I woke up this morning with terrible stomach disorder, pain the kind that I’ve never experienced for a long time.

I went to the toilet expecting that I will ease myself and everything will go. I began to ask myself, “What did I eat? What did I drink?” I ate nothing. It started like a joke.

I had to go and pray with the senior pastors at 6pm. I am telling you the one hour I spent with them was a little hell on Earth.

They didn’t notice though, I hid it from them because I didn’t want them to panic. So I managed to get back to my prayer room after I left them and the service started and the pain grew worse.

Little by little, I was listening to the preacher (Thank God for the preacher), even though I was in agony. Then all of a sudden, he said something: Say Amen somebody!

He said there was a brother who said Amen and what was troubling him got out of him.

So I said Amen, loud and clear! He said that before the end of his message.

By now I should be getting dressed but the stomach was still misbehaving. But few minutes after I said, ‘Amen,’ I just felt something saying run to the toilet.

I ran to the toilet and what was troubling me got out.

– Whatever is troubling you, stand on your feet and shout, “Amen.”

– Pastor E. A. Adeboye on “WONDERFUL (Part 1)” || RCCG JANUARY 2023 HOLY GHOST SERVICE || January 6th 2023.


By Matex

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