Epistle Office of the President | LFCW
From President, LFCW
To All Mission Stations
Subject Operation by All Means Prayer and Gospel Raid Programmes
Date June 5, 2021
Turnaround greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As you all know, revival time is ordained a spiritually demanding time, because we are bearing the ark of the covenant on our shoulders, which is the only way to experience and sustain a revival. This is why every revival demands work for full delivery – 2 Chr. 15:3-8/12-15(7)
This It takes work to secure and sustain the move of God on the earth – Hag. 2:3-9(4)
But this demand is essentially that of spiritual labour, which includes, labouring in praying kingdom advancement prayer, praying for souls to be saved, praying for ingathering of souls into Church for their establishment – Isa. 66:7-8/ Col. 4:12/ Act. 2:46-47/ Act. 5:12-14
This also includes labouring on the harvest fields as reapers, because the harvest is plenty, but the labourers are few” – Jhn 4:35-36/ Luk. 10:2
This implies, men and women, boys and girls, getting on the harvest field, such as bus stop, moto parks, marketplaces, etc and reaching out to the unsaved for their salvation, and keep going again and again until our churches are turned into cities without walls – Jhn 15:16/ Luk. 14:17-23/ Zch. 2:4-5
For this reason, we shall be embarking on both prayer and gospel raids all through this prophetic season. Our Morning and evening prayer raid shall come up Morning 8 – 9.30am and evening 5 – 6pm daily, Monday to Friday.
While this is opened this is opened to every member that desires to be part of this prayer army, it is a spiritual platform for our Senior Citizens, the aged, Nursing Mothers, those on vacation and those on the line for miracle jobs and others that may choose to take time off to partake of this kingdom advancement endeavour on any day or days of the week.
In the same vein, we have morning and evening gospel raid for everyone that desires to fill his/her cloud of spiritual stewardship through soul winning endeavours, either as individuals or as soul winning partnerships.
This also include those in the working class as the engage in reaching out to the unsaved around them in the bus stop, while in the bus ride to work, around their workplaces, during lunch break time, on their way back to from work, in their neighbourhood where they live.
Participants in the gospel raid do not have to gather in Church but can take off from their respective places to get on to the harvest field.
Remember, whenever one’s cloud is full his rain of blessing must fall – Ecc. 11:3
Therefore, expect every everlasting mountain and perpetual hills to clear of your path and except to be launched into your high places in return for your labour in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Remain ever blessed.
Jesus is Lord!
Bishop David O. Oyedepo
1.This prayer and Gospel raid are to kick off beginning from tomorrow in all our stations. The schedule, exhortation and prayer items are all attached.
Every member should either be a part of the prayer raid or gospel raid and those with grace to match should engage in both.
2.We should all expect every local assembly to be minimum double where we are today by the end of this midst of the year revival season. Amen