Scripture: Psalm 105: 1. O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.

Beloved I welcome you to the first day of October! It is with a heart of gratitude to God Almighty that I welcome you all into the last quarter of 2023.

Usually, on Moment of Daily Encounter platform, we set the first day of the month apart to give thanks to God.

Hence, today clarion call says it is time to give thanks unto the LORD !

From our anchor scripture;

Psalm 105: 1. O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.

We have this instruction to give thanks. We were also told make known His deeds among the people- meaning if God has done anything for you since the year began, testified of it.

Let people know what God has done for you. Thanksgiving is a time set aside to show our appreciation to God for whom He is and what He has done for us.

Beloved, when we talk about thanksgivings many a times the devil will confront us with the question what are we thanking God for?

The devil may have show you what is not working in your life, the prayer points that are still begging for answers, etc! Now the year is gradually coming to a close!

However, I’m here to show you why you need to develop a sense of gratitude to God in the midst of your unsettled issues.

Why do we need to give thanks to God?

1. We give thanks because we are still alive: That you could read this alone is enough reason to be grateful to God. Check it out, if you have lost your eyes sight, you could have possibly be able to read. That nobody is holding your hands to move around is enough reason to give thanks.

The life you are living today is a gift from God. I have searched around to see if there is any market where life is bought and sold but found none!

The only Originator, Source and Sustainer of life is ABBA Father- Jehovah the Almighty God so give thanks to Him.

The Bible said:
Psalm 3: 5. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.

Beloved, if you check it out, you will observed that out of 365 days of the year, God has woken you up for 273days!

That is the number of days you have slept and wake up in 2023 alone. Now multiply it by the number of days you have spent on earth, the figures will amaze you!

Do you think that you slept and able to wake up the following day is by your power? This is why I want you to join me to say, “Lord thank you, I’m grateful.” I may not be where I desire to be yet but I’m no longer where I used to be. Thank you for the journey so far.

2. The second reason why you need to give thanks is because those who know how to be grateful to God are always Great people! Hence when you give thanks to God you are signing up your name on the register of greatness.

Examples of men who did that includes:

A. Abraham (Rom.4:20): He was known to give glory and thanks to God despite contrary situations.

B. Moses (Exo.15:1-15); Moses constructed a song in thanking the Lord that granted him victory.

C. David (1Chro.16:1-24); He was reputed for returning thanks to the Almighty God! Infact, most of the Psalms and Hymns were dedicated to the praise of Jehovah.

1 Chronicles 16: 7. Then on that day David delivered first this psalm to thank the LORD into the hand of Asaph and his brethren. 8. Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.

3. We give thanks for the kindness, mercy and grace that we have enjoyed so far;

Lamentations 3: 22. It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. 23. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

4. Thanksgiving is what triggers multiplicity of our blessings. If you desire to multiply what you have, then give God thanks for it. Jesus received five loaves of bread and thanked God for it and it multiplied such that it feed thousands;

John 6: 11. And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.

Beloved, that little in your hands can sustain you if you add the spices of thanksgivings to it!.

Please join me today in saying, “Father I’m grateful for the little you have provided. Thank you for the source and the strength and wisdom given to me so far. Lord accept my thanks”.

Remember this; Heaven is real and hell is real. Every one will certainly end up in either of them one day. So where have you prepared for your self?

Prayer points;

– Father thank you for another new month!Thank you for reminding me again on why I must thank you despite the obvious.
-Lord help me to always thank you in Jesus name.

Prophetic Declaration

– I prophesy the month of October shall favour you as you give thanks to God in the name of Jesus
– This is the Tenth month, the Lord shall grant you freedom that guarantees rest round about in the name of Jesus.

Assignment: Set apart some time today and give thanks to Jehovah over do.

From your brother Alex
God bless you.

By Matex

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