#November2022 #KPGWC2022 #TheRisingGlory #Day1Morning #DIGCHealingAndDeliveranceService #OurYearOfOverflowingGraceAndGlory


By: Dr Paul Enenche

1. Seeing the dimensions of miracles in the glory
2. Understanding how to access them

The Glory realm is a step ahead of the power realm

1. Miracles of creation/ creative miracles (John 2:1-11)

2. Miracles of strange supernatural supply (Phil. 4:19; Hag. 2:6-9)

3. Miracles of drastic supernatural speed (John 6:19-21)
When things happen at the frequency of the glory, they happen at the frequency of God
Miracles in the Glory are instant miracles – instant action unction
In the Glory realm time does not exist
Inside the Glory time, space and matter cease to exist.
Jesus is not coming back until every mantle we heard about has been reproduced and exceeded (Acts 3:21)

4. Miracles of Celestial and Divine visitations and manifestations (Luke 9:29-31; Heb. 12:22-23)
Anytime we appear in Zion we are in the company of angels and among the spirits of just men made perfect
In the Glory, Heavenly visitations and manifestations happen effortlessly

5. Miracles of Divine energy, vitality and durability. (Deut. 34:7)
The glory saturated the body of Moses to the point where his face shone and he had the strength of his youth at over 100 years of age
You are too young to be weakly, sickly and wasted!

6. Miracles of strange, supernatural or Divine preservation (Isa. 4:5)
Inside the Glory we are securely defended

7. Miracles of strategic direction (Luke 9:30-31; Ex. 13:21)
Inside the Glory we have deliverance from lack of direction

1. Existence as a servant (John 2:5)
It is not your status that connects you with the Glory, it is your service
1a. A servant is one who is addicted to service
1b. A servant is one who gets the job done and doesn’t care who gets the glory
1c. A servant is one who is clothed with the garments of servanthood and humility
1d. A servant is one who is on standby to run errands
1e. A servant is one whose attention is attracted to needs
If God will find a servant, He will manifest His Glory
The same people you are trying to be boss over and raise shoulders for are the same people that confirm your relevance
Move higher in servanthood and you will move higher in Glory

2. Sensitivity to instruction (John 2:5; Isa. 58:6, 8)
The key to that miracle was what the Master said
There is just one instruction between your position now and your desired manifestation
Every situation of frustration is connected to an instruction that has not been heard or an instruction that has not been obeyed

3. Absolute obedience to Divine instruction (2 Cor. 10:6; John 2:7)
Disobedience is audible in the ears of God
The moment the water pots were filled to the brim, the water turned to wine without prayer (John 2:6-8)
When obedience is lacking, prayer is long
When obedience is present, prayer is short and results are sharp
There is a connection between success and excess of the right action
Incomplete obedience is the same thing as disobedience

Anything God has ever given to you, don’t let the devil take it from you!
Fight for the favour that you once had that you seem to be lacking now!
Fight for the fire you once had that seems to be missing now!
Fight for the mantle you once walked in that seems to be missing now
Fight for the healing you received that appears like it has disappeared!
Fight for the deliverance you got that the enemy is trying to cancel by bringing back the oppression
– If God ever did it, it confirms to you God’s interest, His Will and His Heart (Eccl. 3:14)

Father, today, I reject every negative family pattern against my life, I reject you now; oh you negative pattern, I command you, BREAK, DISAPPEAR AND DISINTEGRATE NOW in Jesus’ Name!

Father, I come before You today, I ask that You will help me to hear You clearly and obey You at all times; help me to function and exist as a servant in my generation Lord, in Jesus’ Name!

Father, I am available; in this season, perform in my life miracles in the glory – miracles I have not seen, heard or experienced in my life before; perform them in my life, oh Lord, in Jesus’ Name!

Father, help me to function in the completeness of obedience, in Jesus’ Name!

– Before this service is over, everything that God ever gave you that the enemy is trying to take from you or took from you, I declare their return now!
– Missing mantles, keys, fires, giftings and graces are being recovered; missing favours are being restored!
– Long awaited healings, breakthrough, manifestations and mantles are released!
– Every wretched garment the devil has put on you, today, I set those garments on fire!
– Every spirit of death and delay around your life, today they are set on fire! You shall fulfil your days and the delay is over!
– Every evil load the enemy packaged for you returns back to hell!
– Every garment of reproach, shame and disgrace, I declare it is set on fire!
– Every spell of starting without finishing is broken right now! No more abandoned project or construction in Jesus’ Name!
– Everything you start the next time, you shall finish it!
– Every spell of vagabondage and bastardism is being broken now!
– I prophesy upon you today, complete and total restoration.
– Every stranger/unclean spirit tying your life and destiny down, is disconnected from your life!
– After nine months from today, your children shall be in your hands! Every surgery you need to be carried out before you can bring forth, Jehovah shall carry out that surgery and you shall bring forth!
– What killed your father will not kill you! What is affecting people in your community will not affect you!

By Matex

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