Date: 1ST DECEMBER, 2023


Scripture :2 Corinthians 9: 12. For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God;

Beloved, I welcome you to another Moment of Daily Encounter! You are welcome to December, the 12th month of the year 2023, which is also the last month that crowns the year! For the Bible said:
Psalm 65: 11. Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness.

While our heavenly Father is crowning our year with goodness, it is wise for us to thank Him.

Our anchor scripture (2Cor.9:12), said many thanks unto our God! Meaning not one but many thanks to our God.

This implies that you raise a thanksgiving for each month from January, February down to December! However, we cannot thank God until we have an attitude of gratitude! Hence our focus today is how to develop an attitude of gratitude and then proceed to many thanksgivings!

What do we mean by attitude of gratitude?

It is our feeling and thinking about appreciation. Our thinking affects our behaviour.

Beloved, understand your attitude of gratitude is a function of your knowledge because everyone behaves to the best of what they know.

If you know better you will behave better. So, how we give thanks to God depends on our attitude, hence developing an attitude of gratitude is so important to be able to thank God well.

How do we develop the attitude of gratitude?

1. By being thoughtful: We develop a heart of gratitude by thinking of the past acts of God! What has He done in the past, think deeply! If you can think then you can develop a heart of gratitude. A heart of gratitude means a grateful heart. It is this kind of heart that can now proceed into thanksgivings and praise to God.

What is thanksgiving?

It is an expression of the attitude of gratitude to God for what He has done, what He is doing, and what He is yet to do.

How do we give thanks?

1. Thanksgivings is the physical act of expressing your gratitude to God. You can do it with the combination of all of the following;
A. an offering (PS.96:8)
B. dancing(PS.149;3)
C. clapping(Ps.47:1)
D. shouting(Ps.47:1)
E. singing praises (Ps.47:6) to God Almighty
Beloved, let God see a heart❤️ of gratitude from you throughout this month.

Why do people find it difficult to give thanks to God?

Lack of attitude of gratitude is the major reason : To develop a heart of gratitude, you must have a thoughtful heart.

Many find it difficult to thank God because they don’t even remember what God has done for them and where God brought them from. If you can remember, it is easy to say thank you to God. This is why the Bible said:
*Psalm 103: 2. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits::*

Beloved, it is very easy to forget what God has done for you, especially those things that happened at the beginning of the year!

This is why one great enemy of thanksgiving is forgetfulness! Most times you are quick to forget what God has done for you. And then the devil is busy showing you what He has not done, what is not working just to stop you from thanksgiving.

Whoever is showing you what has not been done, is your arch enemy because he wants you to say ‘what am I thanking God for? What has God done for me?’ That is an attitude of ingratitude! Rather, focus your mind on what God has done and develop the attitude of gratitude then you can give thanks continually.

I plead with you, please reject the attitude of ingratitude and show to God that you are grateful.

To develop a grateful heart, sit down for a while and ponder about your life today. It will amaze you what God has done as you begin to count your blessings and name them one by one. Beginning with your ability to sleep and wake up daily :
Psalm 3: 5. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.

Besides, think about your salvation and raise appreciation to God!

Think about journey mercies you enjoyed, think about the diseases God healed you from, think about terrible attacks of the devil that you recovered from, think about some nights when it appeared as though you would not make it to the next morning yet you made it!

Do a soul searching and you will discover that, although you are not yet in your dream land, but you are no longer where you used to be. Then raise up your voice and give thanks.

Remember this : Heaven is real and hell is real! Eternity lies ahead every man. Make a decision today of where to spend eternity by surrendering your life to Jesus

Prayer points :
– Father thank you for your word to me today.
– Lord I obtain grace to do away with the attitude of ingratitude help me Lord to develop an attitude of gratitude and be thankful always in Jesus name.

Prophetic Declaration :
– I declare, windows of heaven are open up for you this December
– Every garment of shame and reproach tear off in Jesus name

Assignment : Set sometimes apart today just to think and give thanks to God.

From your brother Alex
God bless you.

Happy New Month!!!

By Matex

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