_Ecclesiastes 1:2 KJV:_
_Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.

We live in times when most people choose to spend their time and lives pursuing vanities.

Many of the things people live for are vanities upon vanities, but most of them really do not know that what they are living pursuing are vanities, they are thinking that’s all that really matter; some others know, but because all they want is the pleasure of life, to enjoy it by all means even if it means losing their soul, so they do not care and had chosen to perish with the things of life.

What are you living for, what are you pursuing in life? There’s just one thing that counts both for the present life and eternity, it’s the Lord Jesus.

Money only counts for this present life but has no relevance in eternity; cars only counts for this present life but has no relevance in eternity; houses only count for this present life but has no relevance in eternity; positions and titles only count for this present life, they do not count in eternity; so why would one decide to spend all his time and energy on things that count only for this present life but has no relevance in eternity?

Make the decision to live your life for the only thing that counts and that’s living it for Jesus.

There’s nothing else you can do with your life that can bring you joy and fulfillment, but living it for the Lord Jesus would make your life count for both now and eternity, and also bring you fulfillment.

Don’t let money take your heart away from the Lord; don’t let position take your life away from the Lord; don’t let houses or cars take your heart away from the Lord; you have only one life to live and you don’t have to waste it, make it useful and make it count for the Lord; let living for the Lord Jesus be the only thing that matters and excites you, and you would find life interesting.


_My dear Lord Jesus, you are all that matters to me, living for you is all that counts and that’s what I’ve decided to live my life doing, to live it for you, and honour you with my life everyday. Thank you precious Lord Jesus._

By Matex

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