Scripture: Psalm 51: 17. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

Beloved, I welcome you to another Moment of Daily Encounter! Mercy is so important to our journey in destiny that ignoring it means being grounded and stagnated. It is therefore necessary for us to know the keys that can unlock the door mercy to us.

What are the keys to the mercy of God?

As we study the life of David, we could see two major keys as presented in our anchor scripture in Ps.51;17. They are:
1. Brokenness
2. contrite heart

1. Brokenness;

What do we mean by brokenness?

Brokenness is a state where the pride in man crash, his self-will collapse, his stubbornness is surrender and his sinful habits is given up!

You can’t see a broken man that kneeling down before the Lord is difficult for him! He can easily kneel down, prostrate or roll on the floor for His master Jesus. The idea of I can do it by myself, I am intelligent and smart is all gone and he has no tolerance for sin any more.

Beloved, brokenness is the state that calls for God’s mercy easily and until we assume the posture of a broken person in the realm of the spirit we can not access mercy! And many at times, God willing to help us get to the point of brokenness permit some pains in our lives!

Yes, there are some pains believers goes through just to bring them to that posture of being broken! It will interest you to know that it is in the middle of pains and frustrations that many get broken and they can now become a recipient of God’s mercy!

As long as you are full of your self forget it you can not access God’s mercy. For the Bible said:

Psalm 34: 18. The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

It was when Jacob was alone with God, detached himself from every other things that he could access the mercy of God. The Bible said:

Genesis 32: 24. And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.

There are times God will separate you from your job and every other things that made it look as if God is not important to you just to make you a candidate of His mercy.

Perhaps, you just lost your job or a contract and it seems as if your heaven is collapsing! I have a good news for you, fret not! God is gradually drawing you to the place where you can access mercy.

Oh someone broke your heart and you feel abandon! Please cheer up because you are ā“coming to that point where you can access mercy.

Have you ever cried in life?

You will observed that at that point of crying it is very easy to say Lord have mercy on me because many times cry stemmed out of broken hearts.

You will agree with me in most of our churches the people that testify most of the time are new Converts!

This is because they are the people who have position themselves to be a recipient of God’s mercy.

They come with brokenness and demanding for mercy, before you know it they have it but there are several believers who are in church for donkey’s number of years yet no testimony.

Beloved brokenness is a must to receive mercy.
As for Jacob in order to have permanent dependency on the staff and not himself any more, God has to reach out to his thigh muscle and he began to limbs and depends on a staff.

Genesis 32: 25. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.

Beloved that rod/staff is Jesus Christ! God wants us to perpetually depends on Jesus not on ourselves to continuously access mercy. Jesus was broken for us as He went to the cross(1Cor.11:24). To remain a candidate of God’s mercy therefore is to be humble and remain broken.

Remember this : Heaven is real and hell is real! The decision to spend eternity with God start now by surrendering to the Lord Jesus.

Prayer points;

– Father thank you for your word to me today.
– Father I receive grace to be broken and remain broken in the name of Jesus.

Prophetic Declaration:

– I declare every power that makes you bend on stubbornness and arrogant self-will loose their grips over you now in the name of Jesus.
– May the God of mercy bring you to the point where you can encounter mercy in the name of Jesus.

From your brother Alex
God bless you.

By Matex

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