Scripture: Matthew 6:17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face;
Beloved, I welcome you to another Moment of Daily Encounter! Someone once ask me can’t we pray without fasting? The answer yes! Then the question of why are we bothering ourselves with the issues of fasting, if God can still answer our prayers. Today, we shall be answering this question why do I still need to fast if God can answer me even without fasting.
Out master Jesus Christ who is our perfect example lay it out as an example (Matt.4:2)for us to know that fasting is not meant to bribe God, fasting is for our own good.
In one of His teaching Jesus said “when ye fast!” This means that fasting is a must do! It is compulsory for disciples. We shall consider the benefits under two subheadings:
A.. Spiritual benefits of fasting and prayer
B. Physical benefits benefits
A. What are the spiritual benefits of fasting?
1. Fasting boosts your relationship with God as it improves your intimacy with Him( PS.42:1-3, 63:1-4): Although men loves praying often when in trouble but there is no other time that men love to pray often except during fasting.! Fasting helps us to draw closer to our Creator, our God. During fasting, we draw closer to God as we long to pray every now and then.
2. Fasting has the benefits of producing humility in mankind(2chro.7:14, PS. 35:13): Fasting has a way of humbling a man. The Bible said:
Psalm 35: 13….: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.
Pride is over estimation of oneself. This goes off as one begins to engage in a fast on a consistent basis. He begins to see things from a different light that makes him humble. Fasting has a way of taking away scales from your eyes, breaking you down so that you can see the Almightiness of your Creator and the smallness of mankind.
Fasting dose something to your body such that:
Psalm 109: 24. My knees are weak through fasting; and my flesh faileth of fatness.
3. It disciplines the flesh and releases strength to the inner man ( 2Cor.12:9):
2 Corinthians 12: 9. And he said… *for my strength is made perfect in weakness….*
It is at that moment of weakness during fasting that the strength of the Almighty is poured out into man! Fasting makes your body weak and It is at that point of weakness, that you draw strength from the throne of Grace.
4. Fasting is a booster of faith in God(Matt.17:21):
Fasting is a booster of faith because during fasting you are able to meditate on the word of God and suddenly light break’s out into your spirit that makes you dare the undareable!
5. Fasting makes you enjoy angelic assistance (Mat. 4:1-11)! You enjoy traffic of angels more during fasting than any other time.
6. Fasting makes Light breaking forth: This speaks of revelation:
*Isaiah 58: 8. Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy rereward.*
Observe the scripture begins with ‘then’! This implies that there is an instruction that precedes the ‘then’ and that happens in verse 6 of Isaiah 58. The instructions was to fast in a God- preferred way, then access to light or revelation will follow.
Beloved, have you been seeking for direction on what to do with your life, fasting time is a time to connect with deep revelation and instructions on what next steps to take. Don’t just begin the year with planning alone, rather begin with prayer and fasting to connect with what the Lord is saying for the year like the Bible said:
*Habakkuk 2: 1. I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.*
To be on the watch tower is to maintain a fasting life! And the result of being on the watchtower is to connect with the voice of God.
*Remember this* : Heaven is real and hell is real. Your choice of eternity is best made now that there is life. Give your heart to Jesus today.
*Prayer points:*
– Father thank you for your word to me today,
– Father, I receive grace to live a fasting and prayerful life in Jesus name.
*Prophetic Declaration :*
– I prophesy angelic assistance and divine strength receive it now in Jesus name.
– Every affliction of the wicked on your life expires now in the name of Jesus.
*Assignment* : Fasting with the understanding of connecting with light.
From your brother Alex
God bless you!