Dr (Mrs) Becky Enenche
Day 2, Evening Session, DRC 2021
Beloved in this journey of dedication, prompt obedience is a vital necessity. It is vitally important that you are prompt in your obedience.

  1. David.
    David was a man of absolute dedication. Psalm 69:9. He was not ready to see the house of God suffer, or the affairs of God suffer or the people of God suffer or the works of God suffer, and be content to sit down and watch. He said it was a consuming thing that burnt on the inside of him. Dedication emanates from the heart and it is the kind of thing that will not let you rest until you see the assignment of God carried out and fulfilled.
  2. Elijah the Tishbite.
    1 Kings 17:1 When you see Elijah you see zeal, dedication and commitment. Dedication brings about instant manifestation of the power of God in the life of the dedicated. 1 Kings 18:40. Dedication is what will make you do what others are running away from just because you want to please your God. Dedication is what will make you sacrifice in prayer, fasting and watching so that the counsel of God can be established in your generation. A dedicated man or woman does not need to struggle in the place of prayer.
    I am not saying you shouldn’t pray, you will pray based on the Word of God, based on the insight of the Word of God, “before you call, I will answer.” That promise is not for the lackadaisical, sleepy, slothful Christian that only comes to Church and they are only content to complain:
    ‘Ushers didn’t usher me well. Choir didn’t sing to my satisfaction. Counsellors did not counsel.”
    Beloved, if they haven’t done it to your satisfaction, jump into their midst and do what you think you need to do. Don’t just sit down there, it is your Father’s house. Tell your neighbour, ‘It is your Father’s house.”
  3. Job.
    Job 13:15. Job was ears to the deaf and eyes to the blind, he was the one that helped the windows.
  4. Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego.
    Daniel 3:16-18. They were ready, in everything that needed to be done to ensure that God was not denied, desecrated and they did not bow to another altar.
  5. Daniel.
    Daniel 6:5-7.
    His dedication was not experimental or accidental it was a lifestyle. Beloved make dedication to God a lifestyle. The benefits cannot be comprehended. People will look at you after a shortwhile and say what is the mystery of this person’s life. What is the secret? It is dedication. In this Kingdom race, you are the determinant of how far you can go with God by virtue of your dedication. It is your personal relationship with God that determines your personal experiences with God. It is your prayer altar and your dedication to service.
    I remembered as at the time that God was bringing the call and God’s servant went to pray in areas away from distraction to seek the face of God, prior to this time, we had by dedication and study and walk with God arrived at what it takes to exist in ministry without begging or borrowing. By books, by research, personal adventures that fortified us to be able to say ‘yes sir, I am yours to command, and I am yours, I am here to obey.’ So when he said go, there was no looking back, we left everything we had in Jos, the three-bedroom flat we were saying, medical textbook, cooking pots, pans, plates, wedding gifts, we left everything, no looking back.
    Somebody’s dedication is about to move you up.

By Matex

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