• Pastor E. A. Adeboye at RCCG 69th Annual Convention Tagged ‘A New Wave Of Glory’
    (Day 2, Evening Session)


Proverbs 20:29, 1 John 2:14

Thank God for the youth because they are strong, the glory of the youth is their strength.

The amazing thing is that the old men used to be strong once and when their strength begin to wane, the youth come in as a new wave to support the old.

Take David for example, in 1 Samuel 17 from the beginning to the end you see David as a giant killer; He was a young man, he killed Goliath the champion of the Philistines. But, in 2 Samuel 21:15-17 the Bible says the same David went to war against the Philistines with his army and in the middle of the battle he waxed faint, age has come.

The man who killed Goliath singlehandedly became tired in the middle of a battle and one of the brothers of Goliath thought here is an opportunity to avenge my brother, but thank God there was a young man who killed that brother of Goliath and got David out of trouble.
The old men were strong once, as they grow older they become feeble.

The youth because of their strength are expected to move in as a new way to suck up the old.
Take another example: Moses, in Exodus 17:5-13, when the Amalekites came to attack the children of Israel on their way to the Promise Land, Moses who was well over 80 years went to the mountain top to pray and Joshua stayed in the valley wielding the sword.

So you see combination, the elder was on the mountain praying while the younger was in the battle front dealing blows upon the enemy.

Beloved young ones use your strength as a new wave of Glory for the Almighty God. Where it appears as if your parents are getting tired, jump into action. Leave no gap for the enemy. Your glory is based on your strength.

I could remember very well, a Saturday here in Nigeria when I preached eight sermons in one day. I won’t even try that now. I also remember one time here in Nigeria when I went A-fishing one December, we travelled from Port-Harcourt stopping along the way: Benin, Owo, Akure, Ilesha, Oshogbo, Offa, Ilorin by road.

We got to Ilorin 8:30 pm, we left Port-Harcourt by 6am. Those who were in the car with me thought “Thank God, we are going to rest now”. I said I still have one more station to visit, we are still going to Jebba. We got to Jebba by 11pm, by the time we got there the people who were waiting for us thought we were no longer coming so they left.

We located them, we slept by 1am and I woke them up by 5am that we must be on our way.

I won’t try that now. I won’t try to travel from Port-Harcourt to Jebba by road in one day, that would be madness. But when the elders seems to be waning in physical strength, that is why God has provided the youth. If only you can do what we have done, we will have a new wave of glory. Use your strength for the glory of God.

The strength of the youth depends on God. David said I got my strength from God, He is my strength Psalms 144:1. Isaiah 40:27-31 spoke about a God who is never tired.

Young men you grow tired, it is only those who wait upon the Lord, who will have their strength renewed. Youth, your strength is derived from the one who gives strength to the weak. That is where the issue of Purity comes in.

The One who supplies your strength insists that we must be holy 1 Peter 1:15-16, Amos 3:3.

Listen to me beloved young man, beloved young woman, you must be pure. Why?
That your strength which is to be your glory may not be contaminated.

You must be pure Exodus 15:26. Majority of sicknesses and diseases are by contamination.

Don’t ever listen to those who tell you to go and sow wild oats. If you sow wild oats, you will reap wild oats. If you try what some people are trying you will pay for it.

There are many deadly diseases in the world today that are as a result of contamination.

You must be pure so that you are not contaminated physically, you must be pure so that you are not contaminated mentally Proverbs 22:24-25. Choose your friends wisely Proverbs 13:20. Who is your friend?

By Matex

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