He came to my office and demanded to see me urgently, he said “Pastor, I nearly slept with a Church Member yesterday, I would have destroyed my testimonies, my ministry would have finished just like that, I need to confess to you, seek your counsel and know the way forward from this stupid act of mine”
He is a senior Pastor in one of the largest Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria, well respected and very gifted. But he nearly fell into sexual error with a young Girl from his Church. The Girl came to meet him at home practically throwing herself at him, may be after studying his vulnerability. He said he was already undressing the Lady when the School Bus brought his Children Home, his Wife has gone to Work.
In the process of counseling him, I discovered something, he been careless lately in Church with Girls in His Church, that is why the Girl was so bold to come and meet him at Home with her gift of Death.
I also discovered that his Wife had failed in her Bedroom wifely duty for a very Long time in the name of Prayer Fasting.
The Woman joined Living Faith Church for their 21 days fasting and also joined RCCG for their 100 Days fasting and joined MFM for 70 Days fasting and she did not allow sex for all these Days.
MFM fasting was about 25 days to go when the incident happened. For 166 days, she had practically pushed the Man to the available Girls to feast on Him.
We are entering another quarter of the year in the next few days, many Churches will declare fasting and Prayer, I need to teach us here, how to balance fasting and Sexual life in Marriage.
A lots of Marriages normally suffer because of some over zealous Women who are not wise enough or are not well informed to balance these two critical Scriptural areas of life. Bible will be our guide on this very important issue:
1 Corinthians 7:2-5 KJV says:
“Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.”
From this Scripture above we discovered the following:
If you want to fast, discuss with your husband/Wife and get his or her consent before proceeding.
70 days fasting is not equal to 70 days without sex except if your fasting is marathon fasting, that you take only water for seven days. refrain from sex for that 70 days if it is Marathon fast.
If you fast and break your fast daily for 40 days, don’t avoid sex for those 40 days, that may destroy your Marriage.
One of the Major reasons for Marriage is Sexual pleasure, sex is not just for Baby Making. Enjoy it only with your Legally Married Wife/Husband.
Most Fasting ends by 6pm and commenced by 12 midnight. So sex can take place in between this Window.
God commanded You to give Sex that belong to your Husband/Wife to him or her. It is called “Due benevolence.”
The body of the Wife belong to the Husband and the Body of the Husband belong to his Wife.
Denying your Spouse Sex is 419, that is why the Bible says “Defraud not one another” don’t 419 (defraud) each other in the Bedroom, give what belong to your Husband or Wife to him or her.
Satan can easily destroy your Home through sexual immortality if it is not handled with the Wisdom of God.
Apply Wisdom as you fast don’t destroy your Home. LIVE A BALANCE LIFE.
You will not fail in marriage in Jesus name.
Kindly share with others and be a blessing to them.