I earned $10 in my Adsense account few days after the notification for verification popped up, normally it will be ID verification first before address verification.

Have you been looking for information that can help you with receiving your Adsense PIN in Nigeria ?

Then you are in the right place, today I will teach you how to receive your Adsense PIn in Nigeria without struggle. I have been blogging for 8years plus, so I have enough experience on receiving PIN from Google Adsense, I have received them many times. I got some last year and I’ve gotten the first one for this year, so I will be sharing with you step by step how I get my Adsense PIN to my city in Nigeria easily. Some people even believe that Google doesn’t send PIN to Nigeria locations any more, this is not true.

Shortly, I will drop pictures of Adsense PIN that  I received in my state in Nigeria with you, so that you can know that Adsense still sends PIN to Nigeria till now. For those who may not understand what am talking about, if you are a Blogger or a Youtuber, with a monetized platform (Blog, Youtube channel or a Mobile App) using Adsense, when you hit $11 in your earnings, Adsense will request you to carry out two kinds of Verification.

The first one is called I.D Verification, and the second is Address Verification.

These two process must be carried out successfully, without which you cannot receive payment from your adsense account, no matter how much money you have earned on it.

For the first one, (ID verification), I use my international Passport and it was done instantly, as you can see below;


    However, I have friends who used Voters Card and Drivers License for their own verification and it was verified, the only difference is, with those cards I mentioned, your verification will undergo some checking and take some hour or a day before you get response, while with international passport, you get verified immediately you upload your document.    

Google Adsense PIN received in Nigeria
Google Adsense PIN received in Nigeria


Few Things to Note about Adsense Verification In Nigeria;

  1. ID verification comes first before Address verification, I’ve listed above the cards that have been confirmed to have worked, I used my National I.D card in 2022 and it worked but it is expired now, and I have never used NIN Slip, so I can’t vouch for that.
  2. Use the address of the state where you know the Postal office, because it will be sent via NIPOST, if you cannot locate the Nipost office in the state where you live, don’t use that location address to process your adsense PIN because it will not get to you.
  3. Always use your phone number in place of the address first before you write any address, let your phone number comes first. I will post an example below,. this will help the NIPOST office officials to call you when your PIN arrives because your number is displayed on the PIN frontpage.
You can see how I did mine, i am sending it to ilorin kwara state, I input my phone number first before writing out the address, this will make it easy for them to contact me, just like they did when it arrived, i got a text message that notify me about the arrival of my ADSENSE PIN, so this goes a long way to help you.

4. My Pin arrived 2months after I requested, though my friend in Ogun state told me, his own arrived a week after he requested for, so it varies with location, however if you have tried the same location twice without receiving any PIN, it is be wise to contact those with location that receives Adsense PIN easily. This will help you reduce the time takent o get your Adsense verified.

If you need a location to help you get your Adsense PIN delivered in Nigeria, you can send me a message to (Litedhill@gmail.com).

Always process your adsense pin early, as you have just 4 attempts, and if you failed those 4 times, your adsense will stop serving ads either on your channel or on your blog.

 If you have more questions to ask you can drop your comment below.


By Matex

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