– Reverend George Izunwa at Holy Ghost Convention 2021, tagged ‘Abundant Rain’ Day 3

Somebody wave your hand and give the Lord a shout.

I want to honor our father in the Lord and our mother in Lord for the privilege to stand here.
This is an honor. I don’t know how to describe it. Thank you for this privilege.
Around the 90’s my brother came to Ibadan, he came back with a book, ‘Alone with God’. And that book really impacted my life. I will lock myself in a room and I will tell myself ‘ I am alone with God’. Until they became concerned for me. And that book transformed my life.
And I want you to know, I am eternally grateful to God and to you for that book. Till tomorrow, it still defines my life. Thank you so much.
And when you came to Gateway, we still shifted levels and when you come back again, you will see we shifted. Help me celebrate our father. Help me celebrate our mother.
I was in Ibadan not too long ago. Ibadan holds a very awesome memory for me and I came in and I went to the university to see a man that I have respected for years.
You may be seated everyone, God bless you.
And the man’s name is called Professor Tam David West. One day I was preaching in a meeting and after the meeting, the organizing Minister told me that somebody wants to see me, an invited minister would like to see me and he said since I was young I have been to Church once and again and I stopped going because it doesn’t make sense.
For the first time in my life I walked into a Church and a man said something to that made sense to me. I walked in and then I decided with this friend to come to Ibadan and look for him.
We walked into the school here, sat down with him and I said sir, can you ask me any questions you have heard about Christianity.
I said I may not be able to answer all and he gave me few questions which I answered.

God helped me to lead him to Christ. Today he has gone to be with the Lord. That was my last visit to Ibadan.
So it holds a strong memory in my heart. And now I am here for another great memory.
Daddy thank you for this privilege. I blessed God for you. For everything you are to the body of Christ.
Thank you so much.

Just lift your hands wherever you are.
Father as I speak in this next few minutes, change lives, transform destinies, command men to walk into new dimensions in the supernatural in the Name of Jesus Christ.
If you can stay Amen, your own begins now.

I will talk to you very briefly on:

1 Kings 18:41

The rain has not fallen but Elijah could hear the sound before the rain.
One of the marks of men who moved with God is Spiritual sensitivity. r />Not everyone can discern the mode and the moves of God. But anyone that can discern it effectively will be a commander of the Supernatural.
And I believe that at the end of this meeting today, somebody is walking out of this place to command the Supernatural.

Most people don’t experience the all of God. Infact I don’t know anybody that has ever done that.
Everyone experiences God to the extent of their revelation.
In this meeting, l want to trust God with you, they will be God encounters.


1. The sound of the unrealistic promise. God never speaks reality, He speaks revelation. From whatever that is happening in the air.

God looked at Abraham and said follow me outside. This guy was looking for one baby and God said look up and count the stars. So shall your seed be.
We serve a kind of God that you are asking God to pay your rent and God is talking about estate .
We are serving a God that you are telling him to manage the day and he is speaking about tomorrow.

Somebody here today, everything about your life maybe down but you are taking the next level.
My brothers and sisters, only men who believe the ridiculous will see the miraculous.

If you cannot believe God for abundance of rain, you won’t see the rain.
But I am looking at somebody today, before this program is over, you will see your story changed.
When you walk with somebody that can be building a university in the midst of this economy crisis in Nigeria.
Anybody that can believe for that can believe on planting of thousands of Churches in this City. I want you to know, there’s a sound he is hearing that you are not hearing.
He is not hearing the sound of the economy, he is not hearing the sound of shame. Common are you hearing me? When I walked in here, I knelt before prayed a simple prayer.
He will never put new wine in old wine skin.
3. It is the sound of upward call. When God calls you upward, then something is about to happen.

4. It’s a sound of expectant joy. Isaiah 54:1-3.
If you enlarge, you will go large.
If you can believe for more, you will see more. Before today is over, let that business door open up. That career door open. Let that ministry door open. Let your destiny rise higher.
Let somebody shout power.
He said enlarge the place of your tent because you are going to break forth from the left and from the right side.
He said, your children will inherit the gentiles. He is talking about her seed. Though she can’t see anything, God is seeing multitudes.


To God be the glory.

By Matex

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