Pastor W Kumuyi in The Methodist Church, Ghana.

Thank you very much. I don’t know whether John Wesley in heaven will be looking at us here and see how strong the Methodist Church has become in Ghana. Showing the light of holiness in this country and in almost all the countries of the world.

And its an honour, myself being a student of John Wesley, who was the Founder of the Methodist Church, to be introduced today in a special way by our respected minister from the Methodist Church. God bless the Methodist Church and all the Churches we represent in Jesus name!

You don’t need to glue your ears to the radio, or eyes to the TV, the news of wars and rumours of war are everywhere. Are many of us not hearing? All these things must come to pass. “for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet”. That is, when you hear all these things, don’t pack your ministerial bags, and stop preaching, saying the end has come.

This country might rise against that country and that nation against this nation and kingdoms against kingdoms, famine, pestilences, diseases in diverse places. All of them are the beginning of sorrows. That is, this is the beginning, the lowest ebb, it’s going to escalate as the end draws nearer.

There will be persecution but it will not destroy the Church. All these things on you as a person, on the Church locally and globally equals to this fact: the hotter the fire, the stronger the church will be, the stronger you will be. The Lord is telling us that when you hear these things happening, don’t drop your head and say “I am finished”. No, you are not finished but your problems are finished.

As Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego went into the fire and the fire only burnt the ropes of Nebuchadnezzer and they all stood up in the fire, and the Son of God was with them in the fire, so shall it be for the churches going through the fire: the local and national churches. Christ, the fourth person in the furnace will be with you as He was with the three Hebrews. I know you have your own name, but today, I’m giving you these names, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

Now, what do we do in these last times? In the period of the end time?
When all the commotions and confusions are raging everywhere, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations”. Note: the gospel of the Kingdom, not another gospel. At times, when a teacher sees that the students are not paying attention – they might want to hear something simpler than he is teaching, but the fact is, if the teacher lowers the standard of teaching, the students will not pass the exams they came to be prepared for.

The same thing applies to preachers of the word, if we lower the standard of the word and we turn to motivational speakers because of what people are passing through, and we are no more preaching the truth of the word, our congregation will fail the final test on the last day. They will not qualify to enter heaven. Whatever the situation of the world, and whatever the challenges and trauma, pressure and situation in the end time, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come”. We are the people, Ministers, professionals, men and women who God has called at this time, and we are going to have profitable pursuits and perseverance at this end time.

Christ sent you to labour and reap where you bestowed no labour. What does this mean? Take for example the Bible in our hands, other men studied the original Greek and other ancient languages and were able to translate them to English, French and other languages we read easily today. These people had sleepless nights to be able to give us the Bible.

Look at the songs we sing, “other people laboured” – Charles Wesley and the rest of them laboured so much to compose and give us songs deep with meanings. We only come to bless the people of God with them today. Those old, old songs full of meanings are better than the new, new songs. The new songs have their places when you want to dance and enjoy, but when you want to have deep, spiritual understanding, you go into songs which saints of old laboured to compose.

Preacher, to start with, it is not your ministry, it is about the Kingdom of God. Do you want it to grow? Definitely, but not for me, but for Christ. Not because of the finances I will get, who am I? I’m not the owner of the church. Some people say when you are too old-fashioned and Bible-based, your church will not grow. If you want it to grow, you must mellow things down.

Please, pardon my illustrations. I came to Ghana first time in 1977/78. We had a moderate Crusade in Kumasi. Then I waited behind so that I could do some follow up and discipleship. A minister called me and said, we love you, but we see that you have preached the way you do in Nigeria and it has worked moderately, but here in Ghana, it will not work. I said it was the Bible, but they said we are just trying to help you that preaching everything from the beginning to the end, and not coating, moderating, refining or changing it a little bit will not work here.

I stood up and told them that I believe that the word of God will work anywhere, everywhere. So they told me that they were trying to help me but I didn’t understand, and bid me goodbye. I didn’t understand what would happen.

I came the following weekend – that time I was lecturing in the University of Lagos and could only come on weekends – to continue the follow up. We were about 750 that first time but by the time I came back, the number had reduced to 30 people. I used to see the hall filled up at that time, but now, I came to the 30 people, picked up my Bible, and preached the same word. My words cannot save anyone. It is His word from above that will save.

So, we began afresh from 30, to 50, to 100, to 1,000, to thousands and thousands of membership. Now the number here is next to that of Nigeria. Because we stayed on the word…

#PastorKumuyiSaid #PastorWFKumuyi PASTOR W F KUMUYI #MinistersConference
#GlobalCrusadewithKumuyi #GCKinGhana

By Matex

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