One time Apostle Johnson Suleman was preaching in a meeting and when he was checked into his hotel, the told him, here is Bishop Oyedepo going out, he ran back into his hotel and gathered all the money he has with him and it was 1Million Naira. He ran after Bishop David Oyedepo wanting to see him but the Protocols around would not allow him and he shouted from behind “Please, I have a sacrifice of 1million.” And Bishop turned and said who is that.
It’s not about the money, but a young man has that kind of sacrifice. He said come.

He knew Apostle Johnson Suleman as the man who used to polish Benson Idahosa’s shoes. He said “Aboki how are you, hope you are preaching and doing well, what are you doing here?” And Apostle Suleman said he came to preach and I heard you are leaving and I brought this seed.

He (Bishop Oyedepo) said knee down. FROM TODAY, MAY MONEY FOLLOW YOU.

Apostle Joshua Selman
Apostle Joshua Selman

You’ve listened to the testimony of Apostle Joshua Selman, how that he was in a conference in Port Harcourt. It was in bag and everything in it that he sowed. Imagine you are in a conference; you carried your bag and everything in it to sow.
He was just walking to the altar dragging the bag, let everybody know what was on him. I AM TIRED OF THIS LEVEL, SOMETHING MUST SHIFT. He dragged the bag and dropped it there and went back home like that.

Never criticize a man, until you read his testimonies. Because,if you criticize a man from today till evening, it won’t change the result because if you want to stop the result of a man, you must stop the principles.

By Matex

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