Marry God’s will for you.
Marry that one person who completes you.
Marry that person who loves you more than what they can get.
Marry that person who loves the Jesus you love.

Marry that person who will be there for you, in and out of season.

Marry that person who will value your assignment and calling more than your looks and money.

Marry that person who will see the future with you and stay.

Marry that person who will inspire you to be more.

Marry peace of mind over anything.

Marry purpose more than feelings.

Marry God’s will for you.

Marry a friend for life.

There is no perfect person anywhere, but find that one person who is yielded to God and is always willing to evolve for the better.

Marry that person who has someone or people he or she listens and submits to ( This is a very vital factor ).

Beauty is great, money is wonderful, but you must train your eyes to see beyond that.

Also remember that a wedding is for a day or two, but marriage is forever; focus on making your marriage work more than just having the best of weddings.

You can admire Marriages and relationships, but no one is an overall standard.

Above all, make Jesus the centre of that Relationship.

By Matex

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