– Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr On ‘GOD DOES NOT REWARD EFFORTS MADE BUT RESULTS OBTAINED’ at Covenant Hour of Prayer (ChoP) LFC Worldwide

Hallelujah! Will you lift your hand to Heaven and let’s appreciate and give God the glory in words this morning and celebrate Him in words for those awesome testimonies. What a good God, what a faithful God, what an awesome God. Give Him thanks from the depth of your heart this morning.

Appreciate Him, glorify Him, honour Him, give Him praise for the opportunity, for the privilege and for the honour that we continue to experience in our midst…the testimonies of His hand at work in our midst. Let’s give Him the glory and the praise. Lift your voice and thank Him this morning.

Only God can terminate HIV and turn it to an open testimony. Only God can change the story of a man who did not even have what to use to take care of the family, who could not send the children to school and turn him into a breakthrough entity…buying a house, decorating his life, advancing his destiny.

This is God at work, let’s give Him the praise. This is God at work, let’s give Him the glory. This is God at work, let’s give Him the honour.
As you’re thanking Him for what He has done, you’re instigating Him to do yet more.

For all of the answers He has given to all your prayers this morning, let’s give Him all the praise, for the prayers that He has answered, we’ve not just called upon Him but He has heard us. He has not just heard us but He has answered us. Father, thank you. Blessed be your Holy name in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This morning we also owe God special thanks for something that He has done in our midst.

The good news is that yesterday the 13th of October we had the 10th convocation of Landmark University.

Hallelujah! Which is why our father (Bishop David Oyedepo) is not here, he’s right there at Landmark University. This is the doing of the Lord. Everything working on every side because there’s somebody behind the scenes working it and that’s our God.

Will you lift your hand to Heaven and let’s corporately with one voice give glory to God. Lord you’re the one that has being building your Church, building your Universities.

We can see it everywhere glory, everywhere colour, everywhere honour. This is your doing, we don’t take it for granted.

Will your lift your voice and just appreciate God from the depth of your heart this morning. Lord, we cannot take your doing for granted for what you’ve done at Landmark University, we say thank you. It is your building hand, it is your growing hand, it is your advancing hand that has been behind the University.

We thank you for it Lord. We give you all of the praise. Accept our thanksgiving in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord with one voice today we say thank you for all of your doings in our midst, individually, in our families, as a Church, in the Universities and today particularly concerning Landmark University. We don’t take it for granted. Lord you started it, you built it, you advanced it and you’re decorating it. For all of these we say Lord thank you.

Accept our thanksgiving in the name of Jesus Christ.

Lord this morning we’re before you and before your Word asking that you’ll speak directly to us. Let your Word transform each one of our lives.

We thank you because we know that you’ve done it already in Jesus precious name we’ve prayed. Give Jesus a big hand of praise and please you may be seated in His presence.

Praise the Lord, I’m finally on the covenant highways of life…congratulations. Amen and Amen.

Praise God! The same way God is continuously decorating this Commission on every side, He’ll decorate you and I in the name of Jesus Christ. Praise God!

Our line of exhortation all through this week has been ‘GOD DOES NOT REWARD EFFORTS MADE BUT RESULTS OBTAINED.’

From Scriptures it is cleared that every child of God is called to stewardship. To be very specific, every child of God is called to fruit bearing stewardship. 

2 Corinthians 5:17-20. He has given everyone that’s a new creature in Christ the ministry of reconciliation. He has given everyone that’s a new creature in Christ the word of reconciliation. He has made everyone that’s a new creature in Christ an Ambassador of Christ.

So according to Scripture therefore, everyone that’s a child of God is called to fruit bearing stewardship.

John 15:16.

So according to Scripture, everyone that’s a child of God is ordained to bear fruits. Every child of God is ordained for fruit bearing stewardship – he’s called into fruit bearing stewardship.

That means that our fruitfulness in the Kingdom is left as a matter of choice.

The calling has been given by God, the fulfillment of the calling is a matter of our choice. The calling has been given by God, the task has been assigned by God, the assignment has been given by God but the fulfillment is determined by choice. 

That’s why the Bible makes us to understand, He said “I put before you today life and death, blessing and curses but choose life.”

Everything about our service is a matter of choice. Joshua 24:15. 

Everything about our stewardship is a choice. But it is important to understand that in the Kingdom, every Kingdom engagement is ordained for profit. What that means is that although we choose to serve, there’s a return for service.

You know in the natural world when you volunteer your services, voluntary service comes without a pay. So in that sense, Kingdom stewardship is not like worldly voluntary service. 

For each one of us according to Scripture when it comes to our Kingdom service, no man truly serves God for nothing. Even satan said it. Job 1:8-9. No one truly and actually serves God for nothing.

There’s always something that comes back in return for those that genuinely serve God.

So it is not voluntary service in the sense of the world, no! It is true that we make a choice to serve but for everyone that chooses to serve, God has provided to bless. There’s always a return for anyone genuinely serving God.

1 Corinthians 3:8. When it comes to the Kingdom, every Kingdom labour is ordained to attract profit.

Everytime you find somebody out there on the harvest field, there’s a profit that’s attached to it. Yes, he chooses to go but God has provided to bless. 

You find somebody on the altar of prayer, there’s a profit that’s attached to it. Yes, he chooses to pray but God has provided to bless. Exodus 23:25-26.

Everytime you find one that’s committing themselves to serving God, it is their choice to serve and it is God’s provision to bless. 1 Corinthians 2:9. 

So when you choose to serve, God provides to bless.

For somebody hearing my voice today, I see God’s blessing locating you in this season. But it is important to also note that the blessings that come to our stewardship cannot be compared to any other platform of blessing. It touches every department of life. Every area of life is touched by the blessing of God when you and I commit ourselves to serve God.

But we discover that there are some vital thoughts on stewardship that you and I must identify and that’s what our focus have been all through this week…and as we wrap up this morning, I see the hand of God coming upon each one of us as we perfect our stewardship in order to receive His blessing.

1. God rewards reapers not just participants. John 4:36. 

God does not just reward participants, He rewards reapers. I remember the testimony of one of us. She said that she had been going out in previous seasons of engagement, she said “but I never won any soul, I’ll just go out distributing few flyers and go back home and yet challenges remained” but then another operation was declared and this time she determined “I’ll not treat it like before” so this time she went out reaping and God came forth rewarding. 

God is watching our reaping. So He reward not just those that are participating but those that reaps. He that reapeth receiveth wages not just he that participated but he that reapeth. What that means is that if I go out, my target must be to reap. I should not be satisfied with participation.

Man can mark you present and God still mark you absent. It is our reaping that registers with God. So when it comes to the reward of God, it answers to reapers.

2. Turning many to righteousness makes stars in the Kingdom not just attempting to turn them. Daniel 12:3. 

We’re given a clear mandate and task “let them turn to righteousness and in their turning to righteousness is the making of our star.” It’s not enough just to get out there and that’s why we must ensure that they’re brought in because their transformation takes place in the Church. They’re saved as we go out but they’re transformed by the Word in the Church.

So we ensure that we bring them in so their turning can be perfected. Somebody prayed the sinner’s prayer and he’s still out there in the drinking bar. He has not yet turned to righteousness, no!

To turn to righteousness means turning away from sinfulness and turning towards godliness and that turning process requires that they’re brought into the Church.

According to Scripture, it’s not enough to go out there but we must ensure that they’re turned unto righteousness and that task is what God causes stars to rise from. 

Somebody will say “but how come my star has not risen?” The question is this “have you been turning men to righteousness?” Let’s take note of this, God is too faithful to leave anyone of His Words unfulfilled.

When man fulfills His part, God guarantees His part. There’s no shaking. God is too faithful to leave any Word that he has spoken unfulfilled. Numbers 23:19. If He has spoken it, He’s bound to fulfill it.

3. God does not honour groups, He honours individuals. When it comes to the touch of God’s honour, it’s not a corporate matter, it’s a personal matter. That’s why we must personally reap, we must personally turn men to righteousness if you and I will be personally honoured. 

So the reward of God is all about our individuality. 1 Samuel 2:30. You honour Him, He honours you. You despise Him, He despises you. The honour of God is personal. 

My prayer this morning is that no one here will lack divine honour. Every reward that answers to our stewardship will answer in our lives. Our labour will not be in vain in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

So what’s the task? Reap and turn. When we reap them is when they simply have come to Jesus but when they turn is when they’ve arrived into Church where the transformation begins to take place, when there’s a reformation of their character, when Christ begins to form inside of them.

Those responsibilities are what guarantee you and I our rewards. Therefore God is saying to you as He’s saying to me “reap and you’ll be rewarded, turn and your star will rise” and as you and I do that, He’ll decorate us with His honour.

Lord, I receive grace to play my part. Today is another opportunity so ask Him for grace. Another opportunity is here – an opportunity to reap and for many of us to begin to ensure that we’re turning them to righteousness.

O God, I receive grace. You’ve given me opportunity, I’ll not abuse it. I receive grace this morning. Lift your voice and take grace from God. This cannot be done without His grace.

You and I require His grace, you and I need His grace, you and I must rely on His grace, you and I must depend on His grace.

My Lord and my God, I receive grace. Grace O Lord, I receive this morning. Thank you Father and blessed be your Holy name in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

 What a good and glorious package God has for us tomorrow. He has called it our “New Dawn.” It’s a new dawn encounter that God has in stock for us and what’s God is saying to you and I? “I’ll do a new thing.” He said “I’ve done many things in your life but tomorrow it’s a new thing, it’ll be something that you’ve not seen before, something you’ve not experienced before – I’ll do a new thing.”

So let’s market it to people as we go out. Let them know it’s an encounter of new things. You’ve seen many things but this one is a new thing – something you’ve never seen before, something you’ve never experienced before and as we do that, I see God honouring all of our labours in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

No one will depart that Service tomorrow without a new thing. We’ve seen many things in our lives, the goodness of God in various dimensions but God said “I specialize in new things – behold I’ll do a new thing.” For you and I that will be our experience in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Using these tracts as point of contact for every material going forth, stretch your hand and let’s declare the breath of the Spirit of God upon every material that’s going out.

Every material going out goes as a sharp sickle returns with a mighty harvest in the name of Jesus. Every material going out virtually, going out physically returns with a mighty harvest in the name of Jesus Christ.

Thank you Father and blessed be your name in Jesus precious name we’ve prayed. We send forth everyone of our flyers, our tracts, every material going out physically or virtually and we declare that they return with a mighty harvest in the name of Jesus Christ. 

As each one of us takes our position to be labourers, reapers and instruments of turning many to salvation, I see each one of us experiencing the hand of God in a new way. So shall it be in the name of Jesus Christ.

Speak to your day now and make declarations concerning the day. Command the happenings of the day. Make decrees, make your decrees right now.

The day is blessed. The day is loaded with testimonies, encounters – a day to be much remembered. Father thank you in Jesus precious name we’ve prayed. Now in the name of Jesus, the day is declared blessed. Everyone of us will have this day as a day to be much remembered in the name of Jesus Christ.

The harvest field is declared opened today. Everyone we speak to responds to us. No resistance is permitted. Every defense against the Gospel that seeks to stop the advancement of the Gospel is shattered today in the name of Jesus.

So shall it be in Jesus precious name. It is done in Jesus precious name. Amen and Amen. Well, let’s ensure that we engage, take advantage of the day and the Lord God will bless each one of us.

Somebody must follow you and I to Church tomorrow in the name of Jesus Christ. It is done.


By Matex

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