Imagine a handsome bobo, who has a sugar mommy called Google, living in the heart of Lekki, Lagos.

He’s tall, dark and has the usual six packs that most ladies admire. See the combination.

He is every woman’s dream. Yeah, the rare combination of prince charming and Prince Charles. Who wouldn’t love such a dude?

On Valentine’s eve, prince charming walked into a party during the nightlife of Lagos and sat somewhere cool, a dim edge of the room to avoid unnecessary attention.

While sitting there, he sighted a Cinderella in black skin, the girl was so beautiful that she caught the attention of everyone in the room.

My guy kept winking at this babe, but he wasn’t getting the attention he desired… Odogwu, kept doing what he was doing but his efforts were all abortive….

Odogwu got tired, felt ignored and went home out of anger.

This is how most of us struggle with business online, you do all you do in this space without any good result.

The missing part of your puzzle is RELEVANT VISIBILITY.

You see, attention is money online.
Relevant attention is good money.
More relevant attention means more good money.

Go study anyone doing great online with their business or craft. You would notice they have the attention of relevant people.

They have consciously built a large audience of people that NEED what they do. They consciously share contents that position them as authorities in what they do.

They show their value by showing process and amplifying the results they have and by extension, can provide their audience.

All these for what? To be in your face, prop your mind to buy their value or….

Most importantly, to make sure anytime, anyday you ever need a service they render, you must remember them first!

And why not? You already like them, you trust them and they’re constantly in your face with good value.

Let no one tell you nada, there’s no other magic to selling online. Once you consistently present relevant solutions before a targeted audience, you will sell, I mean like crazy.

Check anyone really doing anything worthwhile online, you will find the aforementioned factors around them.

This is why you must start building relevant visibility for your craft or brands.

If you are ready for a change, here are some strategies to help you start.

– Carve A Niche For Yourself:

To gain visibility, for a start you shouldn’t start with doing so many things online.

Pick one thing, be badass at it and be known for that one thing online.
There’s always room to evolve, but be known for one thing.

This applies even to offline businesses.

Think of Dangote, Adenuga or Otedola, I bet you know them with one thing, before their other interests.

If I mention Shameless marketing, Emeka Nobis comes to your mind, right?

Talk about efficient accounting leveraging tech, Chioma Ifeanyi-Eze pops up in your mind.
Try discussing social media influence and how to milk it, Nelly Agbogu is right there in your head.

Think of how to make money from Blogging, Remedy Nwankwo instantly comes to your mind.

These people have distinguished themselves in one thing and are known for it, before other things.

What are you or your brand known for?

– Post Relevant and Valuable Contents:

You see, your followers are not mind readers, they’re not God. They won’t see or know anything about your business if you don’t talk about it using valuable contents.

They see and consume what you share and overtime, subconsciously know you for a thing.

Comedy is good, memes are great.
It’s nice to be funny and get all the likes and reactions but remember, likes don’t translate to money in the bank.

No matter what you do, don’t lose your voice and focal message. You cannot build something on nothing and expect it to stand.

Relevant and valuable contents are super important for building relevant visibility and a buying audience for your craft or brand.

This is why someone with a relevant 7k audience built around his craft will always sell more than someone with a 30k random meme audience.

This is a no brainer, share more valuable contents around your niche.

– Leverage Social Media SEO:

When you start creating content online, you can easily be eclipsed by the multitude of content in this space.

To get visibility, you should practise using keywords in your content.

Example, if you search for Niche Blogging on Facebook, one of the popular profiles that will pop up will be mine.

Do you know why? I’ve been talking about Blogging for a very long time.

– Collaborate With Influencers:

The easiest way to stand tall is to stand on the shoulders of giants.

Business Influencers are giants on social media, they can help turbo charge your visibility and expose you to their thousands of followers.

It’s a smart leverage to use if you can afford it.
Money or through service, find your way.

Remember you need RELEVANT visibility, work with influencers that have your kind of target audience. This is very important.

– Engage In Causes That Create Real Impacts.

This is one way I constand gain so much visibility in this space and reinforce my persona as a go to person for digital skills and make money online to Coach.

I create valuable courses around my niche and give them out for FREE.

I help hold events to help people gain massive enlightenment.

Once in a while, I pay for people to get courses I know will truly impact them.

You gerrit?

Tweak and try these out around your niche, and see the magic it does.

– Have A Distribution Strategy:

Content without distribution, is like a town crier whose voice can’t be heard on the streets.

After creating content, you would need to distribute your content for more visibility.

It could be groups, pages, spaces and other platforms that have your target audience.
This is why you see your Favs share contents in large groups often.

Comprehende?? Yewaa!

Well, this has gotten too long already.

There are indeed more strategies I have used and have seen people use to grow relevant visibility and audience on this space but I will stop here now.

The best time to start all these things was yesterday. But the next best time is now. Set your ball rolling today.

I am rooting for your success.

With Love,

Remedy Nwankwo.
Zaddy Of Skillar.

By Matex

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