1. Use payment received adsense account with daily organic traffic not just payment received account but if you can’t afford payment received, then use brand new unverified without direct traffic or ads click

2. Don’t be too attach to a google adsense account because it may get limited or ban anytime if there’s any mistake

3. Avoid direct traffic by all means if your adsense is new without organic traffic

4. Use only one method on each account. For example, there’s 3 types of traffic. Direct traffic, social media traffic traffic and referral traffic. Let’s say you learn how to use referral traffic from Person A and person B taught you how to use Social media traffic, Don’t combine the both to load or do arbitrage for one account.


Infact, if you just bought unverified account from someone with some few earnings on it, ask the person what method he/she used to earn that amount, if it is through direct traffic and then you do arbitrage or loading using loading page (sites.google.com), the account will be banned. Instead, return the adsense to the owner or resell, or you grow the site organically. That account can’t be use for loading or arbitrage.

6. Adding your website URL directly to facebook ads is social media traffic, the one you use sites.google.com for is referral traffic.

Referral traffic + direct traffic = ads ban
Social traffic + organic traffic + direct traffic = account will live
Only Referral Traffic = account will live
Social media traffic + Direct traffic (New account) = ads ban

7. Don’t use google.com to bridge your traffic, instead, use sites.google.com like this https://sites.google.com/view/babyhh/home and promote the landing page url instead

8. Not necessary you use facebook to drive traffic for your adsense arbitrage, there are other better options

9. If you want to use loading method, have knowledge about arbitrage first, it will help you understand how the algorithm works

10. CTR shouldn’t be above 10%, but if it’s more than that, you can still get paid if your traffic is not direct traffic but may result to ads limit later on

11. Don’t use cheap proxies like data center proxies and others. Use premium rotating residential proxy and make sure you use https://www.ip2location.com/ to check where the weather station is at and check if that ip is casted, recognised on the internet that it is proxy or not. That website tool helps. If it is casted, use another IP

12. Don’t use free IP, Others used it too

13. Use good software which will automate the user agent, cookies, timezone and fingerprint for you

14. Don’t use a profile twice for loading

15. Don’t be greedy. Lets say you successfully cashout $1000 the first month using arbitrage method, then take your profit and save, and use your mean capital to continue business. If you add all funds, your account may be ban, then you go back to your village

16. If you’re loading, Make sure you use landing page to disguise as real user, don’t visit your site directly or use google search engine. You won’t like the result.

17. The way you bridge your traffic will tell if your account will survive

18. Google ban account for three reasons and here are the solutions
* Invalid traffic – Avoid direct traffic or combination of different traffic source esp. new account
* Violation traffic – Don’t copy people’s content esp. site that shows google adsense ads, Even if you copy, make sure you change your nameserver to make sure the site is offline after you finished earning the amount you want to earn that month so the site can be offline. Don’t redesign your site while its showing ads, they may ban you because of no content on screen or so
* Don’t buy those uk or usa adsense that was written in foreign language to get approved. This one is new google policy, your account will be ban for falsely information to get approved. Solution if you’ve already bought it, remove the site from the adsense and sell the adsense out without domain before you loose everything

These are some of the do and don’t for arbitrage and loading.
Please, don’t message me privately, ask your question here so other people can see the question and answer
Do I teach arbitrage and loading? Yes I do, I can teach you only arbitrage or both. And it is one on one by sharing screen (pratical) and I charge. Note: I don’t use facebook ads.

By Matex

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