Pastor Mrs Folu Adeboye on “A New Beginning” at The Americas 25th Annual Convention
d). God must be number one in our lives. We should give Him that preference. After all who gave you the life?
Your life is a loan to you. Who gave you the life; the mouth to talk, the beauty you are showing all around?
Who gave you those two legs you are walking with and you are dancing with? Who gave you everything you have? He is the One. Then, He should be number one in our decisions.
Don’t forget that if we put Him last, we will be in trouble. God told the Prophet, go to the widow’s house in 1 Kings 7:17, He said go, I have already prepared her to feed you.
In verse 10-16, he visited the widow’s house and the widow said, I have nothing nothing. The only thing she is having is what she want to prepare now and eat and die with her son. He said, do my own first.
Brethren, the moment we begin to put God aside in our life, home, business, we are going in for a bankruptcy; either spiritual bankruptcy or financial one. God first –
Everybody, I want to hear you say God first. In my new beginning, God first.
Our life is a loan to us, we don’t own our lives and it is whatever He require from us, we should give.
So, in our new beginning, we should always remember; for us to be and live a second, it is Him. If He doesn’t allow it, you can’t live another second.
e). We must be faithful, total faithfulness must be declared. Once you declare that the Lord God is your Lord and Saviour, anywhere you go, you must testify that He is your Lord and your saviour.
When Zacchaeus climbed the Sycamore tree to see Jesus, what did he do? The moment the Lord Jesus Christ saw him, He said; “come down, Zachaeus come down.
Today salvation has come to this house”. In Luke 19:5-9, immediately, Zacchaeus began to make restitution, “Ha, Jesus, I know I have done this, I have done that, I have taken money. I have done this, I have done that. But today, I am refunding all.
So, brethren in our new beginning, if we have restitutions to make of the sins we have done in the past, you better make it so that your new beginning can be free from any form of satanic problem and you can rejoice forever. Because Zacchaeus did this, Jesus entered into his house and He ate with him.
Bartimaeus in the new beginning, he became a faithful follow of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our new beginning will require our faithfulness. God expects His stewards to be faithful. No more double character.
You don’t be a woman of God in the Church and at home be a hyena: either to your husband or to relatives or even to neighbours.
Let God be God in your lives. This is very important because the moment you begin to play a double role, you will play your life into the hand of a destroyer.
But when you are faithful and you are faithful to the end, you have a place in Him here on earth because He will stand by you and you have a place in Him in Heaven.
f). You must be contented. In your new beginning, no more longer throat, no more looking at things that are not yours. God is ready to give you whatever you ask Him to give you, unless it is not yet time for you to have it and when it is not yet time for you to have it, then wait! …they that wait upon the Lord, He will renew their strengths.
1 Timothy 6:6 says godliness with contentment is a great gain. If you say you are godly and you are not contented, who are are you going to say you belong to? We have to be contented.
This is what God wants from you and me. Be satisfied with wherever God put you, He will not forget you, He will not forsake you. He will not leave you there forever.
Promotion is ahead and we shall all receive it when it is time in the name of Jesus. We have to be contented, it is very important.
g). Make God you ally. Why? Because there is trouble in this world, the world is not a bed of roses. There are good days, they are not too good days.
But when you make God your ally, He is the one you are consulting at every stage of your life, He will surely show up. That’s why He say that even when we are in the valley of the shadow of death, we should fear no evil, that He will be with us.
– If there is anybody going through any form of pain or sickness today, I pray sincerely on this altar that today, God will take you out of the sickness and He will make you whole again in the mighty name of Jesus.
Just make Him your ally (Job 19:25). That is why some of us, whatever may be happening, you just keep looking unto Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith, He will answer us.
Psalm 50:15 – we need to make God our ally. Make Him your friend, make Him the One you will always talk to when there is problem, even when you are happy. Tell me; “Daddy, I am so happy today, thank You for giving me this opportunity. I am so happy today.
Thank You Daddy”. Make Him the first person you will talk to before you even talk to your husband, before you talk to your children, before you talk to your boss.
God should be the first One you will always talk to.
Those of us who are in the habit of not observing our devotion in the morning, you don’t commune with God, you don’t receive a word from Him; in your new beginning now, let’s start a new thing. Make God your ally and He will see you through.
h). Be a prayer warrior. Pray, pray, pray. It is very important. Jesus Himself showed us this example, before he does anything, He will pray. If our Saviour leads the way, why can’t we follow His example?
Prayer is essential (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Don’t cease in praying, this is very essential. It may be in the bus, car, train, nobody holds your mouth, you can pray anywhere.
Whatever the circumstance around you, even if you don’t want to consult Him for anything, why don’t you praise Him; praise Him anytime without ceasing.
i). Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Many of us, we don’t know what the filling of the Holy Spirit does in a Christian life. It is a great association, a unique communion with the Almighty God.
Because anything you do and you don’t do it in the power of the Spirit, the flesh will take over. It is the Spirit that quickens; the flesh profits nothing.
That is why you see some of us, we can’t pray two sentences before we burst into tongues. It has worked for me and it is still working.
I could remember, I was in a Conference at Harari in 1985 where I had a great encounter with the Lord Jesus, throughout the night, I spoke in tongues. Brethren, God wants to commune with us. He wants to hear us, He wants to talk to us but we are too busy.
– I pray after this Convention, you will renew your union with Him in the mighty name of Jesus.
Acts 2, in the new beginning of the Apostles, they were asked to wait in the Upper room because they can’t do anything without the power. So, in our new beginning we must be filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. When they have received the Holy Ghost… express way to miracles, winning souls.
All the problem we have with winning souls will cease. You will just open your mouth in the bus or in the Church, not everybody that comes to the Church is saved.
I’ve been in a funeral service before and I was sitting with an elderly woman, a friend to the woman that died and I had the opportunity to minister to that woman and I did the follow-up the second Sunday and she told me, you are God-sent.
This is my suicidal note that I have already written that; I am taking my life the next day you spoke to me because all her four children who are goo d, she sent them to America to study, two came back as drug addicts.
Everything the woman had, they took it from her to buy all their drugs.
So, to enter to her house, she has about six iron gates before you can enter into her living room and what was in the living room?
Small television – caged again. She opened her room, nothing was there. She said she has nothing; no jewelry, that she is surviving daily on little money.
Brethren, this is very important. We need to make sure we have the Holy Spirit of God so that the rest of our lives shall be profitable in the mighty name of Jesus and so that we can win souls for Christ. So that we too, we can be miracle workers.
Brother Paul was filled, Philip was filled; he went to Samaria alone, the whole town was bustling, they were in joy. That is you – you are the next Philip in the mighty name of Jesus.
Our God is not a respecter of person.
Part Two is our Physical lives.
a). In our physical lives, we should remember that time flies. Last year you are age 40, this year you have turned 41, by next year, you will turn 42.
There is no way you can say you are now 30 unless you want to bring problem to your life.
Time flies (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Brethren, if you don’t spend your time in a very gainful way, you will regret it. Because in this new beginning, God has already put down everything He is going to do for us. He said He will make us.
Therefore, my beloveth sisters in the house, no more wasting of time. Whatever you want to do now, do it now.
Start your new beginning now, restitute your ways of the past things you have done. Move on now in your new beginning and God Himself will give us the grace to do it in the name of Jesus.
b). Aim at the best, don’t let anybody put you down. You have the mark of Christ on you, He said He made you. Aim at the best for yourself, if anybody is around who want to tell you, you can’t go there, tell him; in whose name? “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.
Brethren, Colossians 1:27b says Christ is in us, the hope of glory. John 9:4-6 says we should work while it is still day, the night is coming when no man will be able to work again.
Seize every available opportunity to make it in life, aim for a better tomorrow.
You are not going to die wretched, you are not going to die a beggar, you are not going to die a barren woman; God is on the throne. Aim for a better tomorrow and God Himself will answer you in the name of Jesus.
In Ruth 2:2-9, Ruth refused to waste her own time even in a strange land. Many of you are in a strange land; she decided to go and glean in the field. “How can I be waking up in the morning and I will be praying, God give us food? I can do something, there is a better tomorrow for me. I have followed the God of Mama Naomi to this place and that God is my Provider.
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want” and she launched out to go and glean because she wants a better tomorrow and that is telling us that, we must work hard.
A new beginning has been pronounced, then the word beginning – begin; start now to make things new for you. Ruth started, she went to glean in Boaz’s farm, at the end of the day, her own new beginning came.
You may be a widow, that is not the end of your life, this also shall pass. There is time for everything in life. Look at the life of Ruth, she decided to walk closely with her God, the God of Israel.
c). We should humble ourselves. Pride will always cause a tumbling stone, even in a new beginning, when you are proud, whatever the beginning is, there is no way you can receive any promotion (1 Peter 5:6).
While Ruth had the opportunity to glean in Boaz’s farm, the Bible tells us in Ruth 2:10, that when she saw Boaz, she fell down and bowed herself to the ground.
Brethren, how many of us know how to make people happy with us, by telling them; “my dear you are so beautiful, thank God for your life.
Thank you for what you did for me yesterday, oh I so much love it”. But some of us, we don’t have the sense of appreciation. How are we going to move forward?
Ruth appreciated Boaz. She fell down, she honoured the man; you are the owner of this farm, thank you for giving me this opportunity.
Some of us, when we receive gift, we act as if we are supposed to get it. It is a gift, the owner can withdraw it.
– I pray God will give us the sense of appreciation in Jesus name.
d). Make yourself available. There are many gifts in the Church of God, God has made a lot of gifts ready for those who are available.
But some of us, we are never available. We are busy with other things that are not going to be of gain to us. Let us be available for every good works.
In Ruth 2:18, Ruth was available for her mother-in-law, how many people have you fed? She went out to glean and brought back all that she got so that they can eat. How many people have you fed?
Don’t you always claim, they should go and work, I work for my money. Who gave you the power to get rich? Who gave you the strength to go to work?
Brethren, it is high time in our new beginning, let us begin to serve God with all our hearts, with all our souls, with all our minds and be a blessing to other people.
Like I told you that, your life is a loan to you, spend it gainfully – this is very important.
e). Allow counsellors in your life (Ruth 2:22-23). Mummy Naomi was not a modern woman, yet she has the Spirit of God to counsel Ruth; “this is what you should do when you get to the farm”. Many of us we are too big, we don’t listen to counselling.
You already have what you want to do in your mind, you will now go to the Pastor. When the Pastor now counsel you, you will say yes Sir, yes Ma and you will go and do what is in your heart.
You are playing away your life. Whereas, the Bible tells us that in the midst of counsellors, you can never go astray.
There is safety when there are counsellors.
– I pray that today in our new beginning, God will lead us to a very good counsellor in the mighty name of Jesus.
Part Three – The marriage.
Those of us who are not yet married and we are in the house, in your new beginning don’t look at the Instagram or the social media for a husband. Let God choose for you.
The General Overseer will always say it that when you miss the right person in your marriage, then it is the beginning of hell for you.
Take time, listen to the voice of your God, let God direct you to the right man. Don’t choose by sight, don’t choose because the man has a good car, a good job.
If he has a good job today and tomorrow he doesn’t have a good job, what will you do?
I knew my husband when he was in the University and by the grace of God, he finished and from there, we started life after marriage but at the end of all that he went to study at the University, we came back to ground zero to be a Pastor, a worker in the vine yard.
Nobody, no young woman will say okay, at a particular stage in our marriage, he wants to come back to ground zero and then begin to…. But it happened, I thank God I didn’t marry the wrong person.
Brethren, those of you who are not yet married, learn from Mama Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ.
She told the angel, how is this going to happen, finally she said; “according to thy word. Let the will of God be done in my life” (Luke 1:38).
Don’t marry by sight, marry by faith in the Lord Jesus and you will enjoy your marriage.
Marriage is very important, so that we will not run into the snares of all the kind of problem in life by marrying the wrong person.
b). Run the institution of marriage with wisdom from God. Wisdom is the principal thing according to Proverb 4:7.
Don’t compare yourself with other people, seek for the wisdom of God. Solomon did not go to the Queen of Sheba first, He spoke to God to receive wisdom, until he has received the wisdom and things were rosy for him, then the Queen of Sheba knew that there was a king who is richer than any other king. Wisdom is required of us in the institution of marriage (Proverbs 14:1).
Not everything that glitters is gold but when you have the wisdom of God, you will know which one to choose first.
– I pray that the wisdom of God will come mightily upon us even in our new beginning in marriage in the name of Jesus.
c). Obey the law of God in marriage. There is always a law attached to everything. You work hard, you get rich and you are able to stand before the kings because you are diligent.
For you to have a good home as a woman, you have to obey the law of the Lord and to obey is better than sacrifice (1 Peter 3:1, Ephesians 5:22). All these passages are talking about how a woman should behave in the home.
But today, civilization is turning everything round but the Word of God is settled forever. When God says obey, when God says submit, be in union with your husband; He knows that, that is where we can have a peaceful life.
But many of us today, because we are not in submission, you want to be equal with your husband in the house, you will even want to be his boss, then you turn things around, then situation will turn around for you too.
Those of us who God has given the favour with our husbands, I pray it will continue in the mighty name of Jesus.
– You will not compare yourself with any other woman who is not submissive to the will of God in marriage.
Anywhere you have missed it, in this Convention before you go home, make restitution and make amendments so that you will return to a beautiful home when you get home and I pray from now on, your home will be Heaven on earth in the mighty name of Jesus.
e). Let the Word of God, the love of God drive you in your marriage. Love of God is very important.
Always ask the question, will Jesus do it like this? I want to do it like that of Jesus (Philippians 2:5). We need to have the love of Christ in us in our marriage.
f). Relationship with husband, relationship with relatives, relationship with people in the home is very important. Let there be a good relationship. Communication is essential, admire people, admire your husband. Don’t admire other men than your husband.
Encourage him, do the best you can do for him. He is part of your life, he is your flesh, he is your head and once the head is cut away from the body, the body will die.
– I pray we shall not die in the mighty name of Jesus and our husbands will not die in Jesus mighty name.
Relationship is very important (Psalm 34:9-14). We have to have relationship with our husbands and even when we have occasions where we are cheated, don’t curse, pray that God will change his heart so that your children will not live under curse.
g). Relationship with our children. We have to be friendly; we have to be friendly to the extent of training them in the way of the Lord so that they can listen to us.
When we are friendly with them, it will be easy for us to correct them, to pray with them. It will be easy for them to rely on you.
We visited somebody about two days ago, in the peak of her crisis, she said her children (two children) they came around and they were praying for her.
How old are these children – between age 9 and 11. She said, immediately she received strength. Are you so friendly with your children that they can pray for you, are you friendly with your grandchildren that they can come around and pray for you?
Have you established praying as a means of livelihood in your home, so much that those children will learn from you, that when there is problem, prayer is the next thing.
This is very important. Be a praying mother and very soon, you will reap the good reward.
h). Brethren, welfare is very important. People celebrate the graduation of their children. What should you celebrate, is your child born again?
Is she/he doing the will of God or are they behaving like an outcast even while they are still under your roof. Brethren, what legacy do you want to leave with your children?
Papa Joshua said, in Joshua 24:15, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. God gave testimony concerning Abraham (Genesis 18:19), that concerning Abraham he will command his children and household to do His will. Some of us, our children are too big for us to command now.
What is the testimony of God concerning you in your house about your children, what legacy do you want to leave for them?
They may be medical doctors, yes, is that new? They may be civil engineer, yes. People have been in the past. What legacy do you want to leave.
There are medical doctors in jail today, there are people with all kinds of PhD in jail because of deformation of character.
They don’t know God… and they that know their God, they shall be strong and they will do exploits.
Brethren, today is a new day; a day of new beginning. Are we ready to receive? Rise up, shout Hallelujah.
– Father, I receive my new beginning in the mighty name of Jesus.
– Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, fill me with Your power that will sustain my new beginning.
Every form of fleshy attitude that will help me to lose my new beginning, today remove it from my life. Jehovah I receive my new beginning.
– Every deformation of character, I reject them, I rebuke them. Holy Spirit take care of my will; take care of my decision, take care of my character, take care of everything I do as from now on.
Lead me into the path of righteousness as a woman. Help me to have wisdom; wisdom to build my home, the wisdom to deal with my children.
Holy Spirit sustain my new beginning. I don’t want to lose this new beginning. I need You in this new beginning, come and take Your place in my life. I surrender all to You. Help me to restitute my ways, I surrender all to You.