Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Deuteronomy 6:7 KJV
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Being a Christian and a child of God should not end with you, you are to teach it to your children to ensure its continuity.
Eli was a prophet, he loved the lord and served him but didn’t teach his children, the end result was a havoc.
We are admonished in Proverbs 22:6 to train up a child in the way he should go… Mind you, a little child does not know the way he should go, and so he/she will easily blend with whatever is done within his/her immediate environment. It is your responsibility to catch them young in order to be useful vessels in the hands of God and positive influence to the society.
A Christian home is a fertile ground for bringing up godly children, they are exposed to the way of the lord and will live a life that others will love to emulate.
Characteristics of an ideal Christian home
Below are a few characteristics of an ideal Christian
1. The lord is honored and referenced: When a child is brought up in a Christian home, the child is taught to fear God, the child is taught the supremacy of God and made to understand that he holds the whole world in His hands. He/she is taught to honour the lord in words, deeds and actions.
2. The children are obedient: obedience will be an easy attribute for them to possess because they grew up hearing the word of God and they will know what pleases the lord and what he doesn’t like. (John 14:15).
3. There is a peaceful atmosphere in the home: when everyone has a sense of uprightness, it makes the home peaceful. No one will be caught stealing, cheating or telling lies so it makes everywhere peaceful and nice to dwell in.
4. Lack of strife btw the children and others around: the children from godly home won’t be found causing trouble with their neighbors children, and the environment will be peaceful with the presence of these children who love peace.
5. There is absence of vulgar words: they are taught to speak with love to people around them, they won’t mention words like curses or words that will sprout fight. Their words will be seasoned with salt(Colossians 4:6).
6. There is love among one another and the other fruits of the spirit will be seen clearly in them: you won’t find it difficult to identify them, because the fruits of the spirit can’t be hidden, by their fruits you shall know them(Matthew 7:20).
A godly home is a beautiful place to be and every one loves children from godly homes because they are trust worthy and can be relied upon because they won’t deceive you.
Such homes will be used as reference in the society, people can easily be advised to emulate such homes because they bring forth good fruits