Having the Right Mindset of Faith

Praise the name of the Lord, Amen!

Today, We want to look into Faith –Mindset; developing the right mindset as a child of God, both towards yourself, your God and your situations, because our mind is both a weapon tool and a warfare ground, much more than we know, the enemy is aware of this, and that is why, there seems to be a lot of battle of the mind going on, in the world today, but the bible says; “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free… John 8:32 “. 

The knowledge of the truth is a major way of winning the battle of the mind, what flows through our mind is what flows through our lives, our mind is the access gate way to our lives, and that is why the bible says; “Guard your Heart diligently, for out of it are the issues of Life – Proverbs 4:23  “. Most of the issues that we encounter have their first entry point in the mind, and that is why we must have our mind purged thoroughly with the word of God, so that we can build the appropriate Faith mindset that is expected of a believer child of God, this is what guarantees a life of Victory over the forces of darkness and prevailing limitations of this age.

So how do we develop the Right Mindset of Faith ?

  1. Eat and Digest the word of God: This is the first principle, the bible says, “ I found thy words, and I’d eat them and thy word, was unto me, the rejoicing of my soul – Jeremiah 15:16 “. What you eat, determines what stuffs you are made up of, just like we have the broiler chicken in poultry farming growing bigger and attaining higher weight gain than the local chicken as a result of the concentrate feeds that they eat, the same thing applies to our mind, what you fill in there, determines what you have in there, we live in a world of influence, both positive and negative influences are all over the atmosphere and we are left with the responsibility to choose appropriately the influence that governs our lives, the word of God is a spiritual force, it grant you access to the power of God, and it activates the force of faith within you, that generates tremendous result, for instance; Everybody could be complaining about an economic crisis in the Nation, you as a child of God, you must not join them, you are not operating by the economic system of this world, you are seated with Christ in heaven places far above principalities and Powers, so you have access to an economy that never runs dry, so you rather declare the word of GOD in  Psalms 1:  1 – 3 that’s says; “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful, but his delight is in the law of the LORD and in his law doth he meditate day and night, and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season, his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper..” God is always committed to performing his words, and that is why the word must be both declared and digested, such that when you are thinking, your thought is governed by the word of God, this is how to develop the faith mindset, and that is the mindset that attracts divine backing and divine attention, it also grants you access to the mind of God and the Power of God.
  2. Think The Word of God: This is a dimension most people do not engage, and this is very important, to build the faith mindset, you must learn to think the word of God; for instance, if you are sick in your body, the next thing is to find out what the scripture says, about sickness, like “By his stripes, I am healed!” so you begin to think and meditate on it, the process of meditation is a very powerful medium of transformation, and God honors our thoughts, the scriptures made it clear, in Ephesians 3:20; “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, ”. From the scripture above, we discover, God is able to grant even our thoughts, fulfillment and if that is the case, then our thoughts must be according to his word, so that we can get the right thing, if you listen to the news often, you will discover, we have more bad news than good news, on the media, and in that case, we need to govern our mind and fill it with the word of God, so that our faith can be firm and establish on the truth, Amen!
  3. Guard Your Heart: We establish at the beginning of this teaching that our mind is a warfare ground and both God and the enemy  access us through the channel of our mind, it is a major access gateway into our lives, we must guard our heart away from the noise in the environment around us and ensure, it is purged rightly, it is important we know, that, whatever you see in your mind, whether good or bad, you shall have it, as this is a spiritual principle that governs our life on the earth, and that is why the bible says; ; “Guard your Heart diligently, for out of it are the issues of Life – Proverbs 4:23”.  We must block access of wrong people, wrong association and wrong believe from coming into our mind, knowing that, if it gains access to our mind, there are tendencies that our life will take the shape, to change your life, you must change your thought, as “thought quality determines life quality”, so we must ensure the quality of our thought Is subject to check.
  4. Pray for the Mind of God: The bible says, let this mind, also which is in Christ Jesus, be in youPhilippians 2:5”, so there is a mind that exists in Christ Jesus, and we need to have this mind, it comes by accepting Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and savior, it also comes as you study the bible and more essentially, the words of Jesus, his personality and nature will find expression in you; Jesus’s Mind is the mind of Faith, it is governed by the word and divine inspiration, it is a mind that is ever open unto God for divine communication and access, pray for it, ask for it, yearn for it, thirst for it, and as you so do, God will grant you the very mind of Christ in Jesus name.



  • Father, we thank you for sending us your word today; we know that your word is true and it can transform, we pray that you transform us by the power of your word in Jesus Name.
  • We pray for the mind of Faith that conquers every battle in Jesus name.
  • We ask for access into the deep revelation of your word to be open unto us in Jesus name, Amen!

Witten by Akanni Tolulope Matthew



By Matex

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