-Bishop David Oyedepo at CHoP

  • God is all you need to have all your needs so obeying is key to having all your needs met.
  • Ingathering is as demanding if not much more demanding than harvesting of the fruits on the field.
  • Our ingathering is what entitles us to our full pay.
    For bringing all of us into this brand-new month in grand styles, give Jesus the biggest clap of praise.
    For the august visitation reserved for you in this month of August, give Jesus again another big clap of praise.
    For coming down to shepherd you and I on the right course of life, not to miss our steps, but to make us lie down in green pastures, to refresh our souls, to cause goodness and mercy to keep following us daily, give Jesus a big hand of praise.
    For enabling you and I to go through this Midst of the Year Prophetic season alive and well and strong, give the Lord another big hand of praise.
    For the value He has enabled you to add to His Kingdom through the prayer altar, your passionate pursuit of souls, your compelling invitation for people who came to Church and got saved and for people that you harvested on the field. Give the Lord also another big hand of praise.
    Father, we give You thanks in the name of Jesus Christ.
    You know when you stop going to work, you stop earning the pay. So serving God is not seasonal as long as you are interested in the blessings, better get interested in obedience. You don’t go on break breathing, you have to keep at it, to stay alive. So serving God is a lifelong task. As long as the service continues, the blessings that attend to it continues.
    Prayer: So grace to keep going, without looking back, lift up your two hands and receive it. Grace to keep going without looking back, serving your God in truth and in deed. Now take it from God, receive it from God this morning.
    Grace to keep going without looking back, receive it from God this morning.
    It takes help from God to continue, to keep at it, to keep enjoying it. It takes grace from God to keep enjoying it. In Jesus name we have prayed.
    Lord Jesus, thank You again for taking us through the Midst of the Year revival season and for the outcome that is humbling in diverse testimonies in multiplication, replication and growth of Cells; we give you thanks. Thank You for multitudes that came into this Church during this Season and thank You for keeping them here till your appearing in Jesus precious name. Speak to us and let your name be glorified.
    If you look at Kingdom stewardship as our literal services in various places where we work including our businesses, the day you withdraw your products from the market, you have gone bankrupt. The day the businessman, the market woman is tired of going to the market, he has closed up his sales or her sales.
    “Thou shall serve, He shall bless” – Exodus 23:25
    As long as you are serving, He won’t stop blessing,
    Thou shall serve, He will take sickness away from your body. As long as you keep serving, you are entitled to the health care programme of Heaven.
    Exodus 23:26
    The blessings continue as long as the service continues.
    Remember we are not only called to bear fruits, we are also called to ensure that our fruits abide – John 15:16
    We also know that every harvest left on the field stands a risk of being devoured by the birds of the air. So the harvest must be carried to the barn, otherwise the labour is wasted. You leave your harvest on the field, there are millions of birds, flying on the field looking for free food. The fowls of the air will ‘chop’ them and the labour is over. During harvest season, you know the seed you carry to the farm can be put in a bag but you can’t put the harvest in a bag. No, you put the harvest in sacks and one bag of seeds and can result into 100 sacks of harvest. That is a lot of demand. You carry them on your back till they get t the barn. It’s a lot of task and that is what we are called to do.
    Matthew 12:30
    Ingathering is as demanding if not much more demanding than harvesting of the fruits on the field. We must therefore be committed to ever scriptural instruction to avoid wasted labour. God hates waste. After feeding people for free with 5 loaves and 2 fishes, He told His disciples, gather the remnant that remains that nothing be lost (John 6:12). God hates waste.
    -Your labour shall not be wasted.
    Ecclesiastes 10:15
    We must know how, what it takes to ensure that our fruits abide.
    Daniel 12:3
    We must learn how to turn our new converts to righteousness. That is where our star lies.
    Our exhortation line for the week is captioned:
  1. Establishment in the faith of our new converts
    They are brought under the Ministry of Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, for the perfecting of their faith till they come to the unity of faith. They are brought in there to be established.
    Jeremiah 3:15-16
    You get established in the faith under the Ministry of Pastors that are sent to us.
    Ephesians 4:13-14
    We are in Church to be established till Christ be fully formed in us.
  2. God satisfies believers with the goodness of His house in the Church.
    Psalm 65:4
    He satisfies us with the goodness of His house in His Temple. So you bring them in so they can taste of the goodness of the Lord and by so doing abide in His house forever.
    Psalm 23:6
    Because that is what you are looking for in town and it is released to you for free in the Temple. So where else are you going?
    Psalm 132:13-15
    What is Zion? The Church of God (Hebrews 12:22-24)
    When we come to Church, we have come to God; we have come to Jesus; we have come under the blood of sprinkling that tells destruction, ’Stay Off!’ They are shielded, they come under a covering when they come to Church.
    God said, “this is where I will dwell with you forever” – you want to meet Me, come over here. Come down here, this is where I dwell. He is ever in His temple to continue to bless the provisions of His people so they can keep shouting for joy. The shout of joy never ceases in the Church where Christ resides: always shouting, celebrating His faithfulness.
    Until the farm produce gets to the storehouse, a farmer is not entitled to his pay.
    John 4: 35-36
    Our ingathering is what entitles us to our full pay. Our full pay is the ingathering aspect. That is why we must remain committed to ingathering of souls into Church.
    Finally, the Church is the city of refuge for the redeemed (2 Samuel 7:10). For the Lord has appointed Zion, He has chosen it for His habitation. “This is my rest forever and here will I dwell.”
    Church is God’s appointed place for the end time Church where we take cover against the wickedness of the wicked.
    Cities of refuge in the Old Testament are designed to keep us away form the assault of the wicked and that place remains intact while the High Priest lives. Jesus our High Priest ever lives, to make intercession for us.
    Bringing them into Church is bringing them under His covering, the covering of our High Priest, who is touched with every of our infirmities, to shield us away from the affliction of the wicked. That is why we must remain committed to the ingathering of souls into Church and God who sees your investment in that direction has vowed to reward you openly (Matthew 6:6).
    Stay committed, remain fervently in service and you remain on God’s payroll where all your needs and all my needs are covered.

God is all you need to have all your needs so obeying is key to having all your needs met.
This is the charge: Everyone you succeeded in bringing to Church throughout this just concluded Operation and since the year began, stay on them till they are established in Church.
Very simple:
Stay on them to connect with WSF which is closest to where they live.
Stay on them to go to Believers’ Foundation class.
Stay on them to attend Midweek Services where God is doing wonders again and again.
Stay on them till they keep coming to Church without anyone calling them.
Add them to your budget until you see them established.
Every secret investment entitles the believer to open rewards. Every secret investment!
Many years ago, the Lord said to me, “I am not unrighteous to forget your works -1982 and your labour of love which you have shown towards my name, in that you minister to the saints and have continued to minister” (Hebrews 6:10). He records our inputs for the purpose of rewards. God never forgets, He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Hm (Hebrew 11:6).
Don’t stretch and say “thank God, ‘Operation By All Means’ is over.” The tallest order of Christ is ‘Occupy till I come’ (Luke 19:13).
Whenever He comes, He changes your level. He goes again and comes and He changes your level one more time and gradually, gradually, gradually:
“My God, we were there together”: Now he has left
-You will be among the people that they will say, “we will there together before”, you will be up, up there through your secret engagement, your fervent engagement, your passionate engagement.
It doesn’t take time to have pastime testimonies: Yes, God was moving.
So where is God now? When you stop serving, God stops moving. You keep serving, you have committed Him to keep moving in your life and the move of God in any man’s life moves him forward. It moves you forward.
Prayers: Receive grace for quality secret investment in the area of ingathering of souls into Church through prayers, constant touch and encouragement of the redeemed till they are established in Church.
Give Him thanks for those you invited that didn’t come because they are coming.
Give Him thanks for those who came, they will never return. They will abide forever.
Give Him thanks for what will happen this week through you as you take time to pray over them, take time to reach out to them in the name of Jesus.
Thank You Father, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Again, Happy, Happy New Month to everyone.
-It shall be another month of going forward in your life.
-Another month of breaking forth on the right and on the left.
-Another month of shouting and shout of joy.
-As declared yesterday, it shall be the beginning of your season of harvest of testimonies. Harvest of testimonies. It will never come to an end, in the name of Jesus.
Speak to the week right now as we close:
Week: Open Up.
I am not giving up, I am not down, I am on the move.

By Matex

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