– Archbishop Margaret Benson Idahosa
Hello all CGMI, I’m glad to be on your way. Archbishop Benson Idahosa once said, “Margaret, if I am allowed to name this world or to give this world another name, I will call it a challenging world, troubled world, problematic world”. But not to worry, these are challenging times for us people but we are going to focus our attention on Him that has called us. The Bible says looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Hallelujah!
The Bible says for this is the confidence, the assurance, the boldness that we have in Him. Confidence of what? That He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He does not change and He will not change. He will not because of our circumstances change or because of your circumstance change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
What confidence?
The confidence that we are more than conquerors. The confidence that greater is He who is on the inside of us than he that is outside there. br />
What boldness do we have in Him? That nothing can separate us from the love of God. Nothing; is it death, suffering, sickness, disease? Nothing can separate us from the love of God. God remains God, God remains faithful. Hallelujah!
For we grieve not as unbelievers; we don’t grieve as if we don’t have hope. The Bible says if we have hope in this world, we are of all men most miserable. We have hope in Him. The Bible says, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. For the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 (AMP) no trial, no temptation that will force us to curse God or to talk here and there, to talk and accuse God – nothing enticing to sin. Every trial, every temptation is adapted, it is also adjusted to human as we are on this planet earth. But God is faithful; trials will come, temptation will come, it will make us cry, it will make us grieve, it will make us to crawl back into our shells but God is faithful. God is faithful to His word, to His compassionate nature. Our God is a compassionate God and He can be trusted not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will also provide you with a way of escape that will take you to a landing place; that will take you safely to a landing place. I love this version because it expatiated the verse.
So CGMI, there is no test; no temptation that has come that is not common. It is not from the blues, it is common but our God is a faithful Father. He is faithful that He will not allow that which we cannot bear to come upon us. Hallelujah!
So brace up, let’s focus our attention on Him that has called us, let’s focus our attention on Him that died at the Cross; the finished work at Calvary is our strength, is our boost, it is all that we need because our God is a faithful Father.
So clean your eyes, focus on Him because He is able to take us to another level of faith, another level of holding on to Him tenaciously. I want to encourage you and encourage myself, the Bible says and David encouraged himself. I’m encouraging you just as I’m encouraging myself because our God is a faithful Father, He is a faithful God. So brace up CGMI, let’s look unto Jesus who is able to do all things according to His plan in the name of Jesus Christ.
Amen and amen.
Let me just pray for you:
My God and my Father, I thank You for every member of CGMI and those that are out there watching us. Loving God our attention is focused on You, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. The God that is able to do exceeding our minds. We look up unto You everlasting Father, we decree and declare that Your name alone will be glorified in all that we are passing through because Jesus is Lord. We believe on the finished work at Calvary, we believe on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, we believe on the resurrection in the name of Jesus Christ.
Your Word declares everlasting Father to be absent here, this troublesome world, to be absent from this whahala world is to be present at the presence of our everlasting Father. We thank You that we have hope, we are not of those oh God that have no hope, we have hope in you and we thank You that in this hope, we stand on nothing less but the blood of Jesus Christ which was shed for us at the cross of Calvary. Comfort each and everyone oh God in the name of Jesus and let us stand and focus our attention on Him who is able to do exceeding our minds.
Thank You Father, we give You praise, we give You glory, we give You adoration for doing more than what we have asked for, in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Amen and amen.
Archbishop Margaret Benson-Idahosa
Official statement from Church of God Mission International, on the call to glory of her Director of Administration, RT. REV. ODEMWINGIE OSARUESE OKUNDAYE, on Monday, 23rd August, 2021.
“And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud…” (Revelation 11:12).
We bow to the supreme and eternal will of the sovereign God, as we announce the transition of RT. REV. ODEMWINGIE OSARUESE OKUNDAYE, the Director of Administration of Church of God Mission Int’l from his earthly home to be with the saints triumphant.
Bishop Odi, as he was belovedly known, was a Christlike and Christ-centred preacher and teacher, with in-depth wisdom and a profound illumination embedded in God’s word.
A beloved son, husband, father, and brother, he was an astute administrator with a rare brilliance, dexterity and finesse- all encapsulated in the spirit of excellence.
Bishop Odi was a man with a savvy candour and demeanour, towering above his peers, both physically and intellectually, while simultaneously graced with gentleness of heart and a resolute spirit.
Although as mortals, we cannot fully comprehend the infinite wisdom of God, we nonetheless submit to His supreme will and mandate, while remaining confident in His continually good plans for us as a global family.
Indeed, heaven has gained a spiritual giant. Indeed, heaven has won a warrior. The battle is won, and Jesus has the ultimate victory. We judge him loving and faithful forever.
Bishop Feb Idahosa
For The College of Bishops,