Greetings to the church in Western part of Sahara Nigeria, my joy is far beyond measure as I write you.

The fragrance of your exploits has reached everyone, even the Europeans are surprised seeing the great things happening here.

The prayer mountains, great auditoriums, camps and influx of souls into these places.

No one can deny the dedication of your old and young men, it’s glorious to behold.

The news of your faith, joy and hope has beaten every record set by those who came here to preach the goodnews.

The churches in Asia and America can’t but marvel at your great exploits of faith.

Like Eutychus, you’re sleeping while sitting on the window, I sensed you didn’t know.

The joy of your exploits has closed your eyes to the damage of permissivism.

As beautiful as the edifice are Christianity here is looking like a white sepulchre.

The tempter has exploited your crave for finese to replace those things that brought you where you’re.

I learnt that your prayer mountains are now home to charlatans who exploit the innocent.

It’s disheartening when Demas brought the news that electronic smoke is now on your altar to depicts the glory of God.

The church in Jerusalem receives your fat offering while the one in ode-omu can hardly survive.

The news of your celebrity preachers reached us in Antioch and we asked if you learnt this from us.

Years ago, the western Nigeria is a place of revival not rivalry, who is the happening preacher in town?

With tears in heart, I send Timothy to warn you but you shut him because he is young and not wealthy.

What manner of insult is this, if the truth is not true if the truth is not from a popular preacher.

Heaven was so disturbed to see preachers send hired assassin after each other just as they assassinate each others personalities.

In a vision of the night on our way to Isle of wisdom, I saw how the gospel of merchandise is now more accepted than salvation.

Have you forgotten how Babalola, Idahosa, Babajide, Elton all labour to present Christ to you.

What is this about clique among your preachers and church.

The church of the rich, the church of the poor, celebrity church, all of these are strange alien.

Has the tempter taking over your mind to the point of not discerning these are his doing.

Silas and Barnabbas were sent back to us at Abuja, they were told to mind their business that the gospel needed to be upgraded.

When I heard there are more prophets and apostles in your region than all the churches in there, I couldn’t believe it.

Is it true, everyone is now called to start a church.

Epaphroditus said 9 churches now share the same building, atimes you fight yourselves through public address system.

Who has bewitched you to forsake wisdom in the midst of unbelievers.

Is it true, some of you now brag to sale the blood of Jesus.

Is this the same gospel that we were persecuted for or another one.

Peter couldn’t hold back his anger when he saw your love and crave for acceptance by politicians and the world.

He wrote me a letter, even James couldn’t believe his eyes at the sight of your new age gospel that sees sin as nothing.

Let everyone of you repent now, there is no room to further slip down into heresy.

Let the fire of revival be rekindle by tracing back your steps to your first love.

You have been a point of encouragement to other believers in Sahara region, your place must he restored.

We can’t hold back prayers from you in this season of war against your faith.

Don’t forget to see the warning of the Lord in Luke 18:8.

You remember his word to us on Consecration and righteousness, it’s time you revisit it.

Tell the Bishops to stop sleeping in politicians House.

Titus shall come to you in January, the thieves among you need to steal no more.

Before I forget, has the letter to the Corinthians Church reached you, I told them forward it to you because your case is similar.

Please, don’t beat Timothy when he delivers the content of the letter to the Ephesians on our behalf.

Stop hiding the letter to Galatians from the pews.

Elijah has promised to visit, I quickly sent Elisha to plead with him, he couldn’t stand your arrogance and Ahabic.

We are praying for you, we know the fire of revival shall abound again for generational impact.

Tell the Eastern Nigeria church that their report have reached us too.

The grace of our Lord Jesus abides with you.

AT Joel

By Matex

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