Bishop David Oyedepo is not just a preacher but also an author and he has written many inspiring books that can turn your life around just by reading and practicing what’s in it.

 Here I want to talk about seven books of Bishop David Oyedepo you must read.

  1. The Healing Balm.
       Do you desire to live perfect Health and never be sick, afflicted or oppressed by diseases?
    In this book the Lord is placing in your hands keys to divine health through Dr David Oyedepo.

    3 John 1:2 “Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health as thy soul prospereth”

    God desires that we live a healthy life so he made adequate provisions for us to be healthy. God is not only concerned about our soul, he is also concerned about our body and does not want to see us sick that is why the bible says in Isaiah 53:5 “… by his stripes we are healed”

    Every born again child of God has a covenant of divine Health with the Father, if not he couldn’t have said “…I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26)

    In this book Dr David Oyedepo tells us that there is a place we can stand in God and never fall sick or oppressed; he said it is a realm where the divine nature in us is stirred up and we become immune to sickness and diseases.
    We don’t have to store up drugs in our houses any more. Is it a sin to take drugs? No but you have to be sick to use them.  He is talking of the sickness free life that God has planned for us.

    If you are in anyway sick or oppressed by any type of disease I assure you that you can get out of it because that is what God wants. “Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughters of my people recovered? (Jeremiah 8:22) and to confirm this, the Bible also says in Hebrew 4:12 For the word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joint and marrow and  is a discerner of the thought and the intent of the heart.

    Yes God’s word can travel as far as your bones and marrow, it can travel right where that sickness is and set you free.  If God’s word can go as far as the soul and spirit, how much more will it get to the kidney, heart, lungs, liver, name it, and destroy whatever has held you captive.
    The moment you get a light from God’s word, that light has the power to turn your story around and that is what Bishop David Oyedepo Is enjoying now and he has been living in good health. That was what Kenneth Hagin also enjoyed that made him say I don’t know how Headache feels because he hasn’t had headache in a long while and not only Headache but also anything related to sickness.
    This book has been packed with a lot for you and I can’t but tell you to read it. I believe you can take your healing reading this book.
  2. Manifestations of the Spirit: unveiling the seven spirits of God.
    In this great book, Bishop David Oyedepo states some important points about raising mighty army; empowered and equipped by the power of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy sirit is on you, you will emerge as an army of God even right in the midst of gloominess and darkness! Christianity is a burden without the Holy Spirit.

    Friends have you heard of the seven Sprits of God.
    1. The Spirit of Power
    2. The Spirit of Wisdom
    3. The Spirit of Understanding
    4. The Spirit of Counsel
    5. The Spirit of Might
    6. The Spirit of Knowledge
    7. The Spirit of The Fear of The Lord
    He also added the place of Love (The love dimention)
    This book is filled with a lot of things that I can’t explain, this book has changed me greatly and I am sure beyond the shadows of a doubt that it will change you to a greater person.
  3. Walking in Wisdom.
    Wisdom is a life wire to all great destinies. According to Proverbs 9:1 wisdom is a builder of destiny.
    In this book Bishop David Oyedepo has stated the place of wisdom and how wisdom can be gotten and how to apply it for maximum result.
    The hidden wisdom of God is the custodian of God’s programmed glory for our lives (1 Corinthians 2:6-7).

    Divine wisdom is a wisdom that distinguishes you from other men and it is not inaccessible to natural men, Divine wisdom is only accessible to the children of God.
    Intellectual wisdom may bring you promotion but it takes Supernatural wisdom to experience dramatic promotion.

    Wisdom is given from above and if you don’t have, you have been instructed to ask for it.
     James 1:5
    “if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God , that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given.”
    I know that as you read this book the wisdom of God will come mightily upon you.
  4. Breaking the Curses of Life.
    Friend’s curses are real! They are not just imaginations, they are real and practical.
    Curses are forces in the unseen realm and they have power to bring evil to come to pass.

    In this book, Dr David Oyedepo has stated how to identify and uncover the sources of curses.

    Isaiah 42:22
    but this is a people robbed spoiled they are all of them snared in holes and they are hid in prison houses: they are for pray and none delivereth; for a spoil and none saith Restore.

    There are so many destines today like that has been snared in holes, no fresh air at all! It is a choking experience! Many destinies hid in prison houses! So many try as they may but nothing seems to shine forth.
    I assure you today that in whatever way you have find yourself snared in holes and hid in prison houses, the Lord is set to open your eyes through this book so you can walk in liberty.

  5. Understanding the Power of Praise.
    Praise is cardinal to the believer, because it is the cheapest access to the Most High God.
    Nothing greases life like praise! When any system or engine lacks grease, it begins to make a cranking noise. Many Christian are like that today because they lack the grease of praise. It is time to train up in praise

    Psalm 67:3
    Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people Praise thee.

    A man can praise his way out of penury to plenty, sickness to health, smallness to bigness, yet praise is one of the most neglected but we can’t run away from it because it is one of the purposes of our Creation.
    Praise is not focusing on happenings; it is focusing on God’s faithfulness.
    Now it is time to understand the usefulness of praise and how to give God quality praise. And in this book Bishop David Oyedepo has put down all you need to give God quality praise.
  6. Winning invisible Battles.
    There is a notable upsurge in evil acts of the world just as foretold in the bible. Showing us that we are in the end times.
    In this book Bishop David Oyedepo reveals the secret of living an overcome’s life in this languishing world
    1 John 5:4-5
    “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith.
    Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?”

    He also stated how we can win invisible battles through the blood of Jesus, how to put our Angels to work, how things and situation which otherwise would pose a problem will cheaply be accomplished by the mystery of the anointing oil and the mantle.
    He also stated the place of who we are!
    1John 4:4
    “ye are of God, little Children and have overcome them: because Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

  7. Winning Prayer.
    Prayer is one of the greatest assets of the redeemed. It is our communication link with God, our Heavenly Father.
    Unfortunately, many are either not taking advantage of the privilege or they approach it wrongly. No wonder you hear them say something like “I have exhausted prayer, yet there is no breakthrough.”
    James 4:2-3 “Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss…”

    Until you know the meaning of prayer and how to pray correctly, you will never be free from pressure because certain d oors in life will never open to you, until you properly engage your communication line with God. There are many things that are rightfully yours in the covenant; but you may never enjoy them until you ask seek and knock correctly.

    Prayer is not optional for a believer because it is one of our vital covenant responsibilities. That is why the word of God admonishes that we pray always.

    Luke 18:1 “and he spake a parable unto them to this end, that menought to pray, and not faint;

    1 Thessalonians  5:17
    Pray without ceasing.

    Act 6:4
    But we will give ourselves continually to Prayer, and to the ministry of the word.

    In this book Dr David Oyedepo has stated how to pray effective prayer that will bring results.
  8. Understanding Financial Prosperity : One of the foremost Servant of God that introduce the mystery of Kingdom Prosperity to the body of Christ in Nigeria is Bishop Oyedepo, he is not just a teacher of the Word of God, he is also an Apostle of Kingdom wealth, not that he is teaching the principles alone, he is also living the life, the prosperity is evidently seen upon him, his ministry is one or the largest organisation in Nigeria with probably the highest numbers of staffs on Payroll monthly (which they do not owe any staff). Bishop as proven over the years that God is a God of his people, and he is committed to prospering his people for as long as the condition for the prosperity is met. I read this book and my financial life was completely transformed. I walked into the realm of practical prosperity, so i know it is real, you only need to enter into the covenant to enjoy what it entails. I am recommending this book for you, it will bless you life and transform you completely.

There are the list of 8 books by Bishop Oyedepo, of Living Faith Church (Winners chapel) that we brought to you today, he as written many more books than this, we just choose to mention a few ones in this article, have you read any book by the Bishop? Drop a comment below and let’s hear your testimony, God bless you.

By Matex

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