There are Pastors and there are great Pastors, one of such Great men is Dr Pastor Paul Enenche of Dunamis International Gospel Centre, I bless the day I got connected to Dr Paul Enenche, it was been impactful ever after, I am forever grateful for meeting and getting connected and associated to Dr Paul Enenche and his ministry, we have heard of the mighty works of God done by Apostle Ayo Babalola, Archbishop Idahosa and other great men of God, but we didn’t meet them here, but thank God for an Apostle of God, that we meet in this generation, we don’t have to talk about what God during the time of John G. Lake, Kathryn kulhman, A.A. Allen. We are privileged to see he mighty works of God in our generation today through the impact and ministry of Dr Paul Enenche.
Today, I’d be sharing the 6 Things I love about Dr Pastor Paul Enenche, I come in contact with his ministry about 11years ago, I was in a place discussing with my friend about God’s great generals who have went to be with the lord in Nigeria, and how we read the mighty things God did through them in those days, and it seems these days, we don’t have much mighty move going on anymore, all we have around now is just Noise everywhere without notable result, then my friend said to me, have you heard of Dr Paul Enenche in Abuja, a medical doctor called into the work of Ministry by God and whom God is using to do mighty works, I said, who is he? I don’t think I know anyone by that name, so I went home and search for him on youtube and got some of his audio messages, not long after, I realized God is using him in a mighty ways, the lame are walking, the blind are seeing, mighty works of God is happening and souls are been saved, the church is on fire, destiny of men and women are been lifted by the power of God, even the dead is been raised back to life, that was when I knew, something powerful is happening at Dunamis Church Abuja, it got me attracted to following the set man, fortunately for me, I joined a fellowship when I Got to campus (Lautech), we were given the opportunity to connect to November Dunamis Kingdom and Power glory conference, from there I was able to encounter God’s power in reality, I mean, I saw what God was using his servant to do, the oppressed were delivered, the sick were healed, strange manifestation of God’s power was taking place, ever since then, I have been following God’s servant and fortunately for me, he came to Ilorin city last year for Crusade and that gave me the opportunity to be under his ministration directly, both at the crusade ground held at the Kwara State Stadium Complex and the morning session ministers conference, it was a great time of impartation and learning, I honor the grace of God at work in the life of Dr Paul Enenche, his type of minister is a rare one, even the forces of darkness, knows that God sent him and his generation is highly blessed to have him.
Today, I will be sharing the 6 major things I love about Dr Pastor Paul Enenche of Dunamis.
- 1. His Spirituality: Dr Paul Enenche is a true definition of a spiritual priest, a spiritual man, a disciple and apostle of Jesus Christ, so many things about the Lord and Christian faith were made clear to me through his teaching, he has such an unusual depth and understanding of the word of God, you cannot listen to his message and not become spiritually vibrant, he is such a fireful and unusual preacher, his teachings has a way of amplifying your spiritual life, he carries an unusual unction and Grace, he has this tangible presence of God that can impart your life, it has happened to me many times and many people across the world, watching Dr Paul’s teaching and ministration is enough to set you on fire, he delivers the word of God with conviction and Power. He has raise millions of fireful Christians through his teachings. From the intense worship session to the word ministration, to the power move, and mighty miracles in the services, it is astonishing and amazing what happens when Dr Paul ministers. His Christian songs are power packed, they are revival, and they can bring you to your knees even if you are alone in the room. Without any doubt, Dr Paul enenche has set many Pastors, ministries and body of God at large on fire for God. His spiritual walk with God is evident and seen in the result his life and ministry commands; I got to love God the more through the life of Pastor Paul Enenche.
- 2. His Wisdom : Not too many Pastors or spiritual leader is filled with wisdom, wisdom is what raise exceptional and success people, it is never enough to have a large congregation, there must be wisdom on ground to culture them and raise them into becoming extra ordinary people. This is something that I can see in the life of Dr Enenche, his teachings are not just “Power packed” they are also wisdom loaded. For instance, in a Nation like Nigeria where people are finally down, it takes a lot of wisdom to raise a people that is wealthy and successful and this can be seen in Dunamis Church, I remember listening to a sermon of Dr Paul Enenche on “Wealth Transfer” that teaching shifted my life and finances into another realm entirely, it was full of wisdom and insight. The sermon obviously communicates an unusual wisdom to me and this applies to his teaching in other areas of life too, Dr Paul Enenche is a bank of wisdom.
- 3. His Leadership: The magnitude of Work in Dunamis Ministry can only be spearhead by great Leaderhsip, the volume of church networks, Pastors programs and events, evangelism, Crusades and more that happens year in, year out, it takes an exceptionally leadership to run at that frequency. Dr Paul Enenche invest greatly in building their staffs and Pastoral staffs, both mentally and spiritually, the same applies to members, there are so many spiritual and academic school systems that has been establish to equip the people, the quality of his leadership can be seen in the life of the followers, and Pastors under him. If you want to understand the subject of effective leadership, both in marriage, life, ministry and even government, get any sermon of Dr Paul Enenche, or follow him and listen to him often, faith and wisdom comes by hearing, the wisdom that makes for effective leadership will be communicated to you.
- 4. His Passion: This is a man that is highly passion driven, especially in the areas of kingdom service, soul winning and evangelism. He is also passionate about Nation building, raising men and women of influence, ensuring God’s people are not failures or mediocre in the society. Dr Paul Enenche’s passion is highly contagious, he is passionate about the kingdom of God and everything connected, his impact on people is not small at all. His Passion for God can make you passionate about God. Recently, they made their secondary school tuition free education, yet they are running with such a huge excellence and value. The level of his passion cannot be overemphasized, during the Covid-19 Lockdown, Dunamis Glory dome in Abuja provided so many food stuffs for their members, I mean a very vast volume of food materials were made available, also during Christmas celebration in December, a huge volume of food stuffs is made available, I mean in metric tonnes, for everyone interested, both Christians and Muslim, there is no religious segregation, this is because the season is meant to show the love of Jesus, trust me it Is huge and expensive, it takes a lot of money and sacrifice to make that happen, Dr Paul Enenche is a passionate and selfless preacher.
- 5. His Mantle: Yes, Dr Paul carries a Apostolic and Prophetic Fire mantle, this mantle as brought so many people out of their pit, dungeon, cage and limitations of life, it has set many captives free, deliver many oppressed and brought liberation to so many lives and destiny, some of the testimonies that comes from Dunamis Church are actually mindblowing and sometimes, difficult to believe and this is because of the mantle of God upon his servant, it is also a fire and judgmental mantle, all the witches in Nigeria and the world knows real good that you don’t toil near that mantle, I remember there was a testimony that was shared in the church, a church member passed out, and God’s servant was not in Nigeria, he flew with his crusade crew to another country at that time, but the dead man came back to life and said, while he was dead, he saw himself running away and all of a sudden, God’s servant Dr Paul Enenche interrupted him and said, “I was away in Cameroon, when the lord told me to tell you, it is not your time yet, so go back” that was how the guy came back to life, another one, there is this audio recording of When Dr Enenche was praying in tongues, it Is called “Tongues of Fire”, some church members went on evangelism and they were inside the bus, when a man died right here, they began to pray on him, but nothing happened, so one of them decided to play the tongues of fire into the hearing of the dead man, lo and behold, as the audio was playing the dead man came back to life, and even came to church to testify, there has been too many instances and testimony to prove that God truly called God’s servant and indeed anointed hi with the mantle of fire, it is speaking both in this Nation and all across the world, God is doing amazing things in Dunamis Church, all the programs, and conference are characterized with massive attendance both from Nigeria and outside the country, with 100s of delegates coming from various Nations of the world to worship and seek Jesus in Dunamis Glory Dome Abuja Nigeria.
- 6. His Humility: Finally, the last on my list today is the exceptional humility that God’s servant showcase most times, he is one of the most humble ministers of God in Nigeria, I remember the day he told us, “I don’t want to bear the tag PROSPERITY PREACHER’ even though he preach and teach on Kingdom prosperity and how to being the people of God into the experience of Covenant wealth, yet he is very humble about it and it has not changed his message.
Without any gainsaying, Dr Paul Enenche is one of the Voice of God in the world right now, he is one of the most successful global ministers of God who dares the devil in the face and conquer Territory for Jesus, yet he is very humble, most times you will never hear him say “my church” he will always “in our church” or “in our ministry”, he is so humble, even in the pattern of his worship to God, you can see that brokenness and humility in display, I must say I learn how to worship God deeply and intensely through the ministry of Dr Paul Enenche, several times, he has taught us how to delay gratification and not believe we have arrived, he has helped us to look up to Jesus always has the author and the finisher of our faith, I love Dr Paul Enenche and I honor him with all my heart, it is my prayer that it will always be well with you sir, thank you for showing us the way of truth and how to walk with the Living God in our lifetime.