Great Men desire to have peace in their home and one of the greatest factor that propel peace at home is when the both party are happy, most of the times, women happiness in marriage is determined and dependent on their husband.

As the head of the family, you need to be committed to making your wife happy always, her happiness is directly proportional to your own happiness too, most men don’t know that the reason their wives are cheating on them is simply because they are not happy and perhaps, there is another man at her workplace that makes her happy, they might not be dating but through conversation and attention, she is already getting happiness from another man that is not her hubby, for this reason and more, every man must pay rapt attention to the happiness of his wife, which will go a long way to keep the home in order and in good condition too.

Today, I will be sharing with you, 5 steps to make your Wife very Happy with you and in her marriage, this tips will go a long way to restore Joy and Happiness to your home and restore Marital Bliss too.

5 Ways to Make your Wife Happy;

  1. Tell her How much you Love her: It’s a pity that many men only do this when they just meet their wives, and when they just got married, after a while they stop doing it, and this is bad, this is not right, Love suppose to be something that is activated revalidated and renewed, don’t love her yesterday, love her today and always and make sure you tell her how much you do, this is very important, you may say or feel she knows, this is not enough for women, they want revalidation and reassurance, this is the only way to make her secure always…. you must ensure you earn her trust, and the best way to do that is to reassure her of your love for her.

Don’t just say it, do it, do things that proves that you really love her, things that will convince her of your Love for her, some surprise hangout, some nice movie moments together, those sweet play time together are very essential in making her know you really LOVE HER.

  1. Buy her Gifts and Surprises always: The greatest prove of Love is giving, if you Love and you are not a giver, then, it is difficult to believe your Love, the best way to prove your love is by giving. Do you what she likes? Go out there and buy them for her, or new things that you know she will like, every woman likes surprise gifts, don’t be stingy or too busy to have time for your loved one.
    Plan a surprise shopping for her, buy her the best of things, change her wardrobe, let her know, she as nothing to worry about because she as got the best man in the world.

It is a painful thing for many women out there, whose husband use to buy them stuffs during courtship but right now, they don’t do that anymore, it can be so painful, many will not say it out, but if you are sensitive to your wife, you will know when she is uncomfortable with something. whenever you are driving home from work, you can get her favourite sallah and ice cream, that jewellry, that nice dress she loves, or a new one you know she will like, don’t hide your love for your woman, anytime you are hiding it, another person is showing her tremendous love outside and she will be subjected to great temptation after which, she may eventually fall for it.

  1. Give her Great Sex : This is non-negotiable, Great SEX is necessary, women need great sex. Especially now that she is married to you, she shouldn’t be burning with her feelings again, while you are there. The problem with some men is that, they are too busy, they don’t seems to have time for their spouse any more.
    This is not good, it can kill and destroy just any marriage, you must continue to have time for your wife, you must pay attention to her feelings her affections and emotions.

Many times, when a woman wants sex, she will not say it out with her mouth but the signs will be there, don’t close your eyes to the signs she’s showing, emotional trauma can lead to very devastating issues in marriage, you must not give room for negative circumstances in your marriage, there are people out there, trying to woo your wife, despite the fact that you are married, don’t give them the chance to get her, she may never open up to them, but if you starve her sexually, she may be forced to do so eventually.

Another thing is performance of some men during sex, if you know you have issues with premature ejaculation, you may need to see the doctor for recommendation, many women do complain of their husband been very weak in bed, does not perform great again, doesn’t give them maximum pleasure, this is not good, you must be able to satisfy your wife sexually, if truly you don’t want her to cheat on you.

Many of the infidelity, cheating in marriage today are due to this one issue of inconsistent sex, the wife is not sexually satisfied, learn more on how to make your woman proud of you in the bed.

  1. Love her Parents and be a Blessing to them: This is another winning key to making your wife happy, you must love her parents, it is not an option, it is a must!
    Your presence in her life should not turn her back against her family, I am not saying you should carry them along with everything happening in your family, No!

All am saying is, you must accept her people, love them and be a blessing to them, let them know that you are a part of their family, beyond the fact that you took their daughter as your wife, love them, cherish them, honor them,embrace them, respect them and of course, be a blessing unto them, this is very paramount.

Take time out to send money to your in-laws, don’t leave them alone, don’t display “I don’t care character” this is not good, if you want your wife to be happy with you in the Journey, then make her people happy always, she will forever be pleased with you in the Journey.

I personally make it a point of duty to send money and material things to my in-laws on a regular interval, this makes them happy and also makes my wife pleased with me always, when your wife is happy with you, there will be great Joy at home and the both of you will experience Victory, Success and Long life.

  1. Understand her Weakness, Forgive Her Always: The greatest test of true Love, is not when everything’ in order, it is actually when there is misunderstanding, argument, disagreement, offense and bitterness. You must forgive your spouse, no matter what she did for you.

You see, it is human to err, there is no perfect entity anywhere in the world, if you truly want happiness in your home, you must be ready to contain a lot of issues, insults, displeasure and offense, they will always happen, it takes time before two people get along easily with each other, it doesn’t happen all of a sudden, it takes some times.

If you want peace in your home, you will need to learn to forgive your wife, when she makes mistakes or hurt you, you can call her to order later, when everything as been settled, but at the sight of anger, disagreement, one person has to be foolish enough to settle and sort things out, this is how to make Peace, Joy and Happiness abound in your home, there is no perfect home anywhere, it takes understanding and forbearing each other for you to last long together.

If you notice your wife is deficient in a direction, you can help with materials, audio tapes, seminars, books to improve herself in that direction, but while she is still growing, forbear her, tolerate her, love her, forgive her, and this will give you great peace of mind in the marriage, and in turn your home will be full of marital bliss, I pray that God grant you the wisdom to drive the home successfully, Amen!!

By Matex

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