One amazing part about God is how that the word He speaks over our lives looks like a lie but then, in a short while the word manifest and reveal Him as TRUTH.
So many people have really lost count of what the Lord has said about them but today hear this THE PROMISES OF GOD ARE TRUE THAN OUR TRUTH
You are very free to laugh about God’s promises like Sarah did but never the less ISAAC came.

They are free to mock you and scold you; plot to kill you like the brothers of JOSEPH did. It does not matter, the eleven stars still bowed.
God’s promises don’t just attract the blessing, it attract mockers too.
God’s promises will make you fear and give up sometimes, yet it stirs your faith too.

There are four keys to provoke divine intervention. Anytime you need the quick intervention of heaven over a matter, do these four things and your life will change in a way that will surprise you:

It was the prayer of the saints that brought Peter out of prison. Paul and Silas prayed and sang and the chains broke and doors opened.Prayer can open doors and breaks chains. Regardless of what the situation is, please pray especially in the Spirit.
Prayer brings strange intervention.

Zephaniah 3:14-20):
Praise as an instrument of warfare blessing him in advance. Praise can work wonders. Praise him with a dance. You can cry but please still praise. Praise is one of the powerful ways to disgrace the devil. He expects you to be depressed and broken but you disgrace him by praise. You don’t praise God when things are going well, you praise him to make things go well. Ignore the thoughts of disappointment that come to your mind when you praise..Praise God and create your testimony.

Brothers and sisters, Everytime you are in a situation that only God can step in, having prayed, package a seed and speak to it.Give it an instruction and sow it. Do it with revelation and connect your faith on it as a sacrifice to provoke God’s intervention.

4. THE POWER OF PROPHECY(2Kings 7:1-8, Hosea 12:13):
Brothers and sisters, God still has anointed men he uses by the election of grace that he has put ancient possibilities in them. They may not look like it but Your own price is just to believe. When prophecies come, please just believe it.

So I encourage you today…
Feed on the promises of God.
Confess it and keep confessing until the results come.
And I declare and decree that no man or woman, not even you can stop the promises of God upon your life in Jesus name.

By Matex

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